Old Playland Roller Coaster Headed for Scrap Yard

Breaking news out of Middleberry, Connecticut (a real hot bed). An old Playland roller coaster is headed for the proverbial scrap heap.

The ride, known as "Mad Mouse" or "Monster" operated at Playland from 1967 until 1983 when the old steel coaster was sold to Quassy Amusement Park in Middleberry.

Any readers out there care to reminisce about Playland glory days? Leave a comment below.

Here is the news from the Quassy Amusement Park:

"Time To Retire The ‘Mad Mouse’ The “Mad Mouse,” also known as the “Monster” roller coaster, has been operating at since 1983. The all-steel ride operated at Playland in Rye, N.Y., following delivery in 1967 from the manufacturer, the Allan Herschell Co., of North Tonawanda, N.Y. When Quassy purchased the coaster and moved it from New York, it replaced the “Wild Mouse,” a similar ride Quassy installed in 1960. “The Herschell coaster is a great classic ride, and it will be missed,” Anderson said of the ride that will be replaced. “It’s becoming a challenge to keep the ride operating because of its age and Quassy greatly needs a marquee coaster to replace it.” “If you ask people what they like about visiting amusement parks, it’s roller coasters,” Frantzis said of the business. “Our new waterpark helped us remain competitive seven years ago, and this coaster will have the same impact in forging a future for Quassy.” While Anderson and Frantzis are uncertain of what will become of the “Mad Mouse,” the fact is that the coaster will be torn down once the new ride is completed. “It might be sold to another park, but who knows?” Anderson added."



  1. Road on it first year of operation at Playland. Was frightened half to death and got whiplash. Road it almost every year thereafter. Impressive.

  2. I worked in the park in the late sixties and early seventies. If you were an employee in the park you rode any ride you wanted for free. The mouse was one of the rides you didn’t want to ride twice in a row. Great ride, great summers and great memories.

    Ray Tartaglione

  3. Wasn’t it called “Monster Mouse”? There was a rumor that instead of making the sharp turn once one of the cars went right over the edge. I don’t know if that was true…but it sure was a thrill!

  4. I also remember it as the Monster Mouse and I thought it was run by Frank Carriere and his brother Billy. They ran a tight ship.

  5. Riding the “Monster Mouse” roller coaster was one of my most memorable moments from childhood, and it gave me bragging rights! It was the only Roller Coaster ride I ever rode as a child! I didn’t want to go on the ride, since I am afraid of heights, and I don’t like being out of control. My girlfriend convinced me that it was not that high, or as scary as the Dragon Coaster. She kept saying that it would be “fun”! But, I too had heard the rumors about the car flying off the tracks! So I did not want to go. But my friend wouldn’t let up, I was about 12yrs old at the time, and peer pressure won out. So I went, and as the car wrenched slowly up, with my friend sitting next to me, I thought, “this isn’t so bad!” The next thing I knew it took this ridiculously sharp turn and flew downward, I was laughing so hard, but I was scared out of my mind!! When I got off that thing, I swore that I would NEVER ride another roller coaster again!! And, I didn’t, not until I went to College, and another friend persuaded me to go on “Space Mountain” at Disney World! (what is it with friends, and roller coasters?)I hated that too! But, at least I was in the dark, so I never knew how high up I was.(lol) Riding the “Monster Mouse” was one of my most memorable moments at Rye Playland, and it gave me bragging rights; I could tell everybody at least I had rode it once!

  6. Definitely 100% remember it being the “Monster Mouse”!

    Also recall it being removed because of a fatal accident or a near fatal accident!


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