What’s Wrong With This Picture? Happy Earth Day…

What's wrong with this picture?

It's Earth Day and Rye city council is using throw-away water bottles.

Steve Otis with water bottle 03-11-2009 Ashley Craig, Environmental Advocates of Rye, co-founder, told MyRye.com: "The City Council Meetings are widely viewed and the members of the City Council are looked to for guidance from our community.  Making the switch to glasses and pitchers or reusable stainless water bottles would send a powerful message about sustainability and conservation.  We hope the Council will consider this simple change."  



  1. What’s wrong with this picture? Otis is still sitting there.

    Otis should resign so this City can start to get back on track.

    We need honesty, accountability and openness to return to Rye. What we have now is a smug Otis who is completely blinded by his own personal and political agendas.

    Otis must be dumb or thinks everyone else is if he believes he fooled anyone with his Buy? Drologist report.

  2. Great move Ashley! I assure you the mayor will no longer use the disposable water bottles. Any Ideas about how we can get him to stop Hen Island from polluting our waters? Now he is pointing the finger at the County Health Department saying it is their problem. It’s not their problem, it’s happening in Rye. It’s our problem.

  3. If there’s a problem with the Mayor’s water then perhaps he should “speak to your neighbor sir.”

    That’s how water problems are handled.

  4. They’ll likely do anything for YOU Ashley. You have the right political pedigree and you always ask them so nicely.

    But if you were right on something a lot tougher – and they knew it but felt it might bring discredit to their past practices and attitudes – you would find them….well….let’s look here –


  5. Not only is today Earth Day, it is also the birthday of –


    Below is our press release from 2008. We have come a long way. Thanks for everyone’s support!!

    Mr. Floatie – A Birth Announcement!!

    A new arrival, born on Earth Day April 22, 2008. It’s finally here after months in the making! The Heal The Harbor web site, https://www.healtheharbor.com is finally up and running.

    We’d like to thank everyone who responded to our construction page and for his or her help and participation. We received tons of correspondence and were encouraged by your enthusiasm for the cause. Glad to have everyone with us.

    Going forward, we’ll be continuing our efforts, including keeping everyone informed of our ongoing court battle, to get Hen Island, the City of Rye and Westchester County officials to “recognize” the alarming health, building and environmental issues posed by
    existing conditions on Hen Island. These conditions – some literally accidents waiting to
    happen, and some that have happened already, can affect many communities along Long
    Island Sound.

    At the Heal The Harbor web site you’ll find photos and information in the following areas of outrage: sewage, domestic water collection, building safety, and environmental injustice at its worst. Yes we need enforcement that protects every community and every citizen from pollution regardless of location.

    You’ll also find contact information, a petition to sign, and an opportunity to write letters to public officials. To keep your spirits up along the way, visit the “Fun with their
    Failures” section of the web site. There you will find games, puzzles, songs, videos and
    lessons for all ages. We think you’ll get a real kick out of an endearing fellow named Mr.
    Floatie. We believe that no matter how serious things get laughter can always help to

    So, thank you for your interest and involvement but most of all, thank you for caring about Hen Island, our harbors, our waters and the environment that is so precious to us all. Together we can heal the harbor!

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