A Keep Waiting Sign
It’s on to month four for our stop sign quest. Read the background here.
Brian Dempsey’s Traffic and Transit committee was in session at Rye City Hall again tonight, but our merry group of Bradford Park residents skipped the meeting after being told the traffic engineering study (the thing that looks like an extension cord stapled to the pavement that records traffic volume and speeds), under the guidance of Assistant Engineer Christopher Tallarini, is not yet complete. The traffic committee needs this data to influence its decision on the stop sign.
It’s not like the engineering department is sitting on its hands or anything. Check this out from City Engineer and Director of the Department of Public Works George Mottarella’s 2006 budget presentation last year. Think you just finished a cool do-it-yourself project on the house? Fuhgetaboutit!
Public Works is responsible for the repair and maintenance of 23 traffic signals, all signs, line striping, 50 miles of pavement, 2100 street lights, 53 miles of sanitary sewer lines, 1500 manholes, 7 sanitary sewage pump stations, 30 miles of storm drains, 15 parking lots, 130 parking meters and 10 central pay stations. They collect 7153 tons of garbage from 5100 residential housing units with 7 new garbage trucks, 1060 tons of organic waste, 2710 tons of recycling materials, and 450 tons of fall leaves. They manage 10 acres of public park areas, maintain 6200 public trees, and maintain and repair the City’s vehicles as well as 12 public buildings and maintenance of the fuel depot.
Hey, all we want is a four-way stop sign ;)- It’s not like we are asking for anything fancy like removing 450 tons of leaves, or a new street or a few new manholes or anything… We are easy…
The good news is Brian Dempsey did do his own reconnaissance in around the intersection of Florence and Bradford and while he has not yet endorsed our request, he sees and understands the reason we have made the request. Thanks Brian!
In the meantime, we are hoping Assistant Manager Scott Pickup will send us a copy of the letter he is sending the police department to step up speed enforcement along Bradford Avenue. Like Scott and Brian said, the impact of the letter may be temporary but its a step in the right direction and should hold us over until we get the real deal.
I live in Bradford Park and have 3 young sons who spend a great deal of time outside. It always amazes us how quickly the cars FLY down Bradford Avenue from Rte 1. Often, I will catch the eye of the drivers and will ask them to slow down. There must be a better way. There are always many kids outside in this area and we are lucky nothing has happened yet. We need a better way to slow the cars down to ensure the kids are safe.