Cub Scouts of Den 8 at Rye City Council Tonight
There are 15 items on the city council agenda tonight including the Pledge of Allegiance led by the Cub Scouts of Den 8. We can’t imagine anything that epitomizes that great small town feeling any better than when the cub scouts show up for the Pledge.
Lucky for the scouts they are first on the agenda.
Other items include the catch-all crap-shoot #3: Residents may be heard who have matters to discuss that do not appear on the agenda. Depending on the night this can be five or fifty minutes and would then instantly put the scouts past their bedtime.
Other agenda items include:
• Noise restrictions on leaf blowers
• LISWIC Stormwater District Proposal (it is a year since the March 2, 2007 flood and we are coming up on the one year mark on the April 15, 2007 flood)
• Police department items
We are expecting the Rye Flood Action Committee to show-up and inquire about updates to the Bowman Avenue and other mitigation projects.
The Council added item 6a to the agenda, a stop sign policy that was passed.