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HomeCommunity GroupsRye Historical SocietyRye Historical Society Raises Over $126K at Swanky Shindig Gala

Rye Historical Society Raises Over $126K at Swanky Shindig Gala

From left to right: Allison Young, Vanessa Mayo, Jackie Jenkins, and Kendra Moran, Board ofTrustees members of the Rye Historical Society, with Board President Jackie Jenkins.
(PHOTO: L to R: Allison Young, Vanessa Mayo, Jackie Jenkins, and Kendra Moran, Board of
Trustees members of the Rye Historical Society, with Board President Jackie Jenkins.)

The Rye Historical Society’s 60th anniversary celebration raised $126,000 – more than $2,000 per year of existence at its Swanky Shindig Gala at Shenorock Shore Club on Sunday, June 16th.

Over 200 guests attended the gala, which honored Susan “Susie” Morison, a former Executive Director of the group. Attendees enjoyed an evening of dinner and dancing while celebrating the Rye Historical Society’s contributions to preserving Rye’s historical legacy.

Much of the funding will go towards supporting key projects, such as preservation of artifacts, community engagement, and educational programming.

State Assemblyman Steve Otis presents a Proclamation for long-standing service to the RyeHistorical Society and Rye community to Susie Morison.
(PHOTO: State Assemblyman Steve Otis presents a proclamation for long-standing service to the Rye
Historical Society and Rye community to Susie Morison.)

The theme of the gala was the 1960s. The event was decorated with oversized lanterns and colorful records to take guests back to the 60s. Guests themselves also contributed to the classical atmosphere, dressing in outfits mimicking Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy, James Bond, and Steve McQueen.

1964 is a critical year in Rye’s history, which played a part in the society’s decision to use a 60s theme. That year, Rye’s government relocated from the Square House to the current City Hall. This inspired a small group of citizens to renovate and repurpose the Square House, while simultaneously founding the Rye Historical Society. Sixty years later, and residents are still actively committed to preserving the rich history of Rye.


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