For Rye Fireworks, Head to the Boardwalk or Food Emporium

After you have your baseball and apple pie today, leave your M-80s, roman candles and firecrackers at home and head down to the boardwalk or to the Food Emporium for a fireworks show. Really, the supermarket.

Your first choice is the tried and true Rye Playland. Anyone who is in the City of Rye on a Wednesday or Friday at 9:15pm during the summer months and thinks we have come under attack by the enemy, the Harrison football team or the next 100 year flood rolling down the block, has just not lived here long enough. Don’t worry–the artillery you hear is the regular fireworks show on the waterfront at Playland.

Playland will have a special fireworks show tonight, July 4th, at 9:15pm.  You can battle your way into Playland or just park your car at a friend’s house off Forest Avenue and walk down to the boardwalk at Rye Playland or to Rye Town Park. You’ll see the Playland fireworks and across the water you’ll see about 25 fireworks shows going on on the north shore of Long Island.

Now, back to Food Emporium. We are not taking about the frozen food aisle and you don’t need your discount card. Roy Aletti, the owner of Harrison Paint (great store) and the more famous Christmas (and Halloween and every other conceivable holiday) themed house in Harrison, is sponsoring a fireworks show at 9:30pm in the Beaver Swamp Brook field across from the Food Emporium parking lot in Harrison.

Harrison is looking to put a massive amount of earth fill into this area as part of "Project Homerun", which may put some Rye and Harrison residents under water, but that is another story. Roy is a real patriot and enthusiastic citizen, so it is sure to be a good show. If he could get the permit, I’m sure he would be doing this in his yard every Saturday.

Happy birthday America and we’ll see you at the fireworks!


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