Famous Wallenda High Wire Act at Playland

Rye has a famous circus act right here in town.

The "Flying Wallendas", the most famous family in circus history, are performing all summer at Playland. The World Famous Wallendas perform daily in the amusement park at 4 and 6 p.m.; evening performances are at 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 9:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. All performances take place in the central mall near the Music Tower Theater.

Wallendas at Playland The family is headed by Rick Wallenda, the eldest grandson of the troupe’s founders Karl and Helen. Rick’s experience includes a stunning “skywalk” over the Columbus Zoo’s tiger pen and other memorable performances. He has entertained on three continents during his 40-year career, and has kept the troupe in the spotlight with ever-changing routines and re-creations of timeless favorites.

The newest member of the Wallendas, 10-year-old Bri, joined the troupe in the summer of 2008 and quickly learned the most gravity-defying, spectacular Wallenda routines including the chair balance.

Luis Obando, a veteran of the Castro high-wire act, joins the Wallendas for the 2009 season at Playland. Obando brings his experience, talent, finesse and agility to the high-wire act and contributes headstands and other difficult tricks.


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