Geeks Taking Over Rye Town Hilton

We hope you are not attending a wedding or a lavish company event this weekend at the Rye Town Hilton.

Lunacon_logoToday thru Sunday, the hotel turns into Geekville for the annual Lunacon event hosted by who else but the Lunarians — "a non-profit educational organization and one of the New York Metropolitan area’s oldest science fiction and fantasy societies". Also known as the association of social awkward kids from the fifth grade that could not name the Yankee line-up and played Dungeons & Dragons all the time that are now engineers and quant freaks with the exact same dysfunction (only they are now way wealthier than you).

Some of the programming really caught our attention including "Bondage In Brundage: How do you make sadomasochistic characters respectable? If you write about bondage, do you have to get all the knots right? How does polyamory work in fiction, as opposed to real life? A guide to everything a writer needs to know about alternative sexuality. Adults only."

And here is another charmer: "People for the Ethical Treatment of Mars: With Spirit and Opportunity showing that liquid water did exist at some time in the past, Mars is looking more and more like it could be terraformed and colonized. But should it be? What are some of the consequences that could occur if we did? But if we don’t, will we be closing off the possibility to extend our reach to the stars?"

Hey, sounds more interesting than the average conference junket. And if you are in Starbucks this weekend and a bunch of people walk in wrapped in aluminum foil or dressed as Spock, don’t worry — it is just a friendly Lunarian.


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