Home Current Affairs Rye PD Commish Connors Absolved in Traffic Accident

Rye PD Commish Connors Absolved in Traffic Accident

Rye PD Commish Connors Absolved in Traffic Accident

Connors Report 

Rye Police Commissioner William Connors has been absolved in his recent traffic accident, according to a report released from the Westchester County Police. On February 1st Connors, while driving an unmarked car, struck a 14 year old student from Resurrection School. Theresa Juva at LoHud.com has the details.


  1. He is a good man and runs a good department (except for the embezzlement.) Thank God the child is o.k. but what happened was an accident. There could have been a crossing guard there, speed bumps, stop signs etc. if a person goes in front of a moving vehicle regardless of the person’s age – tragedies will happen.


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