Pre-K Kids & MakerBots Together at Rye Arts Center
The maker movement (see MakerBot) has arrived for Rye’s kindergarten set. With an eye toward both high tech and high touch making, The Rye Arts Center will launch an extended day maker program targeted to kindergarten children who are currently enrolled in half day programs at area schools.
Modeled after The RAC’s successful Half Day for Half Pints pre-school program, KinderMakers will run just shy of 3 hours and will include immersion in digital arts, art and science exploration, music making, creative movement, and tinkering.
The pilot program will focus on a child’s innate ability to create, design and build using both simple and high tech tools ranging from cardboard and crayons to 3D printers. Registration for KinderMakers opens on Jan. 5th and will run for 8 weeks beginning on Thursday, Jan. 29th. Pick-up of participating kindergarten students from nearby schools is an added feature being explored by the RAC.
For more information about KinderMakers, please call Anne Fumasoli at 914-967-0700, ext. 23 or email