“Inches Matter” According to Rye Flood Action Committee

Inches_matterThe message the Rye Flood Action Committee (RFAC) will bring to the Rye Brook public hearing on Kip Konigsberg’s Bowman Avenue development proposal tomorrow (Tuesday, June 26 at 7:30 pm, 938 King Street, Rye Brook Village Hall) is clear:

Inches matter—holding back inches of water on the Bowman Avenue property.

The last hearing in Rye Brook on June 12th was adjourned with no action taken and Rye Brook Mayor Rand saying he would not rush into anything. Developer Konigsberg is still gunning for his final permits figuring he goes ahead—flooding be damned!—or he has an even better bargaining chip in his potential land sale to Westchester County, Rye Brook and Rye.

Word is Rye Brook and Rye City met last week. County legislator Judy Myers reported it was a “productive meeting”. Apparently the county’s real estate negotiator has contacted developer Konigsberg for a second time and he is still saying he will wait for his approvals and then negotiate.

Westchester County announced at its recent flood summit that they will spend $10 million a year on mitigation for the next five years. County legislator Myers and Rye Mayor Steve Otis have been appointed to the task force that will identify and follow through with the projects.


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