Gwen Hughes, Board of Education Candidate

The following is a board of education candidate statement from Gwen Hughes. What do you think of Gwen Hughes as a candidate? Please leave your comments below.

Hughes The community of Rye has been a central part of my life for the past thirty-five years. You may know me as a parent, a former teacher at Osborn School, a community volunteer, or as a friend. I will bring a fresh voice to the Board, the desire to improve relationships within our school community and the knowledge gained from thirty-seven years of experience as an educator. I was drawn to accept a position in Rye by the high standard of excellence in the schools, as well as by the warmth and involvement of the residents of Rye in their community. I am the mother of two children, both of whom are graduates of Rye High School, and the grandmother of eight. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education and a Master of Music Degree, both from Drake University. I have also done extensive post-graduate

study in the New York City area. It is my wish that the newly elected Board will be one which has diversity of thought and background, the ability to listen and learn from the community, and will continue to promote Rye’s high standards.



  1. Hurray! A candidate for the school board as envisioned by the originators of the school board as a corporate body!

    I wish you sincere good luck.

  2. Yes, a neutral candidate who can obviously represent taxpayers, students, and the teacher’s union with equal aplomb.
    While I have tremendous respect for Gwen Hughes decision to run for the school board and her polite point making, as a former employee of the school district who’s retirement income can be affected by a settled teacher’s contract, she has no place on the board. She would, be definition, be conflicted. Further, her repeated attempts to explain away the average teacher increases under the old contract as not really being 7+%, but rather a set of different rates reflects a lack of understanding of the true financial impact of the previous contract on our community.

  3. Nobody in Rye wants to see our taxes go up. We have good schools and good well paid teachers. They could have a contact tomorrow. I was union and no one is keeping a contract from them. They just don’t want to sign because they want more money. You can’t get blood from a stone. Mrs. Hughes seems nice enough but she came out of no where.
    That Hendler lady involving the police and keep changing her story is what I don’t like.

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