At the Bar with Kurt Cartiglia at Ruby’s Oyster Bar

Today Social Scene Columnist Pamela Baur has a drink with Kurt Cartiglia

Kurt Cartiglia Ruby's(PHOTO: Columnist Baur behind the bar with Cartiglia) His Marine background lends to his commanding presence behind the bar. While he works at both Ruby’s and Morgan’s Fish House in Rye, don’t question his commitment. He’s not left Morgan’s, but rather is spreading his talents around the corner to Ruby’s Oyster Bar on Wednesday nights. In his delivery and exacting in his pours, Cartiglia is a leader in great service and real interaction. His high-and-tight fade may be waning, but his professionalism and precision in mix-ology are spot-on!

Your Name:Kurt “K-Smooth”Cartiglia

Your Bar: Ruby’s Oyster Bar and Morgan’s Fish House (Ruby’s 45 Purchase Street  (914) 921-4166;  Morgan’s 22 Elm Place, Rye – (914) 921-8190

Pamela Baur, So, How long has it been? 

Kurt Cartiglia: It’s been 2+ years

How would you describe your clientele?

Eclectic, a mix of young and older people. All fun.

What’s your drink of the moment?

Pomegranate Martini

What about your drink of the ages?

A Manhattan, never shaken, served with brandied cherries

Your Favorite Garnish?
A flaming orange

Tell us your favorite bartender story

That would be Charles Barkley behind the bar with me at Picasso’s back in 1992, which was fantastic; he made me at least $500!

And locally here, any Saturday night at Morgan’s is a big party, the same fun familiar people always show up!

Thanks Kurt!

The story uncovering how Kurt got his nick-name K-Smooth will be covered in a separate post on the future…

Do you have a favorite bartender in Rye? Tell us about him or her by leaving a comment below and we might feature the person in a future At the Bar.


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