Rye Garnet Football, Vehicle Fair This Weekend

Rye_garnets_in_blind_brook_092007On Saturday, watch the epic high school football battle between our Rye Garnets and the Harrison Huskies. Kickoff is at 1:30pm at Rye High School. Expect epic crowds and epic traffic and our Garnets beat the Huskies all the way back into Harrison. Come early and cheer often. Then watch Coach Dino Garr and his team take the victory dive into Blind Brook post-game.

Vehicle_fair_logoIf your power goes out on Sunday, don’t call Con Ed. Just drive over to the Rye High School Parking lot. The 10th Annual Vehicle Fair will let you and your kids get up close and personal with backhoes, bucket trucks, bulldozers, limos, dump trucks, fire trucks, Verizon trucks and Con Ed trucks. An annual fundraiser for the Rye Free Reading Room, the event appeals to kids easily up thru 3rd or 4th grade. The organizers have added a band of local Rye 6th graders, Connect 4, to appeal to slightly older kids. There will be food from Q Authentic Barbeque of Port Chester, ice cream from Longford’s, a rock climbing wall and a DJ. Sunday 11:30am – 3pm. $25/family.


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