Mayor: City Never Intended to Impede Fist Amendment

In a response to the brouhaha over the New York Civil Liberties Union charging a Rye City code violates the First Amendment to the US Constitution–free speech–Rye Mayor Steve Otis told "The City Council has asked the City Manager for an explanation on why there was a change in understanding about what was covered… There was never any intent to include political free speech in Rye's local laws."

The brouhaha  began after the Rye police department told at least one resident to remove an Obama for President sign or be subject to a fine of up to $250.

The Mayor's full statement follows:

"Until this recent incident I am not aware of any time the City of Rye sign law was interpreted to include political signs on private property. That is certainly not the intent of Rye's sign law.

While lawn signs in Rye have not been used in local elections, residents have used political signs, on private property, on occasion to support national or state candidates and voice views on school budget votes.

The City Council has asked the City Manager for an explanation on why there was a change in understanding about what was covered. Political signs on private property are fully protected by the First Amendment. There was never any intent to include political free speech in Rye's local laws. The City Council will review the statute to see if we need to amend our law to make this clear."



  1. “The City Council has asked the City Manager for an explanation on why there was a change in understanding about what was covered… There was never any intent to include political free speech in Rye’s local laws.”

    Really Mayor Otis??? What about the reports/explanations you requested 6 months ago from Connors and Shew with regard to the overwhelming Votes of No Confidence they both received from the Rye PBA?

    Had Otis and the Rye City Council acted on the overwhelming Votes of No Confidence that Shew and Connors received 6 months ago, we would not still be dealing with these incompetents and our citizens constitutional rights would not have been so blatantly violated.

    When is the CONNORS/SHEW/OTIS/PLUNKETT CIRCUS leaving town?


  2. Dear Mr. Otis:

    You have no problem responding to the accusation that the City of Rye violated someone’s constitutional rights. You also have no problem responding to the report that Disbrow Park is a possible site for a new Police Station. So why haven’t you responded to the overwhelming Votes of No Confidence that Connors and Shew received in April of 2008?

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