I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Mexican Ice Pops

Palenteria_fernandez_store_1Sometimes you just walk into a new place and you know. You know you have hit pay dirt. That's how we felt the other night when we wandered in to Paleteria Fernandez, a Mexican ice pop and ice cream store in downtown Portchester.

The Mexican ice pops come in milk and regular styles in a panoply of flavors. They resemble Froze Fruit brand popsicles but are homemade. This colorful store also has homemade ice cream and we say, after careful consideration and without trepidation, Rye's own Longford's and Cold Stone have some very serious competition.

Spend a warm September evening at Paleteria Fernandez, 33 North Main Street, 939-3694.



One Comment

  1. Hello,

    I would like to order a few cases of you ice pops for the local Blues Festival we are having in Aztec New Mexico. I would like some information about what you have. Your prices and shipping.
    My e-mail is ceragsdale@live.com

    Thank you

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