We’ll See Who Has Tunnel Vision. Rye – Syosset Tunnel Hearing Today

New York State Senator Carl L. Marcellino, chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Conservation, has issued the list of speakers expected to deliver testimony today, Thursday, January 24, 2008, on the Rye tunnel or "Runnel"–the tunnel a Long Island developer wants to bore from Syosset underneath the Long Island Sound and sprout up at Rye’s I-287.

Cross_sound_link_112007_2(PHOTO: the tunnel Long Island developer Vince Polimeni wants to bore under your front lawn.) Rye Mayor Steve Otis is planning to testify. Otis told MyRye.com he will testify together with Mamaroneck Supervisor Valerie O’Keefe and Tarrytown Mayor Drew Fixell. Their comments will include a statement regarding the County Executive Andy Spano’s opposition.

Still, we find Westchester County Executive Andy Spano conspicuously absent from the speakers list. The old joke is the most dangerous place in New York State is the space between Senator Chuck Schumer and a television camera. The same came be said for Westchester County and Spano. Unless he thinks it is a little hot in the kitchen, it is a bit unclear why he is not stepping into the ring himself versus sending along written testimony.

The complete list of people appearing today:

Senator Carl Marcellino
Senator Charles Fuschillo
Supervisor John Venditto
, Town of Oyster Bay
Vincent Polimeni, Polimeni International LLC
Dr. William Kelly, NYS Geologist
Professor Stanley Klein, Long Island University and a Republican committeeman from Suffolk County
Mayor Steve Otis of Rye
Valerie O’Keefe Supervisor of Mamaroneck
Mayor Drew Fixell of Tarrytown
Mr. Michael White, Executive Director, Long Island Regional Planning Board
Mayor Harry Anand, Village of Laurel Hollow


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