$192,000 of Ice Cream

Ice_cream_line_at_midland_052007_3Rye’s Mario Gabelli is known to pay himself a cool $40 million a year in compensation, but what about the super cool ice cream impresario Dionisio? Don’t know this bell ringing, truck driving, ice cream serving cash machine? Then I guess your kids don’t play Rye youth soccer at the recreation fields at Midland on Saturdays.

By 9:30am and lasting all day long, there is a line in front of this caloric cash machine, with Dionisio pulling down cool cash for a panoply of various creams–Choco Taco to Screwballs to Jumbo Jetstars to Giant Sandwiches (not so giant) and the venerable Chocolate Eclair–from adults and children alike.

How much cool cash? Let’s annualize Dionisio’s creamy cash swirl and maybe you’ll drop that midtown hedge fund commute:









20 transactions/hour at $5/per (look at the line, skeptics…) = $100

8 hours = $800

1 week (working 5 days) = $4,000

1 month = $16,000

Leave 4 weeks vacation, and our ice cream king is cooling off with an all cash, have truck will travel, super cool $192,000 business.





  1. Why assume everyone in Rye commutes downtown to move money around? This kind of vending business is dependent on weather as well as cost. For independent businesses, nothing’s a sure thing. He also doesn’t get any health, retirement benefits, or bonusses. I just hope the kids and parents treat him with as much respect as those who massage hedge funds.

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