Chris Repetto, Board of Education Candidate

The following is a board of education candidate statement from Chris Repetto. What do you think of Chris Repetto as a candidate? Please leave your comments below.

Repetto The Rye school system is what first brought my wife, Kassandra, and me to Rye in 2003. But perhaps even more important than the quality and reputation of the Rye schools is the degree to which the Rye public school system is woven into the fabric of the entire Rye community. That made our decision easy. To a great extent, the Rye community and the public school system are one and the same, and this is a very large part of what makes Rye such a special place to live. I grew up in Garden City, Long Island, graduated from the University of Rochester in 1989 and did my graduate work at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Management (MBA 1995). My decision to run stems from my belief that we need passionately fair-minded and collaborative leaders to help restore the essential trust between the board and the community, parents, administration and teachers that must exist for the board to effectively accomplish its mission.



  1. I’m predicting Nathan, Slack, and Schmitt to win (in that order), and budget to pass by 165 votes.
    Also rans will be Repetto, Tuch, Hughes, and Hendler, in that order.
    Can’t wait to see all the screams of fraudulent voting from the conspiracy nuts when I’m proven correct!

  2. The five candidates who are not incumbents all agree that the dialogue must change and that there is dysfunction in our community stemming from poor communication. The incumbents do not acknowledge this and Mr. Nathan actually called it a “straw man” during the debate at the Osborn on Tues. If there is no discord, please tell me if anyone read today’s Journal News? There was an article about vandalism at Susan Hendler’s home, including an object being thrown at the bedroom window of her 11 yr. old son. This just goes way beyond anything that makes sense. As upset or angry as anyone may be about a candidate’s platform or style of delivery, there is absolutely no excuse for behavior of this nature. An apology is in order and someone needs to make reparations for the damage to the Hendler’s property. What madness is going on here?

  3. Van Dolsen,
    I am not condoning this behavior in any fashion and I agree there is no excuse for this kind of behavior… I did read the article and it didn’t say anywhere that this was the act of a disgruntled voter. There is no police record on file. There was no mention of any damage. There was also no mention of it being her 11 yr.old son’s window. Since you have stated such a fact,maybe you might consider this 11 yr.old has an enemy or two. If this were the act of an adult maybe Ms.Hendler should rethink her strategy for the safety of her children. After all this whole thing is about the kids…right?
    I seriously doubt you are going to get someone to admit to this crime with an apology & restitution for damages.

  4. I’m excited to hear that the 5 non-incumbents agree that the dialog must change, but am unclear on what that means. If it means civil discourse needs to be resumed, I am supportive of that – let’s start with candidates for the Board along with the RTA ceasing their abuse of the public comment section of the board meeting.
    If it means that the topics to be discussed need to change, let’s provide feedback to the Board on what the community thinks is important that is not presently being addressed. That list could NOT include spending/taxes. It could also NOT include curriculum and instruction. It could also NOT include contract negotiations or litigation. Each of these items – along with others – are already actively discussed by the board and administration.
    If it means re-opening topics that have been previously discussed and resolved (extra nights of lights at the football stadium, too many AP tests, etc), then I would suggest that if a majority of the community – resident or parental – felt that these items had not been sufficiently addressed, they would bring them back up. But the have not done so. It seems like some individuals who are not happy with the resolution of these issues continue to raise them as “burning” when they’ve already been “put out.”

  5. mrs. Dolsen, the police dispute Mrs. Hendler’s account. Since you mention the Journal News, didn’t they place the blame for the “discord” with the union?
    Didn’t they dismiss your candidates as not qualified?
    Isn’t madness kind of an exaggeration? Sanitation said those signs are only moved if they are on the right of way.
    Your restitution thing or whatever is a little dramatic too.
    Rye is a nice little town and we like our school board. Lighten up already.

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