Art in Rye: Tall Sunflowers by Holly Meeker Rom

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Tall Sunflowers is a watercolor painting by Holly Meeker Rom of Rye. It is featured in the art show A Different Point of View 2009 – Visual Art Inspired by Marshlands Conservancy. You can view the complete exhibition Saturdays, Sundays and holidays until April 5th at the Marshlands Conservancy just off the Boston Post Road in Rye.

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Do you know know about an artist or artwork (painting, photography or another medium) that should be featured on The actual artwork must be of a person or place in Rye, New York.

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  1. “Tall Sunflowers” a beautiful painting Holly. The Marshlands Conservancy, what a fabulous place in Rye to spend time. Thank you for sharing.

    I would also like to share some pictures with everyone. These pictures are contrary to the beauty Holly has allowed us to view. I share these photos with everyone in effort to show the total disregard Hen Islanders have for the environment. FYI, Hen Island is the next door neighbor to the Marshlands Conservancy. Caution: These pictures will break your heart!

    Picture # 1; Hen Island encourages its cottage owners to bury Steel along the shores in an effort to stop erosion.


    Picture #2; This is a picture of a buried oil tank. This oil tank can be viewed along the shores, on the south end of Hen Island.


    Picture #3; This picture depicts again an old abandoned ramp buried along the shore line in another effort to stop erosion.


  2. Picture #4; This is a picture of a wall being built in May of 2007 with no permits. After a complaint from a member of the American Yacht Club the building Department issued a violation for building a wall along the shore without a permit. When I asked the building department a year ago what is happening with the violation, I was told they lost the paperwork. If anyone would like to see the original violation please contact me @ [email protected] I will be happy to e-mail you a copy.


    Picture #5; This is a picture of the finished wall. Over forty feet high. When I read last month’s planning board’s agenda they had four applications for permits involving sea wall along the shore.


    Picture #6; This picture depicts the beach in front of the presidents cottage (below the shoreline) being extended in order to enlarge his front yard and retain soil. This handmade wall grows larger each year.


    Holly’s painting brings warm feelings of peace throughout my body. The photo from Hen Island brings feelings of sadness and disappointment. I also feel a tremendous amount of anger and frustration toward the mayor and the city council for allowing these crimes against nature to exist in Rye as they continue to state “There are no violations on Hen Island”. Is this the mayor and city council we want protecting us???

    Ray Tartaglione

  3. Ray –

    You are obviously under the impression that the world revolves around you – that everything going on in Rye somehow comes back to your failed real estate venture.

    Why don’t you suggest that ANY habitation be banned on Hen Island, and that the current owners be forced to remove any and all signs of the current shanty-town?

  4. What I want to see is all the incident reports over the past 100 years that detail all the people who have gotten sick in either Rye Harbor OR Mamaroneck Harbor because of sewage related to Hen Island. I’d also like to see the incident reports over the past 100 years that detail all the Hen Islanders that have reported illness directly related to “conditions” on Hen Island. I have a feeling the number will be ZERO.

  5. What I want to see is all the incident reports over the past 100 years that detail all the people who have gotten sick in either Rye Harbor OR Mamaroneck Harbor because of sewage related to Hen Island. I’d also like to see the incident reports over the past 100 years that detail all the Hen Islanders that have reported illness directly related to “conditions” on Hen Island. I have a feeling the number will be ZERO.

  6. Ever the opportunist……A nice article about a local artist becomes a vehicle for Ray to spout more inane comments and blather on and on…..And, I don’t believe for a minute Ray you feel peace when you look at the paintings by Holly….rather, you are honest when you say you are angry….just angry…too bad…
    Why Not

  7. “Picture #6; This picture depicts the beach in front of the presidents cottage (below the shoreline) being extended in order to enlarge his front yard and retain soil. This handmade wall grows larger each year.”

    Oh my God!!!!! A 10″ high pile of rocks on the beach. Call the environmental police! Have that criminal arrested immediately!

    Get a life, turd.

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