Square House Edition: New Shew?, White Rocks—Items on the Agenda for City Council Wednesday – May 13, 2009

The city council agenda is out for Wednesday, May 13, 2009. See you at 8pm for the annual "Square House" edition – the meeting will be held at the historic Square House museum on Purchase Street across from City Hall or on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We'll also see you on the Internet (next day) at https://rye.peg.tv.

Let's check the batting order and highlights from the 14 agenda items. The city council will enter executive session at 6:31 p.m. to discuss attorney/client matters. The executive session will be held at City Hall and the full meeting will commence at 8pm at Square House.

  • Open Mic. Never dull. Residents may be heard who have matters to discuss that do not appear on the agenda.
  • Lifeguard! Public hearing to adopt a local law amending Article X, “Swimming Pools” Sections 157-66 through 157-79 of the City Charter of the City of Rye.
  • Not Mr. Floatie. Consideration to set a public hearing on June 10, 2009 for cost allocation in connection with the Kirby Lane North Sewer improvement project.
  • Rules for Cops. Consideration of proposed revision of the Rules and Regulations of the City of Rye Police Department.
  • White Rocks. Discussion of obstructions in the right of way.
  • Got New Shews? Authorization for Acting City Manager beginning May 1, 2009.

The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on May 27, 2009.



  1. Why is the issue of white rocks on the border of property an issue? Most people bought their homes with the rocks already in place and never give them a second thought.

    Have we completed our work on flood mitigation and received all of the possible state and federal funds to assist us in rebuilding after the flood? No? Then why are we talking about such as silly issue? To spend time on white rocks is a easy distraction to avoid tackling harder issues.

    This is why Congress holds hearings on baseball and steroids or other topics instead of working on important issues like Iraq or the federal budget.

    To the Rye City Council – please focus on more important issues – then you can talk about whether the white rocks should be removed or if dogs should be required to wear pants in public. (Probably not a good idea but it seems that the Council is willing to spend their time on just about anything.)

  2. Why Worry –
    Didn’t you realize this is an election year?
    White Rocks have been talked about off and on for at least 8 years. The theory is that the rocks are on city-owned property, and the city is opening itself up to a lawsuit if a runner trips over the stones, or is hit by a car b/c he was running in the street to avoid the rocks.
    Property owners put them there so that cars won’t park on their lawn and create furrows, and won’t ride up on their lawn when swerving to avoid oncoming traffic. Some property owners got rid of their white rocks and put up a Belgian blocks border, raising the possibility that 1) runners could still twist their ankles if they sidestepped onto them, 2) drivers could damage their vehicles if they jumped the curb, and 3) water run-off won’t get absorbed by the lawns, leading to (gasp!) a damaged eco-structure.
    Rather a stupid topic, and one put on the agenda every time the Mayor wants to seem “pro-active” and discuss the many “concerns” of this (non)issue.
    You are totally correct in your assessment that it is put on the agenda to avoid more serious and pressing concerns like flooding. But discussing such topics might actually cost votes!

  3. “Rather a stupid topic, and one put on the agenda every time the Mayor wants to seem “pro-active” and discuss the many “concerns” of this (non)issue. You are totally correct in your assessment that it is put on the agenda to avoid more serious and pressing concerns like flooding. But discussing such topics might actually cost votes!”

    Wow, me agreeing with Scooter, who would’ a thunk it? Unlike this absurd “white rock” political contraption, seasonal flooding is a grinding concern for our local victims and the rest of us. Behind it – but not by much – is the rule of law. Let’s take the politics out of wetland code enforcement in Rye by removing some of the white rocks currently lying in the council chairs.

  4. I am so sick of the shit that goes on around here. A little boy gets killed on our streets and nothing is done to keep it from happening again. A little girl gets struck by a car,receives a broken leg(thank god that was all) and BINGO we have the BPR Diet. People,including the Midland School Faculty SPEED up and down Midland Ave all god damn day long and not a god damn thing is done about it! Excuse Me…I stand corrected…the commissioner did once send Patrolman Cancel out to Midland Ave. to “PROVE JIM AMICO WRONG”! Election year and we are worried about some stupid white rocks. Susan Hendler is missing a few political signs, a rock supposeably gets thrown at a window in her house and the Commissioner is putting a Patrol Car outside her house to protect her family. ARE YOU F…… KIDDING ME????????????? Please Tell Me This is Some Kind of a Joke!!! ON who’s dime is this extra patrol car being paid?? It sure as hell better not be mine!
    BTW- It has been 37 months(3 years) since my son was killed on Police Commissioner Connors streets. This man has not so much as made a phone call,sent a sympathy card,passed along his condolences,”NOTHING” “ZERO” acknowledgement of my sons tragic death. But some woman on Forest Ave. has a rock thrown @ her house & some stupid political signs stolen and Connors is putting an extra car on out in front of her house for her protection!!!

  5. Obama Nation,
    I hope I am taking this the way I think you meant it. The answer is 46 years. Yes,I get it. I am no longer willing to put up with it. I believe this was a contributing reason to my son’s death and it is time the rest of Rye grow some balls and stand behind me in making a difference. With the exception of a few good people I have never received the support of the community against the City as the Emanuels did. I was never invited by the Mayor to be heard as the Emanuels and her supporters(including me) were.
    It is time the check book balance & tax bracket profiling come to an end before another child loses their life!!!
    Since when is it okay to value ones life according to their tax bracket???

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