Santa Works Street Fair for Sotheby’s

Santa DSC07561 (PHOTO: Santa, feeling the credit crunch, markets timeshares on the North Pole) The annual "Mistletoe Magic" street fair was held yesterday on PurchaseStreet in downtown Rye. Sponsored by the Rye Merchants Association, the event featured SantaFrosty, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and a really talk guy on stilts (they threw him in for free).

Tall guy DSC07574 (PHOTO: really tall guy) There was a long position on jumpy castles, free cotton candy and popcorn, plastic give-aways of various sorts from the real estate companies, a horse drawn carriage and a mini locomotive. The cold weather seemed to keep the crowds down a bit, but those that came out seemed to enjoy the event.

See's photo album of the street fair.


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