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HomeGovernmentSchubert and the Shew Sham: Who is Crazy Now?

Schubert and the Shew Sham: Who is Crazy Now?

Schubert Before # 2 beautiful garden(PHOTO: Schubert's garden pre-debacle) For the last three years, 86 year-old Forest Avenue resident Bob Schubert has been omnipresent at Rye City council meetings. In what appears to be an attempt to discredit Schubert, Rye City Manager Paul Shew sent a psychiatrist and therapist to his home last week to check on his "mental health", according to a report by Theresa Juva on LoHud.com. You can't make this stuff up.

Watch for the fireworks on this one during "open mic" Wednesday night at the city council meeting.

Schubert After # 1 dry pit(PHOTO: Schubert's garden post debacle – a mud pit) The octogenarian and WWII vet has beat a steady drum asking the city to take responsibility for the loss of water on his property, alleging violation of wetland code by a neighbor. The city has refused to become involved. Schubert had a spectacular wetland garden. After his neighbor did some work, the water source feeding his garden dried up and he has been left with a muddy mess.

See the video of Schubert below.

From Juva's article:

"He believes he is being intimidated into giving up his fight.

"They are trying to discourage me," Schubert said. "They have dragged it out over 2 1/2 years, almost three years. They'd like to see me disappear, obviously."

When reached by telephone this week, Mayor Steve Otis said he had no clue Shew had called the hospital. The city manager maintained that he acted alone.

Shew denied Schubert's persistent inquiries as motivation, noting that he had "every good intention" in mind.

The psychiatrist and Schubert discussed Schubert's anguish over the water dispute, in addition to testing his memory and math skills. The doctor didn't suggest any treatment, Schubert said.

Besides fading eyesight and hearing, and some aches and pains, Schubert considers himself in good physical and mental health.

"(City officials) aren't worried about my health at all," he said. "They are worried that they have a hot potato, and they can't answer the questions.""

Also check out a 2008 LoHud piece when Councilwoman Catherine Parker warned Schubert:

"Even recently, Councilwoman Catherine Parker tried to dissuade Schubert from pursuing his last great goal, telling him he shouldn't "sully your own reputation in the community at this point, and I think you're on the verge of doing that.""

Video of Bob Schubert. Schubert and Rye Corporation Counsel Kevin Plunkett tangle:


  1. “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  2. Call Me Crazy – but if anyone’s still wondering if Schubert is in fact wacky please be sure to view the video interview with him done by The Journal News and embedded on their site in the video section. That’s the guy I know and you’d have to be dishonest to try and manufacture a mental impairment charge on someone like him. He’s just old and determined – two states I personally aspire to be some day.

    I know the granular facts of this matter personally and the City here is in violation of its own laws – specifically Chapter 195, Wetlands and Watercourses. If you pull it off the City site you will find specific sub-sections which control this matter and in each case a violation has occurred. Here are a few places to start –

    195-3.Definitions – “WETLAND/WATERCOURSE BUFFER – a specific area surrounding a wetland/watercourse extending 100 feet horizontally away from and paralleling the wetland/watercourse boundary.”

    Here I personally measured at City Hall with the City Planner this distance on Official City Maps. The result? 93 Feet.

    195-4.Permit Requirements – C. Regulated Activities – “(7) alteration or modification of natural drainage patterns, (9) installation of any pipes or wells.”

    In this case the neighbor installed a totally new drywell to their existing sub surface drainage system. This was not a repair – it was new construction – there was no drywell at this location before. And this one is huge.

    195-5. Permit Standards…read the whole section and then consider:

    No Wetland/Watercourse permit was ever applied for or granted, no Planning Commission hearing was ever held, no visit and follow up report from the City Naturalist ever took place, no City Conservation Commission/Advisory Council visit was scheduled nor report ever generated.

    I will not bore readers with additional references; this tired local administration has little use for such laws when they protect the politically un-connected. This matter does not “waste the councils precious time,” rather is reveals them for what they are.

  3. Call Me Crazy – Maybe Nita Lowey sends someone to explain what happened when her office called Mr. Shew that day on Bob Schubert’s behalf because he could get no answer to his many calls to Mr. Shew.

    Lowey cares about the issue and has written repeatedly to Otis about it.

    I’m sure she was shocked that THE CALL FROM HER OFFICE WAS THE TRIGGER HERE to unleash the guys in the white suits on Bob Schubert.

  4. The Rye City Council should finally take a stand and fire Shew. If Otis and the Rye City Council do not fire Shew, then they are telling every Rye resident that they approve of what Shew did to Mr. Schubert and if they speak out, they could be next.

    For AB:

    “The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means”

    Georges Bernanos

  5. I see a pattern of retaliation and abuse of authority. Unfortunately and sadly, I see a Rye City Council still doing nothing about it.

    This unchecked retaliation and abuse of authority has been going on since Novak was manhandling and strong arming Otis eight years ago and it continues today with Shew.

    By ignoring this pattern, in my opinion the Rye City Council has empowered Shew and others to believe that retaliation and abuse of authority will not only be condoned, but it may even be encouraged.

  6. I’m not sure I agree with a pattern of retaliation and abuse, but I fully agree the City Council is doing nothing about it, and by sitting on their hands, the City Council is doing harm primarily to itself by not demanding enforcement of the law it passed. What good is a law if the government fails to enforce it? Schubert has raised this issue repeatedly for years and the council has turned a deaf ear every time.
    So, in effect, there’s no reason why anyone need worry about listening to the Council. Go ahead and use those leaf blowers whenever you want! Put the pedal to the metal when going into town for that cuppa joe! Heck, even the building codes can be ignored, as has been proven many, many times over the years.

  7. Scooter,
    Building code enforcement being avoided? Are they waiting for someone to get killed? Maybe a child? Mayor Otis has stated just last month at the council meeting that the Fire inspector has given Hen Island a clean bill of health.
    Take a look at the below picture. There is over 800 lbs. of propane less than ten feet from the swing set in this picture. Right next to the swing set is an electrical room and system that has never been inspected for proper installation. Does anyone care about our children???? Are the mayor and the council out of their minds??? They tried to make Schubert look like he was crazy. In actuality they are crazy for allowing a community to exist in this condition. I have seen many people come to the council meetings about leaf blowers. What about the children. Where are all the mothers now?

    What is Rye’s exposure if that happens? Especially since they have been put on notice more than once.
    In 2006 there was a propane explosion on Hen Island. The flames were so high the New York City Marine Fire department responded. Take a look @ this series of Building code violations;

  8. Given this MyRye headline, as well as a history of Otis wanting to silence his critics, don’t be surprised if Otis tries to put the publisher of MyRye on some City of Rye committee or gives them some sort of City of Rye proclamation as soon as he can.

    Keep up the good work MyRye.

  9. I have known Bob Schubert for almost 20 years and was present at a City Council meeting back in 2008. At that meeting he was discouteously ignored and then dismissed during his effort in seeking some sort of resolve to this matter. To say I was shocked was the least of my emotion from that meeting. I briefly spoke with Bob after the meeting and I have to say his composure was better than mine after all was said and done. Bob Schubert is is the sharpest octogenarian I have ever known – this last escapade involving Mr. Shew is inexcusable. If anyone’s reputation Ms. Parker is being sullied it is yours, Mr. Shews and that of Mayor Otis for not addressing this longstanding problematical issue of the Schuberts. What I would like to know is, who the heck is this neighbor and why is he being protected after clearly abusing the wetlands ordinance law?! Perhaps an investigation should proceed on that instead of on Mr. Schubert’s mental health!

  10. YOU DID WHAT!!! Disgusting behavior would be a compliment! I can not believe this man is still employed by the City of Rye! Just because an 86 yr.old Adult appears before you angry on more than one occassion w/a bit of a shake does not make he/she certifiable for Phyciatric Care. This man proudly served our country,has been paying taxes for how ever long,and you felt threatened enough by this 86 yr.old veteran to retaliate with such “OUTRAGEOUS UNEXCUSABLE BEHAVIOR”!!!Why does this council battle w/residents over obvious[SAFETY] concerns that need to be attended to? When approached w/subjects such as “LEAF BLOWER BANS” the council gives it immediate priority over other major[SAFETY] issues of concern that are already before them. Mayor Otis stands ground on that he knew nothing about Mr.Shew’s actions until after the call was made public.WELL,now you know Mayor Otis,”DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT”
    HealthHarbor.com asked “Does Any One Care About Our Children”-I’m here to tell you-“NO”!!! “are they waiting for someone to get killed”. Obviously that “DOESN’T MAKE A DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE”!! My son Jarrid was killed on Midland Ave. almost 3 years ago. Take a ride down Midland let me know what changes you can see! “NONE” We will see what all the moms and the rest of the Rye voters are made of & what they truly care about in the up coming election!

  11. Dear Wry Record,
    I have to tell you as I see it. Jay Sears writes it as he sees it. I don’t believe he would do it any different if he was appointed to Secretary of State. It is my belief that Jay’s My Rye is responsible for many changes taken place in Rye in the past and will be in the future. Maybe he can replace Mrs. Parker before she sullies her own reputation in the community, at this point, I think she maybe on the verge of doing that. If we had a few Jay Sears or even one in local government we wouldn’t be facing many of the problems we deal with on a daily basis. How about it Mrs. Sears can we have him? My yellow sailor’s hat is off to Jay!!!

  12. Call Me Crazy – but after all this nonsense I think Bob Schubert could use some support tomorrow night when he again faces the council, the Mayor, Mr. Plunkett and Mr. Shew at City Hall.

    The meeting is slated to start at 8 pm as usual. Come one, come all.

  13. Dear Jim,
    Your post brought tears to my eyes. We don’t know each other but I feel your anger and frustration. I cannot begin to imagine the pain you and your family deal with on a daily basis. I am so sorry for your loss. May you hold tight to the memories.
    Ray Tartaglione

  14. At the last City Council meeting Councilwoman Parker had her husband come to the meeting to complain about the way the City plowed in front of their house.

    Can you imagine a City of Rye Councilwoman, who is supposed to represent ALL Rye residents, couldn’t even speak up for her own husband? How is she supposed to stick up for the rest of us?

    What a stooge.

  15. Shame on you Mr. Shew for treating someone with such disrespect. I highly doubt you would have called a psychiatrist on a 40-something year old practicing attorney if they had made the same complaint. Your actions are despicable and outrageous!

  16. Reading this far makes me think there are lots of legal experts on this blog. Is it an ABA-approved web site?

    Seems there’s not much variety on opinion here. V. black and white. A dash of character assassination for accent. Stooge? Are you serious?

  17. “Why did so many people…not intervene? No one was required to do heroic acts; all that was needed were individuals who understood their most basic moral (and legal) duties. And yet everyone involved failed the test. It’s impossible to know with certainty why they did; each individual case was undoubtedly influenced by different factors.

    But one cannot help but believe that the actors in this tragedy did not want to rock the boat…. perhaps they thought they were protecting the institution many of them had come to love. Instead, they have brought to it disgrace. It’s not the first time people who thought they were defending a noble institution ended up dishonoring it.”

    From:WSJ Notable & Quotable – Peter Wehner on why so many at Penn State failed to fulfill their basic moral and legal duties. http://on.wsj.com/tP62cH


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