Subject: West Nile & Mosquitoes; Comments: Biting
At the Rye City Council meeting Monday night, Hen Island agitator Ray Tartaglione was at it again, and his comments were biting.
Tartaglione, known for his one-man band Hen Island antics with Mr. Floatie, charged locations in Rye have tested positive for West Nile virus according to his sources at the Westchester Department of Health. He was suggesting the City knew this and had not disclosed this fact. During the meeting Tartaglione refused to release any report or name his source inside the Westchester Health Department.
Tartaglione's vitrol included telling Rye Mayor Doug French "you are a disgusting individual who should be relieved of his position today" and then nailing the Rye City Manager with the comment "you are a liar Mr. Pickup."
Then today (Wednesday) Rye Mayor Doug French forwarded a report from the Westchester Department of Health detailing an inspection of Hen Island on July 19th where one batch of mosquitoes tested positive for West Nile virus (although most of the report says all other things for the most part are in order).
Mayor French said "As you may know, the City relies on the County DOH [Department of Health] — as most local municipal governments do — to provide the necessary expertise and guidance on health and environmental matters to ensure the safety of our residents and acts accordingly based on their directives. The complaints about sewage, potable water and mosquitoes were once again investigated by the County DOH and attached is the latest report. Please contact the County DOH directly should you need further information or have any questions." The report was conducted in response to a complaint filed. One would have to imagine it was Tartaglione who complained.
This report aligned with a report of 17 cases of West Nile found in June and July listed in the Westchester County web site; three of the cases are listed in Rye (exact locations are not named). Further, Rye Nature Center head Christene Siller told yesterday "Westchester County monitors several locations throughout the area for West Nile. Our site is one of several places in Rye where this monitoring occurs. There is no official report that I have been given by the County as to whether the Nature Center tested positive or not this year."
“a report of 17 cases of West Nile found in June and July listed in the Westchester County web site; three of the cases are listed in Rye”
Okay, so why does it matter who filed the complaint, whom Ray’s sources are, Ray’s position, the City’s position, Mayor French’s defense, YADA YADA YADA??????????
The report CLEARLY names Rye……
it doesn’t speak on the complaintiff, the Mayor, City Manager, Ray, inside sources, etc. etc.
The report speaks on WEST NILE VIRUS!!!!!
There is huge health risks involved here and all everyone wants to talk about is sources & Ray?????????
You have all clearly LOST YOUR WAY!!!
Mayor French along with the County Health Department once again is trying to make light of this situation and in many instances are lying to the public.
That report is filled with untruths and omissions. The funniest one is the Health Inspector’s failure to disclose that they had to barrow mosquito repellant from island workers because they could not conduct their testing due to the heavy mosquito infestation present in the area where they were testing.
The water storage compiled with the lack of maintenance on Hen Island encourages the breeding of Westchester County’s worst mosquito infestation in history. Anyone who has visited the Island could tell you about the horrific infestation.
Hen Island is a 25 acre mosquito breeding site located in the epicenter of Westchester County’s West Nile Virus test result area. All 17 positive test results in Westchester with the exception of one located in Tibbits Brook park in Yonkers were centrally located within 5 miles of Hen Island. Mosquitoes are capable of flying 25 miles but are known to fly on average of 5 miles from their breeding site.
Please watch the below video on how Rye’s Mayor French and the County Health Department headed by Rye’s ex City attorney Kevin Plunkett has been avoiding enforcement for Years. It’s still going on people and their actions are risking the lives of our children and seniors every day.
Ray, you still at this meritless cause? Here, a helpful link where you can help another community that could use you!
THE WIZARD OF OZ is looking for a group of 12 skilled dancers and singers engaged in an ongoing study of acting, music and/or dance to perform timeless classics such as “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead,” and help bring this national treasure to the Birmingham stage. The selected children will be from an existing group and will be based on the best overall group talent. No individual children and/or partial group will be selected nor allowed to audition.
Ray, your time to shine!
That’s two articles in a row on My Rye where Pickup is being accused of lying.
Make note of Mayor French laughing and Deputy Mayor Jovanovich making jokes during the presentation. It appears that they both think this issue is funny. The residents of Rye may want to make their own determination on how Mayor French, Deputy Mayor Jovanovich and City manager Pickup are protecting the health and safety of the public by watching this portion of the City Council meeting dealing with West Nile Virus.
Every summer day, hundreds of unsuspecting children, parents and grandparents all, boat, swim, sail and play at camps and clubs on Milton Point and throughout Rye. Shenorock and Coveleigh Shore Club, American Yacht Club, the Rye Nature Center, The Rye Golf Club and the Green Haven home-owners association beach are all located less than a 1/2 mile from Hen Island. Mosquitoes typically travel up to 5 miles from their breeding grounds depending on wind speeds and wind direction.
Hen Island is located at the mouths of Mamaroneck’s and Rye’s harbors and it is municipally regulated by the City of Rye. Last month Westchester reported the first positive test results confirming WNV countywide were found in Mamaroneck. A few days later, test samples pulled from Hen Island revealed WNV infected mosquito larva out there.
For over 60 years Rye has permitted the 34 cottage home’s on Hen Island to ignore state and federal health laws requiring residents to be connected to either potable municipal water sources (already available to the island) or to approved water wells they could drill.
For over sixty years Rye officials have also allow Island residents to fill in vacant areas of the island with debris that has floated in over the winter, leaves that have fallen from trees and left over construction material thus creating acres and acres of breeding sites on the island. Even though Mayor French, City manager Pickup and the Health Department are aware of these issues Hen Island remains exempt from regulations despite its shorelines being only 450 feet away from Rye’s wealthy Green-Haven and Milton Point sections.
Politically motivated public safety denial and delay in a waterside community?
Hmm. Now where did I see that before…?
Ahh – that’s it –
@Jay Sears
“This report aligned with a report of 17 cases of West Nile found in June and July listed in the Westchester County web site; three of the cases are listed in Rye (exact locations are not named).”
This statement is misleading. There have been NO reported cases of WNV in Westchester. What has been reported is that there are 17 different locations in Westchester were WNV has been detected in mosquitos. Big difference. The question everyone should be asking the BOH is how could WNV be so pervasive in Westchester’s mosquito population mean while no Westchester resident has reported falling ill to WNV infection. How could that be?
Maybe the city’s attorney can get to the bottom of this…
Should we wait for this level here in Rye:
We can only hope this doesn’t send Suzanna Keith packing for a trip back to Rye!!!
Let’s see, within the city govt there is a movement to put sharrows on Forest Avenue to prevent “unpleasant and potentially life-threatening encounters,” before they happen.
Yet, the city is (it seems) doing little to prevent the unpleasant and potentially life-threatening encounters Rye residents could have with WNV infected mosquitos, before that happens.
What’s the difference?
August 8th – “Further, Rye Nature Center head Christene Siller told yesterday “Westchester County monitors several locations throughout the area for West Nile. Our site is one of several places in Rye where this monitoring occurs. There is no official report that I have been given by the County as to whether the Nature Center tested positive or not this year.””
Seeing the above – and Ms. Siller’s similar comments in the Rye Sound Shore Review I wrote to her on August 9th with the following:
New York State Laboratory test results issued on July 30th (and that’s over a week prior by my count) for The Rye Nature Center for West Nile Virus showed the following:
Collected on July 8th – positive for Culex pipiens-restuans – pool 20
Collected on July 17th – positive for Culex pipiens-restuans – pool 55
Collected on July 17th – positive for Culex pipiens-restuans – pool 10
Collected on July 18th – positive for Culex pipiens-restuans – pool 60
Collected on July 18th – positive for Culex pipiens-restuans – pool 40
I believe Ms. Siller was kept totally in the dark – as were the parents of the young children attending her day camp last week. This is shameful behavior by Rye City Hall.
If the county can provide these results to concerned private citizens by Friday August 3rd – why can’t our corrupt local government AT LEAST protect the most vulnerable among us – the very young and the very old – on a similar timetable?
Jim Amico,
Seems a little disingenuous that a man who makes his living in an industry that kills 1 in 6000 people would be horrified about the 1 in a million chance of being killed by West Nile. Why don’t we ban cars from Westchester first before we move on to much lesser threats?
BTW, most of the 17 sites that tested positive for WNV are within 5 miles of Bob Schubert’s stagnant pond. Hmmmmm…… What’da say about that tedc? Is Bob Schubert’s pond ground zero?
In an area where West Nile occurs, the longer you’re exposed to biting mosquitoes and the higher the concentration or number of mosquitoes at the location, the higher your chances are of acquiring the virus.
Hen Island is Westchester’s highest concentration of mosquito infestation. Those mosquitoes increase the exposure rate of Rye residents tremendously.
“We” (Rye residents) should not have to do anything. The City should issue violations, compel the Island owners and stockholders to remove the 33,000 gallons of roof collected bird feces infected, standing, stagnant water, drill wells or connect to city water, clean the acres and acres for mosquito breeding grounds where Islanders have been depositing leaves and debris that has washed ashore every year for the past 60. (The aforementioned should and will be their own expense)
PS. The Schubert pond is an easy fix (mosquito dunks) and all the other ponds that Mrs. Parker was speaking about at the last city Council meeting are also not factors as the fish eat the larvae. . Let me know when I should start to convert my shop to horse stables. I would not want to be stuck with all that unnecessary equipment.
Johnj – Schubert’s Pond is now almost entirely salt water – changed twice a day at high tide. Mosquitoes don’t breed in salt water. The previously vigorous fresh water stream diverted subsurface by the deep illegal backhoe excavations in the Gates’ upstream backyard wetland no longer feeds it more than a trickle. I got 50 years of history with the site so don’t bother with any more spinning.
No spin. According to yourself, a trickle of fresh water is constantly entering Shubert’s Pond. According to the BOH a cup of untreated fresh water breeds thousands of mosquitos and I’m sure it’s more than a trickle after one of the downpours we’ve experienced lately. So don’t try and spin it. There is untreated standing water in Shubert’s pond and right at ground zero of the 17 reported sites. I’m sure a walk down Forest Avenue at dusk on a nice hot,still humid day at dusk would be all the evidence I need.
Mr. Tartaglione,
The industry you chose to make a living kills one in 6000 people. All anyone has to do is think about how many people they personally know who have been killed in car accidents to prove my point. Everyone knows someone who has died from , or has been seriously injured by a car. I personally know at least 4 who have been killed and scores who have been hurt. As Peter Lynch once said, “the market is right in front of your face” and it is true with the market of death as it is with the stock market. Be truthful, do you know of anyone who has died or has been infected with WNV? I personally know of no one who has died from WNV or been infected by it and I know of no one who knows someone who has been infected by WNV. Stop the fear mongering and start acting like an adult.
BTW – Who shall we credit for the conditions of the late Bob Schubert’s pond…..hmmmmmmmm????
Ted is right, my bad, I forgot about the tide factor at Schubert’s pond. And the answer to your question is yes I do.
My question for you is, why is Rye always the leader for positive test results in Westchester year after year? Should Mayor French and City manager Pickup be looking a little closer at this problem? Should 33 selfish Hen Island residents be allowed to raise risk factors for 15000 Rye residents? Do you live on Hen Island. If you don’t why would you not want to help make risk factors as low as possible.
Maybe you can bring your fear mongering argument to this group of people that I have been involved with for a few years now. It is called West Nile Survivors and Supporters. See how you make out with them.
Did you find the video upsetting?
Jim Amico,
You too are in the auto body industry, are you not? Ever question how deadly and dangerous cars are while you put them back together after they’ve been involved in a crash ? I think someone in your line of work see mosre crashed cars then most. Why aren’t you not outraged about the dangers of autos like you are about West Nile? How could anyone who works in the auto body business “have a knot in their gut” about WNV as they put their daughter IN A CAR to drive her to the doctors?
Mr. Tartaglione,
The reason you forgot about the tide tedc mentioned is because tedc is lying. You guys can’t keep your story straight. Remember when Bob Schubert told the Council that the only time salt water washed into his pond was on unusually high moon tides? Remember that? I’m sure you and tedc do remember that but that wouldn’t be good in defense of your argument. Bob Schubert informed us about that a couple years back but that doesn’t fit your narrative now. Remember when he said that the unusually high moon tides was no where near enough water to keep his pond full of water because of how infrequent it occurred? So now a constant trickle of fresh water flows into the pond, a perfect breeding ground for mosquitos.
BTW, if you were such good friends with Mrs. Schubert and cared for her so much, why didn’t you already advise her to put mosquito dunks in her pond BEFORE WNV showed up or did you just use the Schuberts for your own agenda and forgot to keep in touch?
JohnJ- Your argument has zero merit. Everyone on this site uses cars. Because Tartaglione owns a towing business, body and mechanic shop does not mean he does not have standing to advocate for this cause. Let’s stay on point instead of accepting your distracting arguments.
Standing water creates the breeding ground for mosquitos. West Nile has been found on Hen Island where there is A LOT of standing water- 33,000 gallons claims Tartaglione. The City of Rye needs to issue the appropriate violations and proactively get Westchester County to work WITH the City of Rye to 1) get rid of the water, and 2) create a solution which provides adequate water and sewage disposal.
Drilling wells or running pipes seem to be two possibilities. And the best part is, the City of Rye wouldn’t have to pay a single penny- the 34 cottage owners would pay the bill. BTW, only 2 percent of Hen Islanders have a primary residence in Rye. These people, including Tartaglione, aren’t even from our City!
According to Councilman Jovanovich- and his publisher wife Robin- we need to save the trees– yet they own a newspaper business, which distributes to 9,000 households in addition to stores and business and 500 out of town subscribers. That’s a lot of paper. Does this mean the Jovanovichs don’t have a right to support the tree ordinance proposed by EAGR (whether you disagree with it or not)?
I read the Hen Island report on the According to the BOH only 4 cottages had mosquito larvae in their tanks which means only 4000 gallons on untreated water exist on Hen Island. Bob Schubert’s pond has at leat 10 times that much and that is just one example. The problem with Mr. Tartaglione’s argument is that he hasn’t reached out to an entomologist to find out if it’s possible that Hen Island is NOT the cause of the mosquito infestation. There’s alot more land with hundreds of thousands of gallons of untreated water surrounding Hen Island and to blame 4000 gallons of water on Hen Island for Westchester’s WNV outbreak is absolute moronic and totally disingenuous.
In 2003 I contacted Clark Mosquito Control Corporation. They inspected the Island three different times. I asked them to address the 33 homeowners from Hen Island at our annual meeting in April of the following season. Clark Mosquito Control is the same company that Westchester County contracted with @ the height of the WNV epidemic in 2001. The Board of directors would not let their expert speak to the membership. This mosquito control expert drove over four hours to attend our stockholders meeting only to be turned away by the Hen Island Board of Directors. You must remember that meeting.
Let’s be real; you didn’t read the report on Rye, you read it because it was forwarded to you and because you are a member of the board on Hen Islander maybe your uncle is the president. If you are a full time resident from Rye your name must be Volpe, the Mayor’s neighbor from Meadow Place that would like to see enforcement avoided right along with Dougie Dolittle.
Speaking of Dougie Dolittle you can watch him in this clip. “His silence is golden” Maybe because he was the one that received the call from the County and he was the one trying to keep the West Nile report suppressed.
Mr. Tartaglione,
So I guess we can blame the disappearance of the lobsters in LI Sound on Clark Mosquito Control? I always wondered what dumbass came up with the idea of spraying all of Westchester County with Perithrin from crop dusters. No wonder your board didn’t let them speak.
It would be very convenient for you and would fit nicely into your myopic view of the world if I was Mayor French’s neighbor or another Hen Island shareholder but, I think you’d be surprised how many other people in Rye have caught on to your schtick.
Your comparisons are pathetic at best!!!
I am going to ask you the same question I ask all of you BS’ers…do you get rid of your cars with every fender bender or do you have them repaired???
I got this great idea. I’m a mosquito expert and run a big corporation like Clark Mosquito Control. If we just load up a bunch of crop dusters with a couple million gallons of a non-selective insecticide like Sevin or Perithrin we could spray (drown) all of Westchester County with insecticide and kill all those mosquito bastards. Don’t worry, the fish life and all the other insects that will be killed are a small price to pay to kill a mosquito that hasn’t killed a single human being in 2011 or 2012. Yeah, that’s the ticket, that’s why they pay me the big bucks to be a mosquito expert.
Jim Amico,
Just to set the record straight, do you think it is more dangerous to let your daughter get into a car or go outside to play in Rye at dusk?
Once again you are wrong. Clark mosquito’s first recommendations were to remove the standing water and clean up the acres and acres of the Island where residents deposited debris for years. The last undertaking in any comprehensive control program is to spray. Now you are starting to sound like Dougie Doolittle. “Mr. Pickup are they allowed to spray on the Island?” “Hen Island campsites” I can see you didn’t watch the excerpts from the video.
Interesting, I haven’t met anyone yet that defended the Island unless they have some type of connection to the City administration or owns a home on the Island. I guess the people you know will be the first. Maybe you can have them call me. If not to talk, maybe we can service their vehicle; we do have loner cars available. 914-948-1100 M-F 9-5 Interesting that no one is using their real name here except Jim and I. If you are so sure of your facts, let’s put your name to it.
As I was falling asleep, I remembered that I didn’t address your comment about the Schubert’s.
I do keep in touch with Rita Schubert and on a regular basis. Bob Schubert and I did fight a similar battle about enforcement failure, only I have much more time than he did and he often told me that.
Bob Schubert was one of the strongest men I have ever met. He knew what it meant not to give up. He practiced it throughout his whole life. In his personal life, in his business life, when he fought the City defending the destruction that they allowed in his own backyard from his politically connected neighbors the Gate’s and in his most important battle, when he fought for our freedom during the war. Bob’s son and grandson are presently defending our Country today because of who he was and who he made them.
Very few had the courage to address the City on his issue. Those who did, didn’t do it loud enough. Although the truth did finally come out in sworn court ordered depositions, it was too late.
Bob in the last years of his life was tortured, criminally charged and prosecuted by the very people that are elected to protect us and our property. Thanks to Rita and the Family, Bob was honored at the cemetery in a private military ceremony, the likes that I have never seen before. It was very moving.
The entire City of Rye should be ashamed and embarrassed of the way two City administrations treated this WW II hero. The below link is my tribute to Bob Schubert after his passing and my address to Mayor French about the way the City of Rye handled the Schubert matter.
You worry about your kids and I will worry about mine.
The Rye Y is taking their campers to the Rye Nature Center today.
Wht don’t you send your kids!!!
BTW – How about answering my question….what do you do with your cars after an accident????
I feel Rye is being conned by a bunch of con artists. I listened to johnl and read the Hen Island report on the website. The report, while hard to read because it’s not typed, reveals that Hen Island has very little standing water on it. The residents of Hen Island, according to the BOH, didn’t even have a Solo cup of standing water lying around, not even a gutter with standing water in it. I don’t think I could even say the same for my own home. There were, as johnl said, 4 cottages with mosquito larvae but it doesn’t seem to me to be enough to form the catalyst for a West Nile outbreak in Westchester. I think Mr. Tartaglione is lying to us. I think he’s making this stuff up to further his agenda. I also believe the BOH would take WNV very seriously if they thought someone was at risk considering the amount of attention Mr. Tartaglione is giving this issue. I think Mr. Tartaglione is a con artist.
Unbiased Observer,
You don’t seem to be unbiased to me. You are using some powerful words. “conned by a bunch of con artists””I think Mr. Tartaglione is lying to us” “I think he’s making this stuff up to further his agenda.” I think Mr. Tartaglione is a con artist.”
How about you view the following link that surly does not back up your statements.
Can you tell me what my agenda is? Is it to buy the Island, is it to develop the Island or is it to have the city pay for sewer lines? Just what is my agenda?
Unbiased BS’er,
Maybe you need a visit to Hen Island!!!
I can assure you Ray is no Con Artist…I have been out there and I took my own pictures and I was there with 4 other witnesses and we all left in complete disbelief that people could actually treat something so beautiful in this manner!!!
Mr, Tartaglione,
Strong Words? On you’ll find that a synonym for “con artist” is “scammer”. If you look up “scam” you’ll see the definition is “a stratagem for gain; a swindle”. If you look up “stratagem” you’ll find it’s definition is “A clever, often underhanded scheme for achieving an objective”. Well, if you read the BOH report on, the BOH interpretation/description of what is going on out on Hen Island is nowhere near yours. You seem quick to declare the island should be closed even tho the report says only 4 cottages out there had mosquito larvae which is nowhere near your claimed amount of 33,000 gallons of untreated water. You seem to be quick to want to close the island instead of fixing 4 cottages. Doesn’t that sound a little suspicious? Wouldn’t it be so easier to fix the 4 cottages water problems instead of wanting to close the island until wells are dug or city water is brought in. Lets see, is it easier to simply fix 4 cottages’ untreated standing water problems OR drill wells/run city water to Hen Island? Doesn’t that sound absurd or is it part of an scheme to obtain an objective? It seems like a no brainer to me which solution is simpler. YOU DON’T EVEN CONSIDER FIXING THE 4 PROBLEMS? You’ve never even mentioned the possibility of fixing the 4 cottages that the BOH mentioned. Absurd, right?
You also claim Hen Island is the epicenter of the WNV outbreak. According to the BOH report, that couldn’t be true. There isn’t enough untreated water out there according to the BOH but you were quick to declare the city should shut Hen Island down! Your claim about Hen Island’s role in all of this also seems so absurd that anyone with half a brain knows you’re full of it. You have an agenda and in your scheming mind there is no other solution but what you want because that is the end game. Fixing the 4 cottages are not even an option in your mind. Very suspicious.
A little something about the BOH report. You can’t just pick and choose which “facts” from the report you like. If you like the fact that WNV was found in mosquitos on Hen Island then you can’t throw out the rest of the report and claim the inspectors are corrupt and politically connected to Mayor French or some other wild ass theory du jour you keep coming up with. So, according to the report there are only 4 problems out there which I assume are easily fixable.
You’re a liar. You told Laura Brett the other night at the Council meeting that the only way to treat standing water is with mosquito dunks. You said there was no other way. Laura almost laughed in your face. I , personally, would not even think of using mosquito dunks for sterilizing water. Every one knows , and probably uses, household bleach to keep water clean. Just ask any pool owner. That statement was a blatant lie by yourself and a statement that I thought was indicative of all the statements you’ve made in the past 4 years . If you’ll try to claim something everyone knows is a lie I wonder what you’d lie about that people don’t know about?
I stand by my words.
So, I guess you admit you are not an unbiased observer!
I said to close the Island till the problems were fixed. By no means do I want the Island closed permanently.
So let’s talk about twisting words and agendas. Didn’t the Island Board of Directors advise homeowners to use mosquito dunks in the same water tanks that they use for household water?
You can treat ponds with fish that eat larva, you can seal the tanks but seal means air tight and if they are air tight how do you get the water into them and out of it when you need it? How do you make the leaders and gutters air tight? You can treat tanks with bleach and pool shock or even add oil but bleach, pool shock and oil is not acceptable for household water uses. Anyone knows that after you come out of the pool with chlorine, you take a shower. Can you tell me how much bleach I should use in my water before the kids take a shower? Should they use the one that has the lemon smell or the uncented? Should I dry them with bounce or just let them drip dry? If I should to add oil to the tanks should I use synthetic or should I stay with the conventional 10-30 weight for heavy summer driving conditions? How about washing your dishes with chlorinated water that you have no idea of the amount added to the water or how about if I just keep a mixture of tooth paste, bird turd and chlorine in a jar by the bathroom sink. Can you see how foolish, what you expect people to do is? You have been doing it so long, you think it’s OK and you are sounding like the hillbilly that was posting on this site last week. It was a good move not to use your real name.
The health department report is backing you up and that what makes them “corrupt, politically motivated and an insult to my intelligence”. What they are allowing to take place on that Island is criminal. The handwriting is on the wall and the public is not stupid even though the Mayor thinks they are.
Nowhere in Westchester County is this allowed, why here? What you want to do does not meet the code. You can’t add contaminants to domestic water. Here is a link to the Rye City code that Rye refuses to enforce. The County code is very similar. Read it and weep. This is what the Health Department is saying is Ok. You are a joke and so are they. Sweet dreams, I am going to bed neighbor.
I forgot to address the con artist comment.
On you’ll find that a synonym for “con artist” is “scammer”. If you look up “scam” you’ll see the definition is “a stratagem for gain; a swindle”. If you look up “stratagem” you’ll find it’s definition is “A clever, often underhanded scheme for achieving an objective”.
“Unbiased Observer” was this a name you used as “A clever, underhanded scheme for achieving an objective” into making people believe that you have no involvement in Hen Island or the City administration? Who is the real con artist?
Mr. Tartaglione,
So the BOH will allow pool owners the right to self chlorinate their pools but you have no idea what the right level of chlorine is in your cistern? The BOH says it’s OK to swim in the sh*t but Hen Islanders can’t wash dishes with it? You just can’t help yourself from scamming people and lying to them , can you? Ever realize that the city drinking water has bird feces in in too? You think the city drinking water doesn’t have duck, fish , geese and dog sh*t in it? You’re kidding yourself. Where do you think the water comes from? Some sealed container in the Catskills? You may be the ignorant hillbilly around here, not me. Ever see the amount of geese, ducks and swans that sh*t in our reserviors? Take a trip to one of them and educate yourself. Why do you think the city’s water tastes like pool water? Because it had bacteria in it until they killed it with chlorine. You can’t make this sh*t up.
Here is a website to help your ignorant ass out …
it’s so easy even an 8 YO cub scout can do it. If that is too far over your head to understand, just disconnect your cistern from your home on Hen Island. That’ll do the trick.
Mr. Unbiased Observer,
I don’t swim in my cistern nor do I know anyone who does with the exception of the three, hot, hillbilly sisters from Petticoat Junction. Did you mean to say “the cement pond” when you said swimming pool? Sorry my bad, I mixed up the Beverly Hillbillies with Petticoat Junction.
You do remember Billy Jo, Betty Jo and Bobby Jo? Maybe you are confused and thought this is Hooterville. Get real this is Rye NY and this is 2012. Does the cistern in this video from Hen Island remind you of the one at the Shady Rest Hotel?
Addressing your comment referencing “sealed container in the Catskills” can you tell me if the water from the Catskills is treated at the local water treatment plant before it enters you house or do the birds sneak into the water lines, sh*t and then sneak out?
Responding to your comments, is like responding to Dougie Doolittle’s, if it wasn’t for the information exposure factor it would be a total waste of time. So you keep asking and I will keep responding.
You forgot to address my con artist question and you also forgot to tell me your preference of scent, that should be used when washing the children and type of motor oil, I should use in my water tanks.
@Mr. Tartaglione
I think Unbiased Observer is on to something. You said it was an easy fix to rid the Schubert’s pond of mosquitos , just use mosquito dunks, while you never proposed an easy fix for the 4 cottages that the BOH cited for mosquito larvae. Why is that? I’m also interested in why you demanded the island be closed instead of demanding the 4 cottages be fixed.
I’m also interested in why you don’t just disconnect your cistern from your home on Hen Island or just drain it. As Unbiased Observer said, that would eliminate the chance of using the water.
Your story is becoming very hard to believe. I think Unbiased Observer is making some very valid points.
WNV Season Has Only Begun – From The National Library of Medicine
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
West Nile virus was first identified in 1937 in Uganda in eastern Africa. It was first discovered in the United States in the summer of 1999 in NEW YORK. Since then, the virus has spread throughout the United States.
The West Nile virus is a type of virus known as a flavivirus. Researchers believe West Nile virus is spread when a mosquito bites an infected bird and then bites a person.
Mosquitos carry the highest amounts of virus in the early fall, which is why the rate of the disease increases in late August to early September. The risk of disease decreases as the weather becomes colder and mosquitos die off.
Although many people are bitten by mosquitos that carry West Nile virus, most do not know they’ve been exposed. Few people develop severe disease or even notice any symptoms at all. Risk factors for developing a more severe form of West Nile virus include:
•Conditions that weaken the immune system, such as HIV, organ transplants, and recent chemotherapy – Older or very young age – Pregnancy
Mild disease, generally called West Nile fever, may cause some or all of the following symptoms:
•Abdominal pain – Diarrhea – Fever – Headache – Lack of appetite – Muscle aches – Nausea – Rash – Sore throat – Swollen lymph nodes – Vomiting
These symptoms usually last for 3 – 6 days.
More severe forms of disease, which can be life threatening, may be called West Nile encephalitis or West Nile meningitis, depending on what part of the body is affected. The following symptoms can occur, and need prompt attention:
•Confusion or change in ability to think clearly – Loss of consciousness or coma – Muscle weakness – Stiff neck – Weakness of one arm or leg
Because this illness is not caused by bacteria, antibiotics do not help treat West Nile virus infection. Standard hospital care may help decrease the risk of complications in severe illness.
Expectations (prognosis)
In general, the outcome of a mild West Nile virus infection is excellent.
For patients with severe cases of West Nile virus infection, the outlook is more uncertain. West Nile encephalitis or meningitis may lead to brain damage and death. Approximately 10% of patients with brain inflammation do not survive.
Complications from mild West Nile virus infection are very rare and include:
•Brain damage – Permanent muscle weakness (sometimes similar to polio) – Death
Calling your health care provider
Call your health care provider if you have symptoms of West Nile virus infection, especially if you may have had contact with mosquitos. If you are severely ill, go to an emergency room.
If you have been bitten by an infected mosquito, there is no treatment to avoid getting West Nile virus infection. People in good general health generally do not develop a serious illness, even if they are bitten by an infected mosquito.
The best way to prevent West Nile virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites.
•Use mosquito-repellant products containing DEET
•Wear long sleeves and pants
•Drain pools of standing water, such as trash bins and plant saucers (mosquitos breed in stagnant water)
Community spraying for mosquitos may also prevent mosquito breeding.
So Obvious Unbiased Observers like Peter Jovanovich and Mayor French Kissing A Bear’s Ass would make comments like the ones being posted here…
Mayor Mike Rawlings has declared a state of emergency in Dallas over the spread of West Nile virus. He also requested that Dallas County and the state provide aerial pesticide spraying in the city to control mosquitoes that spread the virus.
The virus has claimed 10 lives in Dallas County. Five of those were Dallas residents. Many of those who died were in frail health and had underlying medical conditions.
“I think this is the right thing to do. I cannot have any more deaths on my conscience because we didn’t take action,” Rawlings said.
The city has seen 111 reported infections that caused 65 hospitalizations. The majority of reported cases have been the more serious neuro-invasive strain of the virus.
“The evidence is very compelling that it is time to expand on mosquito control efforts in our region,” said Richardson Mayor Bob Townsend in a statement. “Health leaders from government agencies at the federal, state and local level, and third party medical groups all support expanded action to limit the risks to people from contracting this potentially deadly disease.”
This was sent to me by a friend of mine who is a Deputy Mayor in one of the larger Cities out west. They have been watching the Rye City administration and the Westchester Health Department’s actions on WNV from afar in horror and amazement.
Look at the numbers from Texas last year. They are even lower than ours. But no problem everyone should listen to the Mayor, and the Hen Islanders.
Mr. Tartaglione,
I see you have your butt boys out on misinformation patrol again. I ‘m LMAO at the the insinuation that since Dallas has a problem we have a problem too. “Dallas, we have a problem”, sorry, had to say that. . Those Hen Island mosquitos sure do fly far! I appreciate your mode of operation to create panic first ,then hope the West Nile Virus epidemic matches the level of panic created. I have to admit, since 9/11 the American public is susceptible to that strategy. They fall for it every time. Remember the swine flu “epidemic” just last year? Lots of panic first, then nada. Bravo to you sir and your cohorts for your efforts on raising the panic level to a frenzy! When are you going to start demanding Mayor French start spraying? Tomorrow?
BTW, your Deputy Mayor friend out west should be worried about his own city before he starts looking our way. They have a water problem, drought problem, heat problem and a WNV problem and it’s hard to believe anyone out there is looking to the northeast in horror. What’s his name? I’d like to send him an email to find out if you’re telling the truth.
P.S. Gotta love the fact that you didn’t turn over that BOH report to the Council the other night. It showed that your agenda is more important to you than Rye’s health.
In the race to see what causes more danger to your health I submit this for your viewing pleasure.|newswell|text|Frontpage|s&nclick_check=1
Car crashes – 1
WNV – 0
You still have failed to address my con artist question and you also failed to tell me your preference of scent, that should be used when washing the children and type of motor oil, I should use in my water tanks.
You’re BS and your motives have been exposed. What is paramount here is the obvious fact that you are not confident enough in your opinion to confront me publicly and use your real name. So instead of dazzling us with your brilliance you try to baffle us with your BS.
You Hen Islanders spent over a half a million dollars in legal fees trying to avoid code compliance in the last few years. So far I was able to have the entire Island inspected for electrical systems that were installed without permits, I was able to have you remove over 15000 pounds of illegally stored propane, you can no longer burry your garbage on the Island and you have to remove the 40 foot $90,000.00 wall that you built illegally along the shoreline. We are pretty close and should be done with the sewage, potable water, and Mosquito issues soon. Save your breath and your money. Instead of using your money on lawyers you could have spent the money fixing the problems and still had some change left over for a hamburger. Now you wasted you money on lawyers and eventually you are going have to pay again to fix the problems. I would be pi*s also if I were you.
Mr. Tartaglione,
I gave you facts. No BS. No con job. Just facts like the BOH report, Boy Scout procedures and the fact that you don’t want any other solution to the 4 cottages with standing water on Hen Island but your agenda. You’re obsessed with who I am. Con artists attack people to try and divert attention away from their ideas. That is what you do. You’ve done it for so long. You’ve attacked EVERYONE personally that hasn’t agreed with you and I’m sure if I gave you my name you’d attack me personally. That’s what you do. Everyone in Rye is on to your act.
Anyway, looks like Bill Gates would agree with what is going on on Hen Island now. Take a look. Are you gonna attack him too?
BTW, Here’s your beloved sewer system in action…..
When are we going to stop using sewers and save the planet for our kids? Oh, that’s right, you don’t have any kids so why worry about it?
Car crashes – 1
WNV – 0
So, what I take from you is that we should wait for Rye to turn into Dallas????????
We should ignore the “positive” West Nile results and proceed with life as if it doesn’t exist here in Rye?
We shouldn’t address it?
When a child is injured or “KILLED” on our streets we should wait for it to “REOCCUR” before addressing the problem???
And when our cars are banged up we should sell them rather than fix them?
Oh, by the way….what “DO YOU DO” when your car is in need of repairs????
For those who are interested in sustainable living practices take a look at this. It’s right here in Westchester.
I’m done talking with these immature fear mongers.
Also take a look at the Hen Island Report on and make your own decisions. Not sure you want to trust the opinion of a man who posted pictures of the City Council sitting on toilet bowls on the side of a van and then proceeded to park it around town for everyone to see.
Should they take the word of someone who is one of the 33 selfish homeowners that have been subjecting Rye residents to exposure of sewage and West Nile Virus for years? It’s not about money, you people spent a half of million dollars on legal fees “not fix the problems”. That was a great move. It reminds me of Fredo’s line from the Godfather. (I’m Smart)
How about they make their own decisions rather than listen to your BS about how the systems for water and sewage are working on Hen Island. The world is not stupid, it is just you, the Mayor and a select few, who think they are.
I have to say it again; “Interesting, I haven’t met anyone yet that defended the Island unless they have some type of connection to the City administration or owns a home on the Island.” Sounds like you have a vested interest in both.
“I’m done talking with these immature fear mongers.”
We shouldn’t be in fear of West Nile?
What should we do, embrace it, invite it into our lives?
Ray’s tactics have zero to do with the facts he presents….you must be a Rye Political – your more interested in “shooting the messenger” than fixing the problem!!!
Jim Amico,
“Ray’s tactics have zero to do with the facts he presents.”
What “facts” are you talking about? Ray’s “facts” or independent facts like from the BOH?
“your more interested in “shooting the messenger” than fixing the problem!!!”
Describe “the problem” Hen Islander’s are supposed to fix.
“We shouldn’t be in fear of West Nile?
What should we do, embrace it, invite it into our lives?”
No, and No.
It’s funny Jim, you don’t think twice about getting in a car, embracing the car and inviting it to your life, or putting your daughter in a car, when the odds are 1 in 6000 that you will be killed in a car BUT you fear a threat that is a 1 in a million chance of killing you. It’s called irrational fear and you have a bad case of it. Maybe you should see a doctor and see if it’s curable.
You’re drinking the kool aid and have become a loyal soldier of Mr. Tartaglione’s agenda.
Would rather look at a van with a picture of Mayor French taking a dump on a toilet bowl then defend Mayor French, a man who can’t tell you the time without lying, and who dumps all over Rye by cheating on his taxes and running honest employees out of city hall.
And speaking of “Butt Boys”, where is all the coverage on these local stories from Peter Jovanovich’s paper of record?
Here are the facts from a 20 + year member of the Westchester County Board of Health (a non political agency not controlled by politicians). It addresses sewage, potable water and a mosquito infestation on Hen Island.
Jim Amico,
What’s the matter Jim, not allowed to post the “facts” or the “problem” on your own? Are you not allowed to be your own man? Are you scammers coordinating posts on myrye? Do you guys discuss who posts what, when and what to say? Does the big Kahuna ever tell you what to post via email or text messages? Have you guys ever used the telephone to coordinate your propaganda? Actually, don’t bother answering because I already know the answer.
Hmmm… let see, Freedom of Association? Freedom of association is the individual right to come together with other individuals and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests. A concept that was upheld as part of our First Amendment rights and one that was instrumental during the Civil Rights movement in America.
Damn those Founding Fathers… and those troublemakers like MLK Jr. who wanted to be treated equally by their government. If only all the press were like the Peter Jovanovich’s Rye Record, nobody would know about this pesky little thing called Freedom.
Silly Biased Participant, can’t win can you?
your comparing a means of transportation to the West Nile???
you say I need a Doctor???
Planes, Trains, & Automobiles are a way of life, for most it is a necessity.
West Nile is a disease and can be deadly….it is not a way of life and it is most definitely not a necessity!!!
Mayor French,
The little game you play with the County called code enforcement avoidance surely protects the health and safety of Rye residents.
I guess this poor guy was that 1 in a million that “UNBIASED” spoke of… thanks, I will stick with my fear!!!
I thought you might be interested in this letter that I sent to the President of Hen Island this morning. Like the City they are also trying to keep the positive test results a secret.
Keep in mind that in 2009 the City of Rye issued a two page violation notice putting them on notice about the mosquito infestation and other maintenance issues on the Island that also contribute to the acres of mosquito breeding grounds. But if your Doug French’s neighbor on Meadow Place you can get a free pass even if it means increasing the risk factors for contracting West Nile Virus in Rye. You can’t make this stuff up!!
Mr. Minard,
I address this e-mail to you as President of Kuder Island Colony Inc. Please consider this correspondence as official notice requesting remediation and the advisement to those affected.
On July 19th Hen Island was tested for West Nile Virus. On August 8th you were notified in writing that the test results showed positive for the presents of West Nile. As of this date, August 19th 2012 there has been no communication to the residents of Hen Island addressing the issue. Your failure to notify those concerned and to act to minimize the West Nile threat is what has prompted this e-mail.
Although the City of Rye and the County of Westchester is trying to make light of the findings and is cooperating with the Island to avoid and negate enforcement, you have a responsibility to inform the home owners on Hen Island along with others within a close proximity to the Island.
Please be advised this is a serious health risk that also affects thousands of residents in the surrounding communities. American Yacht Club, Shenorock Shore Club, The Coveleigh Club, The Greenhaven Homeowners Assoc. Beach, and the Rye Golf Club are all located less than a ¼ mile from the shores of Hen Island. Most of the aforementioned hold day camps for hundreds of children and programs for many of the community’s senior citizens. Your actions and inaction’s are directly affecting the health, safety and welfare of thousands on a daily basis. Should you believe that this threat is not serious, I direct your attention to the below linked group that I have been a member for some time now. It is called West Nile Virus Survivors and Supporters.
As you are aware Hen Island is home to Westchester County’s worst mosquito infestation. Every home on Hen Island illegally stores hundreds and sometimes thousands of gallons of water for domestic use. In addition, for years the high reed areas of the Island have been used as a dump site for debris that has washed ashore over the winter and during the summer. Trees that have been cut and pruned have been stored throughout the Island. Each one of these actions encourages the breeding of millions of mosquitoes. All of the above has been officially documented in a Westchester County investigation from 2007 and/or a City of Rye violation notice issued to Kuder Island on April 8th 2009. The City of Rye specifically addressed the mosquito infestation and put the Island on notice about their concerns as did the County report. To this date no actions have been taken to address any of the health and safety issues.
Please understand that “time is of the essence” and action has to be undertaken immediately on many fronts. I await your response.
Ray Tartaglione
And still the scammers continue scamming.
This was Mayor French’s response to the Rye Sound Shore Review;
“The ongoing complaints about sewage, potable water and mosquitoes on the island were once again investigated by the county and again showed no violations on any of those issues,” French said.
And below are quoted excerpts from the County Health Department report:
“Staff did note that several of the homes had either cistern in disrepair and/or inadequate coverings for the cisterns.”
“On July 31stwe received lab results confirming that one pool of Culex Pipiens-retuans mosquitoes collected from Hen Island on July 17th 2012 tested positive for West Nile Virus. This prefers stagnant water found in manmade containers and tree holes for breeding”
“In light of this information the Department is requiring that:
All cisterns on the Island are equipped with properly installed, tight fitting covers.”
“Residents are made aware of the need to eliminate standing water on their properties.”
“We found two homes # 2 and #14. Number 14 had a cistern with homemade covers that left the ends open. Mosquito larvae was present in the tank.”
“House # 2 at the far end of the North Island we found uncovered containers used to catch rain water from the gutters. Mosquito larvae was present in one of the containers. Wood cistern in rear of house found in poor condition Re: holes and no lids present.”
“Houses # 33 and 34 we found mosquito larvae present in open containers around the exterior of the homes. Containers were also being used to collect rain water.”
Cottage 19 was the only cottage occupied with composting toilet at the time of inspection. No odors were detected in close proximity to the unit. Excess water from the unit is being collected in sealed plastic containers to be taken off the Island.
Mr. Tartaglione,
It proves you a liar. There are no 33,000 gallons of untreated standing water on Hen Island. Rumor has it that if you added all the standing water that the BOH reported on, it would add up to about 700 gallons. No where near 33,000 gallons and nowhere near enough to be the “epicenter” of a WNV outbreak in Westcheater.
Looks like the same source has proven the mayor to be a big fat liar too…
More than once…
By the way, if there is anything that is baseless for proving something true, it would start with “Rumor has it…”
Our Deputy Mayor’s post on the Rye Record website;
FYI. Mr. Tartaglione’s assertions are unscientific bunk. All over America, the mosquito population has increased because of the mild winter last year. No, Hen Island is not responsible for the outbreaks of the virus across the U.S. — warm weather is, according to the CDC.
Blessedly, Westchester County has not yet (fingers crossed) seen a case yet. Most of the cases are in Texas.
Mosquitoes breed in any standing water; low-lying areas that flood on occasion, brackish water, tire tracks, flowerpots, roof gutters, swamps, etc. Rye, because of its proximity to many wetlands — protected by Federal, State, County, and local law –, naturally is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes tend to live in a limited range of territory (about 300 yards from their hatch according to the CDC.) The notion that Hen Island is the source of all or even most of the mosquitoes around Rye is ludicrous. Nor, for that matter, is the Nature Center a cause of concern. Note: Mosquitoes prefer not to lay eggs where predators like salamanders, frogs, toads, and dragonflies are prevalent, such as the vernal pools at the Nature Center.
The County has not issued an alert because they do not believe the activity in Rye is abnormal. “Every summer,” to quote the County Health Inspector, “we find traces of West Nile Virus.” When the County believes that an outbreak of West Nile requires extreme caution, they will tell us. (Here’s an example of extreme caution. When I lived in Florida, there was an encephalitis outbreak. As a precaution, the County cancelled Halloween trick or treating.)
The County Health Department does not recommend extreme caution as yet. Rather, they have issued the same guidelines they issue every year: be careful around dusk, wear anti-mosquito repellent, empty containers of water around your house, wear long sleeves if there is significant mosquito activity, and so on. If, the County decides that the risk is heightened, they will tell us.
I have spoken directly to the County Health Department, and researched the advisories put out by the CDC and other health bodies. The County does not advise “shutting down Hen Island,” as Ray Tartaglione, or his representative, suggested recently. In fact, Hen Island received this year a relatively good report from the County. Aside from a few exposed cisterns, there were none of the man-made common sources of mosquito breeding: open containers, children’s toys on the ground, children pools, etc.
As I walk around Rye, I see many instances of practices that encourage mosquito proliferation: flower pots filled with water, children’s wading pools left out over night with water in them, tire ruts at construction sites filled with standing water, depressions in the City roads where water lies for days at a time (see the Boat Basin and Elm Place) and so on. It’s evident that Hen Island and the Nature Center may be making the best effort, throughout Rye, to control the growth of mosquitoes. Rather than censure, they deserve praise.
My response below:
I am going to keep this short and to the point.
In an article printed in your newspaper (The Rye Record) and penned by your wife (Robin), she describes the sewage and water systems on Hen Island after a personal visit in May of 2011. Linked below and I quote:
“Between the homes,
in some cases not more than shacks with
jerry-rigged waste systems and rusted-out
water containers, there are lovely private paths dotted with eclectic sculpture.”
Three things you should be aware of:
1.) Not only am I the curator for every piece of art on Hen Island but I personally selected and installed each one.
2.) You should be communicating better with your wife during dinners.
3.) Your wife might make a good County Health and/or City Building inspector.
There is an old saying;
“If at first you don’t succeed listen to your wife”
Mr. Flotie says :
“3.) Your wife might make a good County Health and/or City Building inspector.”
As evidenced by Mr. Flotie’s insistence that Robin Jovanovich is a trained and certified BOH inspector who is more qualified to evaluate the conditions on Hen Island than the BOH itself, Mr. Flotie’s agenda has hit a new low aka “rock bottom”. ROFLMAO!
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“First they ignore you, then you file a lawsuit like a child throwing a temper tantrum, then they ignore you, then you put them on the side of a flotie mobile in order to gain attention like a petulant child, then they ignore you, then you dress up like a turd for more attention, then they ignore you, then you complain to the BOH 4 different times and the BOH visits Hen Island over 12 different times, then they ignore you, then you throw your lollipop in the sand and throw a tantrum.”
You’re arguing against the future Mr. Flotie. Hen Island is moving towards a green , sustainable lifestyle which requires no connection to the utility grid. The carbon footprint of a Hen Island cottage is the lowest of any residence in Westchester. The collection of rain water, solar energy and composting toilets are the backbone an off-the-grid lifestyle. Just take a look at what’s going on in the middle of the country …….
Wonder if they wished they had a few cisterns of water in the midwest to wash their dishes,take a shower or flush their toilets? Ever think how really dumb it is to use fresh drinking water to flush you Mr. Flotie away? History is on Hen Island’s side.
Good luck with your Mohatma Gandhi fantasy.
Take a look at this genius.
1.) In an area where West Nile occurs, the longer you’re exposed to biting mosquitoes and the higher the concentration or number of mosquitoes at the location, the higher your chances are of acquiring the virus.
2.) Among those with severe illness due to West Nile virus, case-fatality rates range from 3% to 15%
with the chance of death increasing with age, particularly above 50 years old and/or if you are immune compromised. Immune compromised can consist of something as simple as taking doses of steroids for a sinus condition, allergies, a bad case of poison Ivy, or something as serious as a transplant recipient.
Since Mayor French and Deputy Mayor Jovanovich believe that Hen Island should be commended for their efforts and there is “no emergency yet”, if we could get them to spend one hour at the playground section of the North Island without any mosquito spray, I am sure that would speak volumes in proving a point. Please consider this a public invitation for the entire Rye City Council and they are welcome to bring their children.
This article sounds like it was written by a Petulant Child who could no longer even pretend to be an Unbiased Observer… Poor Mr(s). Flotie–distorting public opinion isn’t as easy as it used to be.
Anyone see the Deputy Mayor coming or going from the new offices of the Rye Record lately?
Mrs. Jovanovich,
“What is to be done?
It is very simple and it wouldn’t cost the taxpayers a cent. How about we start with requiring your husband, the “Deputy Mayor” and the “Mayor” to enforce the law rather than allow enforcement avoidance? How about your husband and Mayor French require Hen Island to abide by the same laws that the rest of Rye has to abide by. Laws that were put in place to protect the people. The laws that will stop the inhabits of Hen Island from increasing the health risks to 15,000 Rye residents, laws that will stop the pollution of the Long Island Sound and laws that will protect everyone from the actions of 34 selfish homeowners. It’s a no brainer!
Maybe you can tell us why Hen Island is the only community that is allowed to store thousands of gallons of water. And maybe you can tell us why Hen Island is the only community allowed to pollute the waters of the Long Island Sound? And maybe you can tell us why Hen Island is the only community allowed to use non potable water for residential housing? And maybe you can tell us why Hen Island is allowed to have acres and acres of dumping grounds that encourage mosquito breeding? And maybe you can tell us why this has been going on so long? Maybe that’s what is to be done!
Mr. Tartaglione,
Why do keep insisting that Hen Island cottages are residential housing? You know for a fact they are not and do not need to conform to the residential building code. You keep trying to mislead Rye to further your agenda. You keep claiming Rye isn’t enforcing the RESIDENTIAL CODE when Hen Island isn’t classified as ressedentail houses. You keep saying Hen Island is the only place in Westchester that is allowed to collect rain water, well, anyone is allowed to collect rain water, just ask a member of the Rye garden club. I can’t remember one thing you’ve said in the last 5 years that is actually the truth.
Westchester County has learned of its first human case of West Nile Virus this year, which was recently diagnosed in a 28-year-old New Rochelle resident who is recovering at home after being hospitalized.
No Emergency Yet???????????? 28-year-old New Rochelle resident
Here is the bottom line;
I don’t care if you want to call them “dog houses”. Call them whatever you want to call them, you should not be collecting 33,000 gallons of water, you shouldn’t be polluting the Long Island Sound and you shouldn’t be allowed to have multiple dump sites that encourage breeding of mosquitoes!
OK, it’s officially time to panic. Let’s call in the gov’t to protect us. Let’s install Marshall Law and rip everyone’s gutters down, make collecting rain water illegal and fill in all the pools and ponds in Westchester with cement. Let’s make it illegal to be outside at dusk or dawn and if your caught outside at those times we use the electric chair for your punishment.
When is Cuomo going to declare a state of emergency?!!! Bring in the National Guard!
Here’s some good potable water that is BOH approved.|topnews|text|Frontpage
If anyone thinks that the water mains have to break before bacteria enters them they should think again. There are cracks ia water mains all the time and don’t break but allow bacteria into them.
Is Mr. Tartaglione covering up for Rob Astorino’s decision????
Why isn’t Mr. Tartaglione demanding that the 25,000 drains Mr. Astorino didn’t treat this year be treated? Is Mr. Tartaglione’s rhetoric a ploy to take attention away from Mr. Astorino? Is Mr. Tartaglione a major campaign contributor to Astorino ??????? Does 25,000 untreated storm drain have more mosquitos than a few hundred gallons of water on Hen Island? Hmmm……….
I have a guestion: If my neighbor has a pool that he hasn’t used this year and it only has a foot of dirty water in it, who would I call to discuss it with him, The City of Rye or Westchester County?
How about calling the owner of the pool and asking him if he would drain it or pour some bleach into it? If that doesn’t work I’d call the National Guard .
I Can’t Stop Lying,
You are starting to sound kooky!!!!
Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)
Ok…let me re-word my question: who is responsible for issuing violations such as standing water in a pool, the City of Rye or Westchester?
Do you mean like this violation notice;
that was issued in April of 2009 by the City of Rye putting Hen Island on notice about the mosquito infestation? (Last three paragraphs on page three).
Rye City Code 108-40. Infestation and screening linked below;
Just wanted to make sure this post didn’t get lost in the shuffle.
Westchester County has learned of its first human case of West Nile Virus this year, which was recently diagnosed in a 28-year-old New Rochelle resident who is recovering at home after being hospitalized.
No Emergency Yet???????????? 28-year-old New Rochelle resident
Here is the bottom line;
I don’t care if you want to call them “dog houses”. Call them whatever you want to call them, you should not be collecting 33,000 gallons of water, you shouldn’t be polluting the Long Island Sound and you shouldn’t be allowed to have multiple dump sites that encourage breeding of mosquitoes!
Is Rob Astorino responsible for the West Nile outbreak in Westchester?
Mr. Tartaglione,
Do you think it should be illegal to collect rain water?
Mr. Tartaglione,
Why have you repeatedly lied for the past 5 years about the classification of Hen Island cottages? Why have you repeatedly lied that they are classified as primary residences?
Maybe you didn’t get this the first two times I answered you or maybe you are just trying to move my response down the chain of posts but here it is again.
I don’t care if you want to call them “dog houses”. Call them whatever you want to call them, you should not be collecting 33,000 gallons of water, you shouldn’t be polluting the Long Island Sound and you shouldn’t be allowed to have multiple dump sites that encourage breeding of mosquitoes!
Westchester County has learned of its first human case of West Nile Virus this year, which was recently diagnosed in a 28-year-old New Rochelle resident who is recovering at home after being hospitalized.
No Emergency Yet???????????? 28-year-old New Rochelle resident
Mr. Tartaglione,
The people of Rye don’t care what I call them, they care about what YOU call them. YOU have labeled them primary/residential houses. Primary/residential houses need to conform to different building requirements than what the cottages on Hen Island conform to. And so the people of Rye are wondering why you have lied to them for 5 years claiming Hen Island cottages require a hook up to continuous potable water? Is it because you DO think the public is stupid?????? Why would you keep repeating the lie if you didn’t think the public was stupid????
So I ask you again, why have you lied to the people of Rye for 5 years about the classification of the Hen Island cottages ??????
BTW, is your buddy Rob Astorino responsible for the WNV outbreak in Westchester???????
Mr. Tartaglione,
Are 29,000 storm drains a lot of mosquito infested stagnant water???? Your buddy Rob Astorino sure doesn’t think so…….
No – YOU really “can’t stop lying” can you?
After years of political pressure to NOT test Hen Island for West Nile Virus, this year some sane government officials instructed that it must finally be tested.
Maybe this was Mr. Astorino pressed hard by Mr. Jenkins. Or maybe it came from THE STATE. But on the very first test in over 12 years that West Nile Virus has been in New York State – on the very first test a month ago – a typical Hen Island diseased mosquito vat comes up positive for what?
Perrier? Potable Water? Clorox Bleach? Kevin Plunkett’s old underwear?
George V. at the WC-DOH told me yesterday that you got a full month reprieve in August from their sham inspections and the state lab WNV testing. August happens to be one of the three prime mosquito breeding months here in New York for WNV. Have you used your time wisely – or are you still just bleaching and swatting and swearing?
You’ve been running hard for a dozen years and spent over a half a million dollars now in legal fees to keep Hen Island filthy. For what? To prove you can get away with anything out there?
Drill the wells.
Tedc the liar now chimes in. How’s those moon tides doing over at Schubert’s pond, LOL. You’ll lie for anything just as you just lied in your post. Let’s see, Astorino decides not to treat 29,000 storm drains in Westchester and now is blaming Hen Island for WNV??????? Sounds like a conspiracy to me. It’s interesting your silence over the Astorino decision. That’s TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND stagnant storm drains Astorino consciously didn’t treat and now GEORGE V. over at WBOH is going to try and blame it on Hen Island??????? GEORGE V. should make sure his own house is order before he tries to scapegoat Hen Island. Sounds like the stuff resignations are made of.
Who does Rob Astorino and his WBOH think they are? Where do they get their moral authority to test Hen Island for WNV when they haven’t even treated the storm drains THEY’RE RESPONSIBLE for ???????What chutzpah! They test a piece of PRIVATE PROPERTY while the County purposely leaves 29,000 storm drains untreated. And while those storm drains remain untreated, Astorino sends his BOH henchmen out to Hen Island to test for WNV. Astorino should resign now.
Small gov’t Republican Rob Astorino had 29,000 PUBLIC places in Westchester to test for West Nile Virus and he chooses a piece of PRIVATE PROPERTY called Hen Island to send his henchmen from the WBOH. All documented here….
Anyone want to guess why? Anyone want to guess why Mr. Tartaglione has been totally silent about 29,000 stagnant Waestchester storm drains remaining untreated ??????? Anyone want to guess why Mr. Tartaglione remains silent about Westchester’s BOH not testing the 29,000 spots where the storm drains reside? Anyone want to guess if the New ROchelle victim lived near a untreated storm drain? New Rochelle is more than 5 miles from Hen Island. Hmmmmm……..
Personally I do not think Astorino is doing a good job when it comes to Hen Island. I think he is protecting Hen Island and increasing the threat to thousands in Rye. I think Mr. Plunkett (his now Deputy County Executive and then former Rye City attorney) is still trying to white wash this whole situation even though it means increasing the health threat in Rye. Remember he was the first one to instruct the City of Rye to claim there were “no problems on Hen Island”. We all now know, that was a lie. After two years of denials Rye did a 360. See below;
So now he is doing the same thing only now on a County level with the sewage, potable water and mosquitoes.
But once again here is the bottom line; Hen Island should not be collecting 33,000 gallons of water that encourages breeding of mosquitoes, and Hen Island shouldn’t be allowed to have multiple dump sites that encourages breeding of mosquitoes and Hen Island shouldn’t be polluting the Long Island Sound and residents on Hen Island should not be taking showers and washing dishes in bird feces infected water! I would guess as long as Mr. Plunkett and Mr. Astorino is in charge of the Health Department public safety is not going to be a main concern of theirs.
the smell of mr. flotie seems to have polluted our pilitcos
Lattemer, Astirino and Sack
The lesson: only take odor free contributions.
I think this country has had enough of communists like Sack, Lattimer and Astorino. I’m actually looking forward to the day they try and take Hen Island’s rain water away because that is the day every American will wake up and smell the coffee. It started with the trees in Rye and people have had enough of people like Mr. Flotie trying to use the government to do their bidding.
Mr. Tartaglione,
You are a full fledged communist who tries to use the government to do your bidding. I guarantee you will never stop Hen Island from collecting rain water.
You are starting to sound kooky again!!!!
Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)
Listen to their words. When have they ever been in favor of the “pursuit of happiness” for the individual? They’ve only promoted what government’s vision of what will make you happy. You’ll be happy if we restrict what trees you can cut down. You’ll be happy if you don’t contain any standing water on your private property. Listen to their words….. when have they ever made a decision based on whether the private land owner was happy?????? When has the Council said, “Since you own the land and since your happy, then we’re happy, It’s your life.”???? When have they ever asked if the land owner was happy? The rhetoric is always from the perspective of the government, never from the perpective of the private land owner. Even the politicos who are somewhat backing Hen Island’s right to collect rain water base it on some government report or some government’s recommendations……. It’s never based on the individual rights of the property owner. Property owners have no rights. The phrase “the pursuit of happiness” for the property owner is just an illusion . Just like it is in a communist state.
Listen to their words.
Mayor French,
I thought you might want to send condolence message to Allison who just lost her grandmother to West Nile Virus. I have attached a link below so you may communicate with her directly on the West Nile Survivors and Supporters page.
Deputy Mayor Jovanovich,
I thought you might get a kick out of it since you made a joke about people dying from West Nile Virus at the last City Council meeting. Maybe you can tell Allison a joke about her Grandmother’s death that would make her feel better. And maybe you can forward this to Deputy Health Commissioner Rick Morrissey at the County Health Department who is also trying to make light of the positive test result findings on Hen Island. Please feel free to CC me on any correspondence.
Mamaroneck man fighting for his life from West Nile Virus.
Interesting how the Maroneck Mayor is warning everyone yet in Rye Mayor French says “No Problem Yet”
I am sure you will be shocked, amazed and appalled after watching this video on how the City of Rye and the County of Westchester allow and encourage mosquito breeding here in Rye.
“Family of West Nile victim tries to fly him home”
The WNV victim in this case lives 1.9 miles from Hen Island. (Just across the Post Road from Greenhaven) The County Health Department surveyed the neighborhood around the man’s home today and found no breeding sites. All they had to do was travel 1.9 miles and they would have found millions of mosquito’s breeding on Hen Island.
Unfortunately the City of Rye (Mayor Doug French) and the County Health Department (Deputy Health Commissioner Morrissey) has made enforcement into a political football and now it is costing Westchester residents their lives.
I am sure you will be shocked, amazed and appalled after watching this video on how the City of Rye and the County of Westchester allow and encourage mosquito breeding here in Westchester.
Mamaroneck Firefighter and Hen Island homeowner Ed Volpe’s co-worker gets caught with foot in his mouth. (Volpe is also Doug French’s Meadow Place neighbor) Read the comments in the loop and the Journal news!
Should anyone be interested in watching last night’s City council meeting. Please note the disrespect Mayor French showed Kimberly King, a commissioner from Massachusetts who traveled to Rye to address the council.
Mrs. King lost her five year old daughter to a mosquito borne disease.
But the real message is “the Rye city council fails to protect the health and safety of the public for political reasons”.
Can you please give us your take on the residents to be heard section from the Last City council meeting?
Mr. Tartaglione,
Thank you for your comments and to answer your question I believe you have seen me comment before that as a 26 year Democrat I am a firm believer in private property rights. However, at the same time, I am informed by a knowledgeable source that the County Environmental Reports are a fraud. So, I would like to reserve final judgment until I see and read a non-conflicted, third party report from a STATE environmental agency. Besides the arrogance of certain elected officials on that night in question, the most remarkable thing I find is the budget put forth by Tedc. If my numbers are correct, it amounts to about $500 per cottage plus ongoing maintenance to put the issue to rest. What is the big or two less lobster bakes this summer and it should be a done deal. Until which time that I see a non-conflicted third party STATE environmental report that points to problems on Hen Island, I am not going to stand in place, look down at my wing tips and shuffle around in them, I am going to ACT with whatever powers have been bestowed on me. Lastly, my style is more aggressive than Rye has seen, probably its history, and I am going to please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
Sorry Ray and Tedc, my math was wrong. It is more like $5,000 per cottage.
(See how many of these you recognize and in which recent Rye Corruption Scandal they’ve been employed.)
Top Ten Tactics to Influence Negative News: The PR Playbook
Sent to all Hen Island owners this evening.
Dear Fellow Cottage Owners,
I am writing to you today concerning the horrific mosquito infestation present now on Hen Island. I am sure most of you that frequent the Island have noticed the increase in numbers year after year on the Island. In an effort to eliminate the infestation and draw attention to the Island (and the City and County Health Department’s lack of concern for the health and safety of area residents) last week we made a presentation in front of the Rye City Council. This presentation included Mrs. Kimberly King and Mr. Jeffrey O’Neil.
Ms. King unfortunately lost her 5 year old daughter Adreana to EEE, a well-known mosquito borne illness. Since her daughter’s death, Ms. King has been involved on a national level with mosquito control, education and awareness. She is presently a County Mosquito Control public health commissioner in Massachusetts and she is a member of several National Vector Borne Disease Control organizations.
Mr. O’Neil is a nationally recognized entomologist and a toxicologist who has been involved in laboratory and field research in mosquito control for over twenty five years.
Their presentation was informative and disturbing and I would encourage everyone to view it with the hope of educating our community on the dangers of mosquitoes and mosquito borne viruses.
I would also encourage everyone to view our latest video “A Failure to Protect.” It was produced in the effort to illuminate how the Rye City Council, under the direction of Mayor Douglas French, has placed the lives of our families in jeopardy and allowed the City and the County Health Department to mislead the residents of Rye as well as the residents of Hen Island into believing that there is “no threat to public health” from our swarms of island breeding mosquitoes. Please feel free to respond to the Mayor and the City council both pro and con. It is important that they are aware of your views. I have listed their e-mail addresses for you below.
Richard Filippi /
Laura Brett /
Deputy Mayor Peter Jovanovich /
Joe Sack /
Mayor French, Doug /
Catherine Parker /
Julie Killian /
Mr. Tartaglione,
IMO, because of the death of her daughter, Mrs. King is too emotionally attached to the issue to be able to rationally look at this issue. Anyone who calls a mosquito “a serial killer” isn’t qualified to be running any type of national mosquito program. Taken right from the Wikipedia’s definition of “serial killer” is the statement “and whose motivation for killing is usually based on psychological gratification”. Does a mosquito get “psychological gratification” from biting a human?
@ GWW,
What professional education or life experience on this subject do you possess that would allow you to make such a statement????
“IMO, because of the death of her daughter, Mrs. King is too emotionally attached to the issue to be able to rationally look at this issue.”
In spite of whatever answer you will give me, if any at all…you know I for one can address the “emotions & rationality” that come from such a tragic life altering traumatic experience.
Adults forced into such a hideous circle are exactly what is needed to make change. Our emotions are a result of something no single human being should have to burden, the pain is so great and indescribable that we want to protect the rest of the world from it. We take these emotions, join them with rational thinking and try to make change to protect others, no matter who they are!
We do not use “politics”, friendships, money or power, etc etc to assist our thought process or get in the way of it….that would be “IRRATIONAL”
Was I being irrational when I asked for a Stop Sign? Given what happen in 2010 at that same very location, 4 years into the battle, my rational thinking was proven to be ON POINT!!!
So please, next time you decide to speak on such a sensitive subject, stop & think & do so with respect before you decide to open mouth and insert foot!!!!
EXACTLY! Which is why on April 15, after watching a sitting, elected Mayor laugh in the face of a sitting, elected Councilman on Rye TV no less, I began my run for Rye City Council. Let us work together to give Rye back to Rye residents outside the reach of these small bit, wannabe Mafiosa types, and their gun molls. Not running for a 2nd term due to professional responsibilities, what a crock of **it. Stay out of the lines of fire, you corrupt, Republican pigs. Gloves off!
Jim Amico writes:
“Was I being irrational when I asked for a Stop Sign?”
IMO, yes Jim, that stop sign is irrational even if there happened to be 2 incidents at the same spot. I think you too are too emotinally attached to the subject matter to make rational decisions. Please don’t get mad at me and tell me you’re gonna show up at my door and beat me up. I’m telling you exactly what I think. You asked a question and I gave you my honest answer.
@ GWW,
Can’t please everyone, but I will tell you this…you are seriously outnumbered by the rational thinkers when it comes to the Stop Sign.
It’s very obvious you are very detached from reality, I was proven right and yet you find that “irrational”….too funny my friend!
@Jim Amico
I’ve been wrong before. I will be wrong again. I stop for your stop sign. I have nothing against it. It doesn’t bother me.
No one is perfect, I thrive for perfection and push to get as close as possible, it is just who I am. Yes, we all make mistakes, we can all be wrong from time to time and I have said all along that if I was wrong about installing Stop Signs there I would be the first one screaming to take them down. I am not afraid of being wrong and owning up to it, unlike the cowards I unfortunately helped to elect!
Unfortunately I was proven right, I’m just glad lil Chris didn’t lose his life.
All this n that being said –
We have seemed to gotten away from the original question:
“What professional education or life experience on this subject do you possess that would allow you to make such a statement????”
July 18, 2013
Experts Advise Public of Steps to Take as U.S. Enters Peak Summer Mosquito Season
Conditions expected to resemble 2012, the deadliest year for West Nile virus in U.S. history
It’s all about public awareness:
Dear Greenhaven homeowners,
I am writing to you today concerning the horrific mosquito infestation present in Greenhaven. I am sure most of you that live in Greenhaven have noticed the increase in numbers year after year. In an effort to eliminate the infestation and draw attention to Hen Island (and the City and County Health Department’s lack of concern for the health and safety of area residents) last week we made a presentation in front of the Rye City Council. This presentation included Mrs. Kimberly King and Mr. Jeffrey O’Neil.
Ms. King unfortunately lost her 5 year old daughter Adreana to EEE, a well known mosquito borne illness. Since her daughter’s death, Ms. King has been involved on a national level with mosquito control, education and awareness. She is presently a County Mosquito Control public health commissioner in Massachusetts and she is a member of several National Vector Borne Disease Control organizations.
Mr. O’Neil is a nationally recognized entomologist and a toxicologist who has been involved in laboratory and field research in mosquito control for over twenty five years.
Their presentation was informative and disturbing and I would encourage everyone to view it with the hope of educating our community on the dangers of mosquitoes and mosquito borne viruses.
I would also encourage everyone to view our latest video “A Failure to Protect.” It was produced in the effort to illuminate how the Rye City Council, under the direction of Mayor Douglas French, has placed the lives of our families in jeopardy and allowed the City and the County Health Department to mislead the residents of Rye and Greenhaven into believing that there is “no threat to public health” from the swarms of island breeding mosquitoes on Hen Island.
Rye’s Failure to Protect
July 10th City Council meeting