Bounces Off Me and Sticks to You: Rye Board of Ed Update on RTA Negotiations

On Wednesday, June 17th, Rye Board of Ed President Josh Nathan, fresh of handily defeating various opponents in a heated election, issued an update on the BOE's contract negotiations with the Rye Teacher's Association (RTA).

We've included the update below. Do you think the RTA should accept the current offer? Is it too generous? Not generous enough? Leave a comment below.

The Nathan missive:

Re: Teacher Contract Negotiations & Board of Education Offer
Dear Members of the Community,
As the school year comes to a close, we have a lot for which to be grateful: our children are learning and achieving in every grade, distinguishing themselves as scholars, athletic champions, leaders, artists and musicians, and civic minded young adults.  Their growth and success is made possible by a terrific partnership of community support in the form of taxes and volunteer work and the outstanding work of the District's professionals: teachers, staff and administrators. But as you know, contract negotiations with our teachers remain unsettled.
In September, I wrote to you with an update on the status of the Board of Education's negotiations with the Rye Teachers' Association ("RTA") and explained the financial package (total compensation increases for our teachers of 25.3% over 5-years) and other terms of the Board's offer to the RTA. In the months immediately following, the RTA did not accept the Board's offer and did not put forth a counter offer.  In that same period, the economic climate significantly deteriorated with no promise of improvement. By December, due to the growing fiscal crisis (the worst New York State has faced in the last 30, if not 70, years), the Board, like many other boards of education, reassessed and revised its financial offer to the RTA to help align our school budgets with the new economic reality. 
Over the past several months the parties have engaged in mediation as well as direct negotiation.  Most recently we met on May 20th. Below are the key open issues and the Board's last offer with respect to each:
1. On salaries: the Board has proposed across-the-board increases for all teachers as follows: 3.5% for a portion of the 2008-09 school year, and thereafter 2.4% for 2009-10, 2.4% for 2010-11 and 2.4% for 2011-12. These across-the-board increases are in addition to the annual 4.3% average "step" increase the majority of our teachers receive on our salary schedule, i.e., these teachers would be guaranteed a 6.7% average salary increase during each of the next three years.
2. On teachers' contributions to healthcare premiums: we asked teachers to progress from the 8% contribution they make now to 13% in 2009-10, 14% in 2010-11 and 15% in 2011-12.
3. On professional development: we asked our teachers to participate in two additional 90 minute sessions per month of district led staff development to ensure that they have, and are sharing with each other, the latest skills and know-how needed for Rye's curriculum.

4. On a possible tax cap: we asked the RTA to agree to reopen the financial terms of the contract in the event that the State passes a school tax cap that would, by limiting tax revenue, force the District to lay off teachers. In the event of such legislation (which the Board opposes), such a safeguard would protect jobs for teachers and preserve class size.
The Board's proposal is based on recognizing several factors, 1) that many in our community are now dealing with either no income growth, reductions in income, or even job loss, 2) that we believe the annual total compensation increases the Board proposed for our teachers, 19.3% over 5-years, can be sustained with appropriate budget and tax rate increases, and 3) the high value and respect our community places on teachers and thus a commitment to reward teachers with increases in total compensation, notwithstanding the current economic environment.
The RTA countered by making higher financial demands as compared to its earlier position.  We expressed surprise that by their new demand they were widening the financial gap between our proposals, rather than narrowing it, and we asked them to confirm if such was their intent; they did. This is a move by the RTA in the wrong direction. The Board has in fact sought to narrow the gap, thus our May 20th salary offer was higher than our April offer and, similarly, we reduced our requests for cost-sharing on healthcare and time for professional development.
The RTA also stated that there are four terms that are "deal-breakers" for them:
1.  Must have full retroactive wage increases going  
     back to July 1, 2007;
2.  No 15% health insurance premium contribution at
     any time;
3.  No additional professional development time; and
4.  No tax cap safeguard provision.
The Board responded that it does not have any deal breakers.  In our view, as representatives of the community, everything is negotiable provided we can reach a fair deal that protects the educational program for our students, appropriately rewards our teachers and safeguards the community against budget and tax rate growth that cannot be sustained. In response the RTA negotiators stated that salary growth and its impact on the school budget and tax rates is not their concern; they expressly reaffirmed their position that if the Board must control costs, we should do so by eliminating athletics, student clubs and, if necessary eliminate teaching positions and the moderate class sizes that go with them.
We had another meeting scheduled with the RTA for June 8th, but the RTA cancelled it and stated that they would only meet if we increased our proposal. We believe that the only way to achieve a resolution here is through engagement and renewed dialogue. Accordingly, the Board's team will be available to meet during the summer months, however we will not "bid against ourselves" as a precondition to having further conversation. 
My colleagues on the Board and I wish you an enjoyable summer.  We wish the same for our teachers and hope that they will accept the opportunity to work with us toward a fair settlement of the issues as soon as possible.
Respectfully and on behalf of the
Board of Education,
Josh Nathan



  1. Good for Nathan for standing firm. The Rye teachers union has overplayed their hand – cut athletics and student clubs so the teachers can speed to work in their new cars? So the veneer of the sanctimonious arguments they’ve been making over the past 10 years is now worn completely through. The message is loud and clear – “we no longer give a damn about your kids, just give us more of the money you no longer have”.
    There’s a lot of unemployed teachers out there – the BOE could reduce our taxes further by getting rid of some of the overpaid, underworked and greedy teachers. Here’s hoping…

  2. Wow!!! That’s some leadership! If you need validation from your constituency, Do you need us to tell you if your tie matches your shirt as well? I suppose that speaks to the impotence of this school board. This wasn’t an election as much as it was a popularity contest. How long has this “negotiation” been going on? Just get it done, or get someone with a real pair of b#@ls to get it done. This is so shameful that in a city like Rye that this should be continuing in perpetuity.

  3. Well said above Scooter.

    Time to let the market forces who’ve worked over the Rye taxpayers apply to the public teacher’s union types as well.

  4. RyeRes –

    I greatly appreciate the BOE informing the taxpayer to this new development. If Nathan has mis-led the public in any way in regard to the facts, he will suffer the consequences. But I believe what he’s written, and if anyone in the teacher’s union truly believes they are being short-changed by this community, they are free to look for work elsewhere. The mere fact that there have been no teachers departing for greener pastures indicates that all teachers know full well what a racket they have going for them. I am thrilled that Nathan and the BOE are working hard to do this right, rather than doing it fast (and poorly.)
    And furthermore, of course this was an election. The voting public was given a choice to select three individuals out of seven to serve terms on the school board. Nathan and his colleagues were elected, mostly because their position on holding the line on taxes won over the voting public. That’s how elections work – the candidates with the most appealling platforms get the majority of the votes.
    If you don’t like the concept of most votes winning, you may want to consider re-locating to North Korea or Iran, where the election process works somewhat differently, as I understand it. Somehow, unpopular people with bad ideas keep getting “elected” over there, usually by a very large margin. Sounds like you’d fit in.

  5. I say the BOE should stick to their guns.

    Rye is a very desirable district to work in. There is no need to pay a premium to the teachers. Pay them well, offer them benefits equal to those of similar districts (but not to the degree that it becomes a significant part of their comp package) and give them the tools required to teach the students.

    Again, these teachers know that they are working in a great school district and there will be a line two blocks long should positions open up.

    The BOE has the upper hand, but they must also ensure that the students get the best educators available. While the Rye teachers are (mostly) very good, they definitely are replaceable.

  6. Scooter-

    Believe it or not, I actually agree with most of your position. The teacher’s union is, in essence, a racket. They should spend some time with some teachers that don’t have it as good as they do. Books from 1975, overcrowded classrooms, and parents, when and if there are any, that simply aren’t parenting. Most teachers have never seen a smartboard, attended a high school football game under the lights on artificial turf, or more importantly, have a parent, let alone two, show up for a parent teacher conference. The fact is that you know this, I know this, but the BOE has not been able to put an end to the interminable impasse. At some point, they need to get tough, real tough, not politically correct tough, with the teacher’s union. As far as the election process is concerned, yes, they were fairly elected in a reasonably clean and democratic manner. That happens in this country better than anywhere else. The fact is that the election was for school board, not prom queen and king. If the voters of Rye were so concerned about the ongoing issues with the teacher’s union, why would they re – elect those who have been unwilling or unable to resolve it? And of course, when you have voted for someone who is your dear friend or long time neighbor, you are so much less inclined to hold their feet to the fire when they fail. Perhaps if the level of fireworks we see at the city council meetings could carry over to a BOE meeting every now and again, we would better serve our children as well as our community.

  7. I give the BOE an F with regard to its top responsibility… creating a healthy and inspiring educational atmosphere for our children.

    If I had the mandate to resolve a contract dispute, and I hadn’t made any measurable progress for years, I’d be fired for incompetence.

    Our teachers are paid less than their peers in White Plains, Yonkers and many other communities in Westchester. And I don’t think Astroturf is enough to offset the difference.

    The good teachers will go elsewhere. And the lousy ones will stay. Thanks Rye BOE.

  8. Well, this is what Scooter and the rest of the malcontents of Rye wanted. Now we are farther apart than ever with the teachers and Nathan is crying to the public already. It’s amateur hour in Rye now and we can all thank I hope this town notices this BS and votes the professionals ( Mayor Otis and the current ciity council) back in November. If Otis was in charge of these negotiations, we wouldn’t now be farther apart than we were a month ago. Just keep listening to that chump Scooter and his side kick Tedc and the whole town will collapse from within come November.

  9. Mr.Nathan,
    Thank You for your honesty and update. City Council should take notes. For all of you Hendler fans…. try throwing stones from outside your glass homes. You call letting the Taxpayers know what is going on crying?? Wow-talk about shallow! I don’t see anyone crying but the RTA and their very small amount of supporters! There was no favoritism in the election. Your hand picked candidates had holes in them like swiss cheese and got SLAUGHTERED!!!!! Why is it only the BOE’s fault in the negotiations…. they are not the ones refusing to sign on the dotted line??? FTR- IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW THIS LANDS THE TEACHERS THAT SPEED TO WORK THRU THE SCHOOL ZONES WILL ALWAYS SPEED…… I witness this every day in the Midland Ave. 20MPH School Zone-even after one of their own students has been killed they still have no regard for the safety of our children. THESE VIOLATORS ARE A DISGRACE AND A PATHETIC EXAMPLE TO THEIR PROFESSION!!! I have written several emails to the faculty @ Midland in regards to this matter and have been answered by a few of them to stop emailing them. One response was a pathetic threat from a very nasty lady…B.D.

    Axis….. you without doubt need a shrink- “If Otis was in charge of these negotiations, we wouldn’t now be farther apart than we were a month ago”. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDN… YOU ARE AS PATHETIC AS THE TEACHERS THAT SPEED IN THE SCHOOL ZONES!!!!

    Penny Wise….. The smart teachers aren’t going anywhere… smart is what seperates them from the ones not so fortunate!

  10. “In response the RTA negotiators stated that salary growth and its impact on the school budget and tax rates is not their concern; they expressly reaffirmed their position that if the Board must control costs, we should do so by eliminating athletics, student clubs and, if necessary eliminate teaching positions and the moderate class sizes that go with them”.

    “We had another meeting scheduled with the RTA for June 8th, but the RTA cancelled it and stated that they would only meet if we increased our proposal”.

    “The RTA also stated that there are four terms that are “deal-breakers” for them:”

    1. Must have full retroactive wage increases going
    back to July 1, 2007;
    2. No 15% health insurance premium contribution at
    any time;
    3. No additional professional development time; and
    4. No tax cap safeguard provision.

    I suppose this is all false and Mr. Nathan is dreaming this up!
    Sign the damn contract and stop whining.
    Penny Wise wrote:
    “The good teachers will go elsewhere. And the lousy ones will stay”.
    Good or Lousy I don’t see any teachers running for the door…..
    I WONDER WHY????
    “3. On professional development: we asked our teachers to participate in two additional 90 minute sessions per month of district led staff development to ensure that they have, and are sharing with each other, the latest skills and know-how needed for Rye’s curriculum”.
    This would be a great benefit to the children… and the Teachers are against this why???
    I would appreciate a Teacher explaining this one-since you are all about the children!!! How about you Mr.Zung…. care to comment?
    It is a pleasure to welcome summer in as school ends. A two month break from the faculty @ Midland School SPEEDING ON MIDLAND AVE. AND IN THE 20mph SCHOOL ZONE.


  11. Jim,

    SHUT UP Enough your 15 minutes are long gone SHUT UP

    When you get your house in order maybe I would be interested in what you have to say.

    People who leave in glass houses should not copulate with sheep!

  12. Shut Up,
    My 15 minutes? Get my house in order? What the hell does that mean?? If you are so bold as to tell me to shut up in caps twice maybe you would be so bold as to put your name on it… I DOUBT IT!
    Such bold demands should be made at my front door!!!
    Help me get my house in order so I can get you interested!!!

  13. Don’t pay creatures like ‘Shut Up’ any mind Jim. They don’t care about Rye’s kids the way you do and they’ve likely never experienced the death of a child.

    You have deep support here in town Jim – and you’ve been pandered to, then ignored and then disrespected way too long.

    Come November, all that is gonna end.

  14. Thanks Ted,

    Shut Up,
    If by some slight chance you grow a set overnight you can find me at the Greenwood Cemetery tomorrow…….

  15. Clearly your balls are big enough for just about all of Rye.
    While the death of your son is indeed tragic, do we really need to listen to you go on endlessly about a stupid stop sign and people speeding. Both of which had nothing to do with the death of your son.
    Ask most any traffic expert what the effects are of installing a stop sign to control speed are. People speed up to make up for lost time.

  16. Interesting set of diatribes posted so far. One individual asserting that the Board should “just get it done”. Others saying to the RTA “Lump it or leave it”.

    The RTA contract can’t get done by either side forcing its opinion on the other. Until someone is willing to compromise – and the unwillingness of the Rye residents to have its representatives (aka the Board) compromise was made darn clear by the election – there will be no new contract. In the meantime, 2/3rds of teachers will continue to get raises of about 4.3% per year.

    What I don’t get is why the RTA has decided to ask for MORE than they’d previously requested. If they really wanted a contract, they’d be reducing their demands, not increasing them. If they want to play that game, maybe the Board should reduce its offer.

  17. Put Up or Shut Up,
    As I thought,you stay ANONYMOUS!!
    You obviously haven’t being paying attention the last 3 years!
    Please don’t confuse my words or my reasons for them.

  18. Jim,

    Blogs are for anonymous postings. It brings out the best of the internet where ideas are judged on their merit and not on who wrote them. It is your problom you choose to use your name. The people here on this blog know that you and Mr. Tartaglione try and discredit ideas by discrediting the person behind the idea. So, if you want to keep posting ideas use an anonymous name. Personally, every time I see your name atached to a post I immediately assume it will be useless. See what I’m talking about?

  19. Jim,

    Blogs are for anonymous postings. It brings out the best of the internet where ideas are judged on their merit and not on who wrote them. It is your problom you choose to use your name. The people here on this blog know that you and Mr. Tartaglione try and discredit ideas by discrediting the person behind the idea. So, if you want to keep posting ideas use an anonymous name. Personally, every time I see your name atached to a post I immediately assume it will be useless. See what I’m talking about?

  20. It’s amateur hour in Rye when it comes to the BOE. Nathan, tedc and Scooter’s guy, already has blown the negotiations and now is trying to publicly embarass the Teachers. Way to go Nathan! Try taking a class in negotiations and learning appropriate techniques before running for Rye’s BOE. Good Grief. Tedc and Scooter now want to fill the city gov’t with clowns like these. God help us.

  21. Shut up –

    You’re a callous asshole. If people are speeding, they should be pulled over and ticketed by the cops. If they learn that speeding is going to result in being even later, maybe they’ll get their fat asses out of bed a little bit earlier to get to where they want to go at a safe speed.
    Ask anyone, even non-experts, about how strict enforcement can change behavior.

  22. It’s your problem –
    Yes, it’s true, Nathan is “my guy”. He’s also the guy of 1,499 other voters.
    In writing his letter, he is keeping the public informed, not trying to publicly embarass the teachers. They are doing a fine job of that themselves.
    I heard that NOT ONE TEACHER made it to the high school graduation yesterday. So they obviously don’t give a damn about their students, it’s all about the money.
    Nathan is willing to negotiate, he made an offer in good faith, the RTA refused to attend the meeting.
    Time for a house cleaning – fire some, maybe a majority of teachers, it’ll be easy to get highly qualified AND DEDICATED teachers who would be thrilled to take over.

  23. Scooter – you miswrite. Teachers were present at the graduation although not in the numbers of previous years. I’d estimate a dozen or so in the audience – and they stood to be recognized when asked to do so. The teachers DO care about the kids. But they’re also getting a lot pressure from their [mis]leadership to do whatever they can to make things painful for the students and parents.

  24. It’s your problem – how about providing some real advice / opinions about what can be done better in the negotiations. Calling people amateurs without supporting ideas adds no value.

    And frankly, given the significance of what the board is trying to achieve with the RTA negotiation and how foreign a concept a truly “fair” contract is to the RTA, I’m not surprised that this has taken 2 years. Not only is the RTA seeking to defend its own benefits / perqs, but it’s also getting support and push from the NYSUT, etc. to not break ranks and agree to terms that would affect Rye’s peer districts negotiations.

  25. Scooter,
    Thanks for the constructive critisism. I fully understand what blogs are all about. Just because I use my name does not give someone the right to attack me or my family personally. They are more than welcome to an opinion on the subject. There are many people on here who use their real name and they don’t get treated in this manner……
    what makes me different from that field???
    If they have something personal to say they should try confronting me @ my front door….not on a blog.
    I do disagree with your opinion on the subject of me discrediting the person and not the idea.
    I credit or discredit FACTS!
    FTR-Why do you assume my posts are useless?
    You obviously agree that people speed around Rye.

    OMT – I was out to dinner last night with a 1st grade Midland Parent who told me that her child’s class was the only class that made presents to take home for Fathers Day!!


  26. Jim –

    I think you meant to direct your comments to “It’s your problem”- and I don’t think your posts are useless, though I may not always agree.

  27. It’s Your Problem,,
    Thanks – I fully understand what blogs are all about. Just because I use my name does not give someone the right to attack me or my family personally. They are more than welcome to an opinion on the subject. There are many people on here who use their real name and they don’t get treated in this manner……
    what makes me different from that field???
    If they have something personal to say they should try confronting me @ my front door….not on a blog.
    I do disagree with your opinion on the subject of me discrediting the person and not the idea.
    I credit or discredit FACTS!
    FTR-Why do you assume my posts are useless?


    OMT – I was out to dinner last night with a 1st grade Midland Parent who told me that her child’s class was the only class that made presents to take home for Fathers Day!!


  28. Jim,

    I feel you act like an adolecent most of the time. I’ve never seen a grown man threaten so many people with bodily harm just becuase they disagree with you. That’s why I think your posts are a waste of my time. Grow up.

  29. Yes what is this cowboy crap? Disagree and I’ll kick your ass?

    I don’t sweat you tough guy.

  30. Bodily Harm? I have only made any thing remotely close to any kind of threat when someone attacked my family in reference to Jarrid. If you think that is not warranted “That Is Your Problem”. If you or anyone wish to attack me or my family personally try not being a coward about it and step to the plate @ my front door.
    Obviously they don’t put their name to their comments because they know they shouldn’t go there. Say what you will just leave my son and my family out of it!

  31. Jim,

    There is a special place in hell for those two despicable evil cowards. I never felt I was capable of wishing the unimaginable level of tragedy on anyone that you and your family have and will continue to live with, but these guys have gotten me pretty close. There is obviously evil among us, and I hope these people aren’t raising children in this town. If they are, then perhaps the RTA is no longer the biggest problem in our schools. Jim, I don’t know you personally, so I do feel somewhat out of place offering this up to you, but please remember, especially in Rye, for every ignorant and evil person, there are countless others who feel that your commitment to honor your son, and make Rye a better place to live for everyone is an inspiration. I am not sure how many of us could endure what you have, but you do have friends and neighbors in this town, many you may not know, that I am certain would like you to know that.

  32. Why do the teachers feel they are owed a raise, when they are lucky to still have a job.
    So many people have lost their jobs and the ones that still have jobs are not getting raises, why should it be different for the teachers?
    Who else gets the entire summer off.

  33. Rye Res,
    THANK YOU SO MUCH, Always Greatly Appreciated and @ this moment very needed. I can’t describe the pain we endure every minute of every day….It is so painful I couldn’t even wish it on idiots such as these- Though I could definitely think of something a bit less painful that would suit them!!! I am putting a petition together for my fight. My goal is to shove 1,000 signatures down the throats @ City Hall… Something they “CAN NOT” Ignore!!! I will be asking for as much assistance and support as I can in getting this done. You sound like a candidate for this. When you hear about it please make it a point to join in!!!

  34. Jim;
    Certainly no need to thank me. I continue to find it amazing that people who physically resemble human beings, can act so contrary to what our civilized instincts should be. You continue to fight the good fight, because it is the right thing to do for yourself, your family and your son. Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy from Long Island suffered unimaginable tragedy in 1993 when her husband and son were shot on the LIRR. Although her son survived, she lost her husband that day. She went from being a Long Island homemaker to serving in Congress, a direct result of the fight she took on for gun control. She continues to serve, and like her politics or not, she continues to work tirelessly for what she believes. She did what she did, and you do what you do. When as a compassionate human being you feel that you have even the slightest chance to prevent anyone from dealing with what you and your family have dealt with, and will continue to deal with the rest of your lives you move heaven and earth to make things happen. Rest assured Jim, these two scumbags do not represent the rest of our community. Of course I will join in, and I would like to think that this community will stand behind you and your family as long as you continue to fight this good fight. By the way, despite the circumstances, anybody takes on a man’s family the way these morons have, well they have coming whatever they get.

  35. Rye Res,
    Again Much Appreciated.
    And Yes…. They will have to one day answer to someone far more Powerful than I!!!!!!

  36. I thought I posted this yesterday, but I guess not.
    The teachers want more money etc.
    They should just sign the contract, after all they are luck to still have a job in this economy.
    BTW, what is the starting salary for Rye teachers, can anyone answer that for me?

  37. I am glad to be able to still write on this blog.
    I also received Josh’s letter. I was just about to raise my eyebrows and say I understand better now.
    However, I then saw 2 dozen teachers “taking a walk to the beach” on professinal development day! This is what the BOE is doing with our tax dollars!!!

    They want teachers to work more time, and can’t fill the time they already have (which is more than ANY other district).

    I reasearched when teachers got out of school this year, and RYE was the ONLY district to have teachers working on Monday.

    Working??? I mean Walking!!!

    Seriously, I do not believe the BOE any more and I do in fact understand why the teachers are angry.

    I hope I get more clarrification from the the teachers.

  38. So, Since S.Hendler made a complete ass of herself and her family along with getting “CRUSHED” in the election she has been to every BOE meeting & leaving early during every one! Does this nut job actually think she has a chance during the next election??
    Stick to what you know Susan…..
    There is a reason you came in DEAD LAST!!!

  39. Why do you people want a BOE that doesn’t care about the body it’s in charge of?

    Good Idea… keep pissing off teachers and don’t care about surrounding districts contracts.

    But… demand your child gets the BEST education in public school with record breaking ranks!

    You sure compare those numbers to other districts!

    How about you go to work with little or no increase. Or, just try not getting a bonus for the remainder of your career. (like teachers) How long before you move from Rye?

    Better yet, be in charge of the schools (BOE) and send your children to private school.

    This community has got mixed up priorities. I seriously am embarassed to say I grew up and chose to raise my own children here.
    What a waste….

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