VIDEO: 9-11 Ceremony @ Rye FD Locust Avenue HQ

The City of Rye held is annual September 11th Commemoration Ceremony on Sunday afternoon. For the second year in a row, the rain brought the ceremony inside the Rye Fire Department’s Locust Avenue headquarters.
The ceremony drew light crowds, but official remarks of remembrances and finding the light, finding good and coming together ring ever more true.
The ceremony included a blessing by Reverend and Rye FD Chaplain Andrea Raynor, followed by remarks by public officials Mayor Josh Cohn, State Senator Shelley Mayer, State Assemblyman Steve Otis, County Legislator Catherine Parker and County Executive George Latimer (all the officials are Rye residents except for Mayer).

Lieutenant Clyde Pitts of Rye FD read the names of those from Rye lost. Robin Latimer, Rye resident and wife of County Executive George Latimer sang God Bless America.
Never forget:
Thomas Crotty
Benjamin Fisher
Yugi Goya
W. Ward Haynes
Takashi Kinoshita
Gary E. Koecheler
Teddy Maloney
Francis N. McGuinn
Robert McLaughlin, Jr.
Christopher D. Mello
George W. Morell
Kevin Nolan
Sean Gordon O’Neill
Thomas A. Palazzo
Michael J. Simon
Allen V. Upton
A video playlist of the remarks follows: