“Flu-like Symptoms” Cause Rye School to Close

Pigs In the wake of reports of the human swine flu appearing in 20 known cases in the US, the Rye City School District has taken a precautionary measure and decided to close the Rye School of Leadership Monday, April 27th. The district issued the following announcement Sunday night:

"Over the last week or so, several teachers and students at the Rye School of Leadership were ill with flu-like symptoms. In light of news reports, we are going to be very cautious and, on the recommendation of our school physician, Dr. Bruno DiCosmo, and our Director of Health Care Services, Mrs. Tracey Barnett, the Rye School of Leadership and the Special Education offices at 324 Midland Avenue will be closed on Monday, April 27th so that the building can be disinfected. Any parents with questions or concerns should call their school nurse and/or Mrs. Barnett, at 967-6100, extension 1930. It is expected that the building will be re-opened Tuesday, April 28th."



  1. That Icon of local cable news, News12 reported this afternoon that a student at RSL did go to Mexico early in April. Upon returning to school many students and staff came down sick…Uhmm, thinking…RSL students attend the monthly Midland School spirit assembly. Any need to be worried?

  2. We should all be thankful for the anonymous parent who brought this to the medias attention. Had it not been for this parent we may have never known this information. When I first heard of this crazy idea of putting those students right on top of our elementary kids I was not sold on it working. Up until now it has not been a problem.The kids are very respectful towards the little ones & their space. I did not know these kids attended the monthly Midland Assembly. This bothers me. A Definite Need to be Worried!

  3. Maybe one of the criminals that Verille entices into Rye with his promise of sex brought this Swine Flu with them.

    Rye Police used to have crime prevention and anti crime. Now they apparently have a pro crime unit inviting criminals to Rye.

    If not for Verille creating craig list offers for sex these criminals would not even be coming to Rye.

  4. I am astounded at the ignorance of some Rye residents. First of all, it’s irrlevant who may or may not have had the flu, as it could be transmitted to any of our children by the administrators or any staff member. As for worrying about “those” students being on top of the elementary students I hardly feel that having older students attend a spirit assembly with them will start them on the path to self destruction. The experience of having the Rye School of Leadership peripherally involved with the younger students (assemblies only I believe) has been wonderful. It is a mutually beneficial situation to all. I’m sure with all that’s going on in the world you can certainly occupy yourself with worrying about something more important than children who need a little more support in school tainting the waters of your children’s lives.

  5. Why no link to the JN story about a Rye student who has tested positive for the swine flu??? Not passing judgement just reporting news..
    Get off your Mr. Floatie MYRYE!

  6. First probable swine flu case in Rye awaits CDC confirmation


    A Rye child is Westchester County’s first probable case of H1N1 swine flu, health officials announced this afternoon.

    The child was among three people in the county suspected to have the new virus. County health officials are awaiting confirmation of the case from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

    “This is not a surprise,’’ said Health Commissioner Dr. Joshua Lipsman. “We expected this and there likely will be more confirmed cases of swine flu in Westchester. People should remember that each year, millions of people get seasonal flu, and most recover after about a week and do just fine. Thus far, almost all swine cases in the US have been mild.’’

    The Westchester County Department of Health is not releasing identifying information about the child to protect the privacy of the child and the child’s family.

    The child developed fever, cough, runny nose and sore throat on April 25. The child did not require hospitalization and is now recovering at home.

    The child has not been in school since April 24, which was before the child became sick. There has been no increase in absenteeism in the school the child attends. Based on the latest information available, the Westchester County Department of Health has not recommended closing the school the child attends.

    Of the two other Westchester samples sent to state health department laboratories, one from an 85-year-old woman is negative and another from a second Rye child is pending.

    County Executive Andy Spano, along with Lipsman and Anthony Sutton, Commissioner of Emergency Services, will continue to monitor developments and provide updates as needed. For prevention information for you, your family or business, go to http://www.westchestergov.com.

    The CDC has determined that this swine flu virus is spreading from person to person and is thought to occur in the same way as seasonal flu – mainly through coughing or sneezing of infected people.

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