Traffic Safety Top of Mind on Council Agenda

Safe_routes_to_school_2We’ll see what we missed when the minutes are published, but the agenda at city council last week (March 19th) looked relatively light.

Council did meet in executive (closed) session for about one hour to discuss "collective negotiations pursuant to article fourteen of the civil service law and a discussion of the potential purchase of real estate." No further detail and what all this is or if the real estate purchase has anything to do with Bowman Avenue.

Among other items, parents were expected to show up at the meeting to express concern about traffic safety and how students can walk to school in a safe way. This comes in the wake of the March 10th accident when a Rye eighth grader was hit by a car and her leg was broken. One of her parents was expected to address the council.

One item on the agenda was a resolution supporting "SRTS" – Safe Routes to School (note to council: you guys need to decode the acronyms for all of us common folk).

Also on the slate was a continuation of the noise control public hearing, appointments to the Board of Assessment Review and Finance Committee, a bid award for "street materials" and confirming a regular council meeting will be held at the historic Square House on May 7, 2008.


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