Is Madonna Rye’s New Material Girl?

That's right.

Will Madonna show up at the next PTO meeting? Will A-Rod march in the next Rye Little League Parade? Can they both take their millions and from the comfort of A-Rod's Milton Point rental and cobble together the $5 million or so it would take to save the Durland Scout Center from becoming the next Mc Mansion?

A-rod madonna According to a recent piece in the politically uncorrect New York Post by By Dan Mangan, Paula Froelich and Corynne Steindler (three people to write one story? really…) the world's material girl was hanging out on Milton Point over the summer (italics added):

"Those claims simmered in gossip pages until July, when it was revealed Rodriguez, 34, had been paying Madonna secret late-night visits at her Upper West Side apartment – months after the All-Star third baseman's wife, Cynthia, gave birth to their second daughter.

Cynthia filed for divorce in July. She accused him of having an "affair of the heart" with Madonna, and sexual flings with other women.

In late July, even as she was denying an affair with A-Rod, Madonna visited him at his summer getaway, a pricey rental house in Westchester County, sources said.

The duo talked about taking their relationship to another level by going into business together and opening a chain of fitness clubs, according to several sources. Both Madonna and Rodriguez are workout fiends."


One Comment

  1. If The New York Post is “politically uncorrect” in your opinion, then why do you read it? Arod and Modonna have no impact on the world and the crisis we are going though today with our economy. Wht waste time reading about it

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