Rye Democrats Announce a Bi-Partisan Slate for November

Rye Democrats have announced a bi-partisan slate for the fall elections. Here is the announcement as it was provided to MyRye.com. We'll have more details in the coming weeks and months. What do you think of this bi-partisan group? Leave a comment below.

Otis, Ball, Lavelle and Murphy Announce Bipartisan Candidacy for City Council

Stressing longstanding success in community service and commitment to Rye, Mayor Steve Otis, Councilman Andy Ball, Myles Lavelle and Joe Murphy have announced their candidacies as a ticket for City Council this November. The bipartisan slate which includes two Democrats, a Republican and an Independent will run on the Democratic line.

Otis, Ball, Lavelle and Murphy Announce Bipartisan Candidacy for City Council 07-2009

(PHOTO: City Council candidates Myles P. Lavelle, Councilman Andy Ball, Mayor Steve Otis, and Joe Murphy) Mayor Steve Otis shared his enthusiasm for the team.  “This is an outstanding ticket that knows Rye and has demonstrated a long-term commitment to serving our town. Successful community service is the best guide for choosing members of the City Council. Andy, Myles and Joe know Rye and know how to get results.”

In a joint statement the four candidates said, “We are committed to maintaining quality services while addressing the macroeconomic challenges Rye will continue to confront.  The four of us will strive to responsively navigate the City through the changing economy while maintaining our infrastructure, reducing costs, controlling taxes, and protecting Rye's strong fiscal position. We will be aggressive in seeking outside funding to pay for needed local projects and will continue to work with City staff, volunteers and not-for-profits to help preserve our quality of life.”

The ticket is led by Mayor Steve Otis who has earned a reputation as one of the most knowledgeable and experienced governmental officials in Westchester County.

Councilman Andy Ball commented, “Clearly the Council will be faced with significant challenges and difficult decisions over the next few years.  Steve’s deep knowledge, experience, and continuity with the issues will be more valuable to Rye than ever before.”

Otis brings unprecedented experience for a local government official with 29 years of experience in State government, as a former president of the Westchester Municipal Officials Association, with a masters degree in public administration, a law degree and over twenty years as a volunteer in Rye. Prior to being elected as Mayor, Steve served as Chair of the Conservation Commission and as a supporter of numerous projects and not-for-profits. Steve’s experience allows him to achieve results for Rye at the federal, state, county, and inter-municipal levels of government. Steve is seeking a fourth term as Mayor.     

Andy Ball for Re-election

Now in his fourth year on the City Council, Andy Ball has been recognized by his Council colleagues for his preparation and deep knowledge of issues facing the city and applauded by the public for his thoughtful approach to the City’s business.

In 2006, Andy was a leading voice in the Council’s actions to protect residents of Highland Hall from being displaced.  A consistent advocate of the need and economic case for rebuilding Theall Road, he was key to the Council’s resolving to undertake this long-deferred project.  Andy has been a proponent of a number of successful projects, including flood mitigation initiatives and the road diet for the Boston Post Road implemented last year.  Over the past four years, he has brought sound, independent judgment to city finances and land use issues.  Andy has served as liaison to the Board of Architecture Review, the Landmarks Advisory Commission, The Rye Recreation Commission, the Rye Senior Advocacy Committee and the Zoning Board of Appeals.

The tradition of service to Rye runs deep in Andy’s family. Since arriving here in 1851, generations of the Ball family have served in both the Rye Police and Fire Departments. His brother Dave is a teacher and coach at the Rye Middle School, and his father, Bill Ball, served two terms on the City Council and, among other things, was instrumental in Rye’s successful fight against the Rye/Oyster Bay Bridge in the 60’s and early 70’s.

Andy is currently an Executive Vice President with Grey Advertising in Manhattan.  He and wife Sarah have three children.  He is registered as an Independent.

Myles P. Lavelle for City Council

Myles P. Lavelle has made a significant mark serving Rye as a volunteer. Myles has been President of Rye Little League for the last two years and on the Little League Board of Directors for the last four. Little League serves over 450 young Rye ballplayers. Myles has also been involved in the expansion of summer baseball and establishing winter baseball clinics. He has also been a volunteer coach for CYO basketball and Rye Youth Soccer.

Myles’s volunteer service goes beyond youth recreation programs. He has been a volunteer and sponsor of P.O.T.S. (Part of the Solution – Soup Kitchen) sponsored by the Church of the Resurrection.  He has also been a sponsor of the Pathfinders for Autism program, the Rye PBA, the Y-Me Breast Cancer Coalition, FDNY 9/11 Widows and Children Fund and was a participant on the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training, completing the Staten Island Half Marathon.

Myles comes to City government as an executive with a strong financial analysis background who provides research services to institutional investors and corporations, including the information technology and clean energy sectors. In his work Myles is also a financial advisor to EcoVoltz, an innovative company providing cutting edge technologies for reducing energy consumption, increasing efficiency, and offering new green technologies in the home. Myles is currently a Managing Director with Broadpoint AmTech in Greenwich, CT.

Myles grew up in Rye. His father Jim was also a president of Rye Little League. He and his wife Nancy have four children.  Myles is registered as a Republican.

Myles added, “With my volunteer work in Rye and business background, I am confident I can make an added contribution to Rye on the City Council.  My goals will be to implement needed projects for flood control and the central business district while maintaining Rye’s Aaa bond rating and controlling taxes.”

Joe Murphy for City Council

Joe Murphy has served Rye in key positions for many years, including ten years on the City of Rye Conservation Commission, six as Chair, co-founder of the innovative Rye Senior Advocacy Committee whereby the City brought volunteer expertise and information to Rye seniors.  Joe is a former Commander of Rye’s American Legion Post 128, a former member of the Board of Education, and  has also served on the City of Rye Financial Advisory Committee.

In addition, Joe served for six years on the Board of the Friends of the Rye Nature Center and played a key role in saving the Nature Center since it was threatened with closure in 2002. Joe was the glue that made possible the coordination of the successful operation of the Nature Center through an agreement with the City.  Joe is a member of Environmental Advocates of Rye and co-sponsored the 2007 “Environmental Forum”.

Joe has served as Chair of Congresswoman Nita Lowey’s Service Academy Review Board since 1989. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker currently serving as the Senior Care Manager for ElderServe's Safe Center for Seniors, he resolves many problems facing seniors, caregiver, and their families, identifying innovative solutions at the most efficient, cost effective alternatives by networking with a myriad of community resources.

Joe is married to Camille S. Failla-Murphy. Their three children attended Rye schools. Joe is registered as a Democrat.

Joe Murphy added, “The community of Rye is one of Westchester’s model municipalities and has achieved this reputation by identifying sound, committed leaders who bring to the City Council and its many Commissions, Boards and Committees, persons of dedicated service and intelligence.  We must continue this tradition by making the decisions that warrant merit and a vision to enhance the quality of life for all residents.  We have witnessed the many improvements under the leadership of Mayor Otis.  He and other members of the Council have made the decision to effect the positive changes.  Now we must seek the best alternatives to solve the more pressing problems of sustaining services within the parameters of sound fiscal planning.  Our council leaders must focus on solutions in the contest of vision and determination.  Running with Steve, Andy and Myles I know we bring the talent to deliver for Rye.”

Steve Otis for Re-election as Mayor

Leading the ticket is Mayor Steve Otis whose tireless work to bring community projects to fruition is matched with aggressive efforts to seek outside public and private funding to make them happen. Steve’s knowledge of how government works has greatly benefited Rye in many areas.
Otis has implemented a long list of successful projects marked by innovation, skill in securing outside funding through grants and public/private partnerships, and sound financial practices to minimize costs to taxpayers.

Recent accomplishments include Rye’s selection as one of only four communities to receive county flood mitigation funding which will provide $1.1 million towards the City’s sluice-gate project at the Bowman Avenue Dam, securing agreement from the NYS Thruway Authority to lease an important parcel on the Boston Post Road for use as an athletic field, spear-heading the City’s efforts to acquire the Bird Homestead on Milton Road with a series of outside grants and private dollars with no City tax dollars, and guiding approval of the September 11th Memorial Gazebo project to be built this summer. In 2008 the City implemented the innovative road diet on the Boston Post Road, as well as new traffic safety improvements around the schools.

After the floods of 2007, Otis lobbied Westchester County to establish a flood mitigation fund to assist local governments in implementing needed projects. Otis was appointed as a founding member of the County Flood Action Committee and has played a key role in advocating for flood assistance at the federal, state, and county levels. In addition to the sluice-gate project, Rye has repaired the brook wall at Elm Place funded with over $1 million of outside funds and dredged Milton Harbor at Blind Brook, partially funded through FEMA. With the adding of the Thruway Property, City of Rye Recreation Department playing fields will have risen from six to ten under Steve’s leadership.

Otis’s long list of successful projects include acquisition of Rye Nursery, the Duck Pond expansion project at Rye Town Park, creation of innovative volunteer committees, such as the Traffic and Transportation Committee and the Rye Senior Advocacy Committee, saving the Rye Nature Center from closure, rehabilitation of the City’s two firehouses, rehabilitation of the City’s police firing range, obtaining county funds for the skate park at Rye Rec Park, and restoration of the pavilions at Rye Town Park funded through a public/private partnership.

Otis counts among his accomplishments important efforts to protect Rye. He has led the countywide opposition to the proposed highway tunnel that would bring Long Island Expressway traffic under the Long Island Sound and to Rye. Steve led the successful City defense against Home Depot’s $50 million lawsuit against Rye, which began before Otis was elected. He has led City efforts to protect Rye when neighboring communities such has Harrison and Rye Brook take actions that increase flooding in Rye, and has been steadfast in opposing efforts by telecommunications companies to place cell towers in residential neighborhoods.

Steve and his wife Martha live on Lynden Street. Steve is registered as a Democrat.
Steve concluded, “I am as excited now about using my experience to benefit Rye as I was when I began. We have projects and challenges that must be addressed in a fiscally sound manner. We have flood mitigation improvements, infrastructure responsibilities, and safety concerns that we need to meet in an affordable way. I am eager to use my skill to face these challenges.”

City of Rye Democratic Chair Rod Brown summed up the slate; “We have assembled a bipartisan ticket with the goal of offering the community individuals with a long commitment to community service. These candidates have been leaders, by example and deed, and will serve Rye well.”
The Mayor and City Council members serve as unpaid volunteers for four- year terms.



  1. Ray, I see that you are still trying to use intimidation to suit your false agenda.

    Did you install a composting toilet yet or are you still polluting the Sound?

  2. And there it is in all its glory – the announcement by this pathetic sop at the top of the ticket trying to cling to power and its patronage entitlements. He doesn’t give a crap about our city – it’s all him, him, him.

    And Joe – shame on you Joe. Steve is a bald faced environmental liar and you know it. That patronage job he arranged for you isn’t worth what he’s going to do to your reputation. Being a solider for a traitor is always fatal.

  3. What an impressive slate. Nice work, gentlemen. Having lived in Rye for only 7 years my husband and I still feel like relative newcomers. When we see the deep level of community involvement of men like Myles Lavelle and Joe Murphy it reconfirms for us our decision to sell our home in the City and move here.
    We read this over coffee this morning and it was a great way to start our day.
    There is only one important point left out of this well written press release – and that is how these gentlemen feel about LEAF BLOWERS.

  4. Yes, of course, leaf blowers, the most pressing issue of our day. It’s important for all those out of work to have a silent yard so they can contemplate how to survive in such a heavily taxed area without any income.
    And aren’t we all thrilled that the mayor has finally picked up a newspaper to read about the “changing economy”. I just wish he understood that our economy is in a tailspin, the burden to the taxpayer is skyrocketing, and Steve and Andy have done NOTHING to address this, despite being told by city employees of the looming crisis.
    Oh, wait, yes they did do something- they fired the person who brought this to their attention. That’s leadership!

  5. Joe Murphy quit the Conservation Committee this year over a dispute with Otis concerning the Schubert fiasco. Now he’s running on the ticket with Otis?

    Is Otis trying to shut Murphy up by bringing him back on board or is he just using him to get the senior vote or both?

    Either way Joe you are getting pathetically used by Otis. I guess the Rye bar owner said no to Otis.

  6. Great for you Mayor! Don’t let these false agenda so called enviro-terrorists influence your decision to lead us.

    I am sure you will win by a landslide, AGAIN.

    Later Floatie! Move your piece of crap pollution burning car before the Easter Bunny hops back into town!!

    I have plenty of carrots, EB!

  7. Scooter, I think you know I was having fun when I referred to leaf blowers as the only important point omitted. You’ve been wonderfully humorous on occasion. I remember your posts on the school board elections fondly.
    Why so grumpy with me today? It’s a beautiful day, and I can open my windows and save money and fossil fuel because it’s quiet outside!

  8. Charmain –

    As a relative newcomer, you might not be fully aware of how expensive Rye is becoming. Taxes keep going up, up, and up, and our local, county and state governments keep making promises they can’t keep. Worse, they aren’t doing a damn thing to address the growing crisis, except wring their hands and talk about tax increases. Why am I so grumpy? Simple – I want to continue living in Rye, and I want a council that will be smart with the money they take from me. I want the council to solve problems before they happen. What I find most outrageous is the smear job they’ve done on the former city manager, telling the community the city manager lied to them. Conveniently, the man can’t answer these charges without jeopardizing his retirement package.
    Either the council is easily fooled, or they’re lying themselves. Either way, not a good group to have in office.
    I’ll keep an open mind about Lavelle and Murphy until I have a chance to get to know them, but I’m not impressed with the company they keep.

  9. Seems like a mixed bag to me, but then so does the “republican” ticket. What I think is missing is Mr. Cunnignham. He and Andy have done a responsible, productive job over the past 4 years. Mack will be missed – unless he can be persuaded to run.

  10. Scooter,
    Wow, we agree once again.
    “What I find most outrageous is the smear job they’ve done on the former city manager, telling the community the city manager lied to them. Conveniently, the man can’t answer these charges without jeopardizing his retirement package.
    Either the council is easily fooled, or they’re lying themselves. Either way, not a good group to have in office.

  11. Your not a good group to have in our town Tartaglione and Floatie company. Easter, did I tell you where it is parked now?

    I actually watched your radio interview. You confirmed all my thoughts about a guy with nothing but money and time on his hands.

    Find a place with a case with merit, and you would be PERFECT.

    Sound has never been cleaner!

  12. This is the year for a split ticket:
    On the D-side: Keep Andy Ball, and take Myles Lavelle too.
    On the R-side, go Doug French for Mayor and Suzanna Keith.

    A good balance to the City Council, with lots of new blood, some experience.

  13. Your so full of crap Floatie–you know it. Same crap as dodge. A boy that needs attention.

    Please–find a new cause. Get your composting toilet yet?

    Still have the 2 cycle boat? ANSWER these questions. You fail to, because you’re full of BULL!


    There are many of us that appreciate your effort and courage to run our great town. Let me know how I can help you in your campaign and help spread the word.

  15. Hi, My name is Scooter. I am a loser. My political candidates have no experience but I think they’ll do a great job running this town. I have no money. I’m broke. I think I need to move to Alabama.

  16. Mr. Floatie’s orifice –

    Let me correct some inaccuracies on your recent post. No, I am not a loser. Rye is my home, not Alabama. I will fight to keep it, and thankfully, high taxes haven’t killed me off yet.
    I think Rye is ready to see the back of Otis. He’s a big part of the problem, no matter what Chris Henn thinks.
    By the way, do you have something against Alabama? Might interest you to know that Helen Keller’s and Coretta Scott King’s home state isn’t quite as redneck as Hollywood depicts it. Before trashing an entire state as so many East Coast liberal elites love to do, try getting to know it first – if you’re open-minded enough.
    You’re a self-proclaimed envoronmentalist, so you must know that Alabama consistently beats New York when it comes to clean air and water.
    New York has more superfund sites.
    New York has more pollution released into its waters.
    New York dumps more carcinogens into its water supplies than Alabama.
    New York dumps more endocrine toxicants, developmental toxicants, suspected immunotoxicants in its waters.
    New York has a much higher risk of lead hazards, and also easily beats Alabama in production of animal waste.
    Looks like you’ve tipped the scales in New York’s favor on that last measure, Mr. Floatie!!
    I join Linus in stating, “FLUSH!”

  17. What a nice picture of Otis.

    Can we get a picture of him smiling next to the Central Avenue Bridge?

    How about a picture of Otis standing next to the barricades on Theodore Fremd Avenue that have been there for two years and counting.

    How about a nice picture of Otis standing next to the Bowman Avenue Dam Sluice Gate?

    How about a nice picture of Otis standing next to what was once Beaver Brook that is now Beaver Lake and Mosquito Heaven.

    How about a nice picture of Otis standing next to the Schubert’s Pond. Otis can bring Shew and Plunkett for that photo since they all apparently had a hand in the coverup.

    How about a nice picture of Otis standing in the Police Station surrounded by the asbestos dust and the dangerous airborne pathogens he made the cops work in?

    How about a nice picture of Otis standing with Novak and Shew with Otis wearing his crown with Shew and Novak wearing Dunce caps. Maybe Otis can hold up one of those big golf checks with the amounts of money Otis gave these two dunces.

    How about a nice picture of Otis in front of the two Police Cars that caught fire after he extended the in service mileage on all Police Cars from 50,000 to 70,000.

    How about a nice picture of Otis standing in the middle of Midland Avenue during the morning or afternoon commute. There is no problem on Midland Avenue so Otis should be safe. Maybe we should take a couple of these pictures.

    How about a nice picture of Otis holding Shew’s Massachusetts EZ Pass?

  18. Flush Flush
    Ray has reasoning like mush
    lest the bullshit gush

    I may not always agree with scooter but I respect him.

    Carpetbagger Ray has no creditability no respect.

  19. Ray –

    So now the problem that you and Jim Amico face with anonymous bloggers is becoming even thornier – people with masks are now masking their identity even more, by stealing the masks of other masked individuals. Good luck trying to keep it all straight!
    Hey, you might want to consider visiting Alabama – cleaner water, better neighbors.

  20. Not Personal Ray???
    You are not only personal in your comments, but slanderous as well.
    ie: Mayor a liar
    Hen Island residents polluters
    Health department cover up liars
    Building dept cover up
    Hen Islanders pissing in you bathing water
    on and on and on

    Oh flushing is needed
    When will we get your cranial bowl clean?

  21. I inadvertently left out one very important photo op for Otis.

    How about a nice photo of Otis standing between his two mascots, Mr. Floatie and Mr. Jack A.

    If not for Otis and his mishandling of many Rye issues, he would not need these two mascots.

  22. Hi, my name is Scooter. On the same day Rye voted in all my incompetent pals for BOE the town also approved the school budget. This budget takes up a big chunk of my taxes in Rye. I won’t blame this expense on the town people, I’ll blame it on Mayor Otis because I am clueless.

  23. Ray,

    Did you install your composting toilet yet? Or, are you still polluting the Sound?

    Did you empty your raing barrels and fill them with fresh water yet? Or, are you still bathing in bird feces.

  24. Hey Scooter
    Masks hiding behind masks..
    like those russian dolls…Ilove it.
    keep it up Ray this foolishness is starting to be fun.

    Did you know an unclean cranial bowl is equal to “Shithead” ?

  25. Mr. Floatie’s stench –

    You are clueless. The reason why so many voted for the BOE and the school budget is because they drew a line in the sand and said “Enough”. Enough to giving in to every demand of the teacher’s union, enough to increasing taxes every year to pay for it, enough to letting special interests have their way.
    Yes, the school budget takes up a big chunk of my taxes, but, at least for this year, it will grow relatively smaller than the city budget.
    You’re obviously a supporter of the RTA, which means you probably are a schoolteacher, and think the city should pay you what you want, not what you’re worth.

  26. “The enemy of my enemy is obviously me.”- Gen. Napoleon at Waterloo


    Are you really Mr. Floatie? You seem to have the same political leanings.

  27. Hmmm, let’s think about this… Two people (at least two people, more likely a lot more than two) agree that the mayor has overstayed his welcome.
    Mr. Floatie’s ally believes this means the two have the same “political leanings”. Therefore, they must be the same person!
    Whoever wrote the post above has a serious gastrointestinal looping problem, a.k.a, their head is up their ass.

  28. Scooter,
    FTR- In my opinion ANONYMOUS (blogging) carries the same meaning as COWARD. The real problem I have with it occurs when cowards attack my son & my family. When you stoop that low you should be bold enough to put your name on it!!! It is difficult enough to deal with on a daily basis without assholes adding in their worthless INSULTS that directly attack the HEART!!!

  29. FTR- In my opinion ANONYMOUS (blogging) carries the same meaning as COWARD.
    Posted by: Jim Amico

    A better description of a COWARD is a full grown man being so frightened by a teenage girl cursing him out that he calls the police on her for protection.

    That is a COWARD.


  31. On the agenda for the meeting this Wednesday night – looks like the people who turn out to speak get to wait again. This even after the council members spend an hour of golden time with Mr. Plunkett behind closed doors helping him pocket his world class billings.

    And look at this item about modifying the City Code for street dining. What City Code? Isn’t the progressive practice of those who love sitting up there with the “Gang of Steve” to just decide enforcement selectively based on what they think they can get away with? So why bother revising the City Code – isn’t it just words on paper?

  32. Ted C

    A few years ago Otis, Shew and Connors had minors illegally detained and taken to Rye Police station for simply hanging around Purchase Street while supposedly blocking the sidewalk.

    Otis, Shew and Connors relied on an old Loitering statute that had been repealed 20 years ago.

    When exposed and forced to discontinue this illegal practice, Otis secretly had Rye come up with their own unconstitutional Loitering law. T

    This secret attempt by Otis to once again arrest and detain Rye minors was blown up by people with more brains than Otis and Rye’s very expensive legal brain trust who knew you that you can’t legalize something that is unconstitutional and illegal simply by putting a new ordinance on the books.

    Now Otis wants to put tables on the same sidewalks where our Rye youth use to be detained and taken to the Rye Police station.

    I think we need to detain Otis or call the Crisis Team for him.

  33. But Lt. Governor – you can’t just call in the “Crisis Team” on any pretext just to defame your opposition can you? That surely would be a violation of civil rights…….

  34. I’m lovin this! So let me see if I get this RIGHT>>>> Obviously the Biz owners were complaining about the amount of loitering from the population of teenagers and Otis’s & Connors answer to this was to lock up the kids…… Meanwhile we have Jim Amico screaming for the RPD to put a stop to the high rate of speed day in and day out on the Midland Auto Bahn Ave. corridor and all they can come up with is to put Officer Cancel on Midland Ave. to prove him wrong……… WHAT A JOKE WE HAVE BECOME!!!

  35. Anyone who would hire Shew as Otis did with Shew’s dreadful employment history readily available, and then allow him to stay here for more than 5 years despite his living in Massachusetts, deserves to be hog tied and thrown into Beaver Swamp.

    Don’t vote for Otis in November. His judgement on just Shew alone has dragged Rye down. What was Otis thinking when he brought Shew to Rye and then gave him an outrageous contract for doing nothing.

    It seems that when Otis and Culross hired Shew it was just to get him a pension. It seems Shew never stayed at any other job long enough to qualify for one. So Rye taxpayers have to foot the bill for Shew’s pension and health benefits for the rest of his life for destroying Rye government.

    On top of that, Otis had Rye taxpayers paying into a separate pension for Shew.

    The next time Otis brings up fiscal responsibility someone should wipe that smug look off his face with a dose of reality.

    Shew polishes off stay in Ossining

    by Adam Stone (2-8 July 2003)
    Ossining Village Manager O. Paul Shew has resigned to take the top administrative post in the City of Rye.
    Shew announced his resignation to Ossining’s five-member Village Board at a work session last Thursday.
    He will be replacing Rye’s former City Manager Julia Novak, who resigned in December. Shew will start his new job August 25.
    The resignation of Ossining’s chief administrator comes just a week before a majority of the Village Board planned on rescinding health benefits granted to Shew by a former set of trustees, Mayor John Perillo said.
    If Shew had stayed, the board would have made the vote at last night’s (Tuesday) Village Board meeting, Perillo commented.
    Ever since Perillo and his Republican running mates took office in January, seizing control of the board, the issue has been on the front burner.
    Some of Shew’s top assistants had their raises rolled back in March.
    “It might have been a contributing factor,” Perillo said. “Maybe it was the grueling schedule. This government meets two, three times a week. Maybe he feels more comfortable in the (Rye) position.”
    Shew, however, said the management opportunity in Rye was simply too good to pass up.
    “This is a very good professional challenge,” said Shew, who has been employed by the village since 1997. “Rye is a community of distinction.”
    He has no plans on moving from his Revolutionary Road home in Ossining.
    Shew, who has held five other major administrative posts in his 30-plus year career, said his stay in Ossining has been an enjoyable and satisfying one.
    “The staff and people in this community have been wonderful,” Shew remarked.
    During his tenure, the village has seen the development of a new police/court facility, the relocation of the Post Office, the construction of a new operations center and the redesign of Market Square in the downtown.
    Shew’s current salary in Ossining is $139,200. He’ll be receiving a modest raise in Rye, where he will earn a $140,000 annual salary.
    Public comment session in Ossining often showcased meeting regulars unloading a barrage of criticism directed at Shew.
    One of his critics was village activist Don DeBar.
    “My opinion is he seemed to (owe) his fealty to the board, not the community,” DeBar said.
    Speculation has run rampant in the village that Perillo was intent on driving Shew out of Ossining, and there has been much discussion about a strained working relationship between the two men.
    Perillo said the alleged rift between him and Shew was drummed up by the media, and lacked any veracity. He added residents’ perception of a hostile relationship was nothing more than “barroom” talk.
    “People are always looking for controversy,” Perillo said. “Paul has always responded to my requests.”
    The mayor did say his administration was more “hands-on” than the former board, which could be a tough adjustment.
    “Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had our discussions, but it has (never) been vindictive,” Perillo said. “Paul ran the village with more authority with the former board.”
    Board discussion about a permanent or interim village manager has not yet begun.
    Perillo added he’s “in the thick of things” and is not concerned about the village progressing when Shew leaves and is in no hurry to find a permanent replacement.
    However, some observers said from an outsiders’ perspective, it seemed a personality clash propelled Shew’s resignation.
    “I guessed John wanted to make him as miserable as possible so (Shew) would want to get out,” said Steve Kern, a Democratic candidate for village trustee.
    Hordes of residents poured into Village Board meetings calling for trustees to retract the benefits package granted to Shew by the former board.
    “Amid a tight economy the (11th) hour deal was not in the community’s best interest,” said Republican village trustee candidate Michael Harris. “Now, with Mr. Shew’s resignation, the point is moot and I’d sincerely wish him much success in future endeavors.”
    The Democrats on the board, Eugene Napolitano and Miguel Hernandez, have complained the mayor handled the salary and health benefits issue poorly.
    “I think it’s outrageous and mean spirited,” Napolitano said in March when village staffers had their raises rolled back. “The mayor has displayed very little cooperation with the management staff.”
    When reached for comment this week, Napolitano continued to maintain Perillo and Shew got off to a “rocky road in the beginning.”
    “It was less than harmonious and I’m not pointing fingers at the mayor but it could have been a contributing factor to Paul’s decision,” Napolitano said. “The relationship was strained and less than friendly than it could have been. If you create a rift with people, there’s a greater chance you’re going to lose valuable people.”
    Napolitano, like Perillo and Trustee Marcia MacNeill, complimented Shew on his overall job performance. Hernandez and Trustee Tony Parise were not contacted for comment for this story.
    The former board’s action allowed Shew to qualify for lifetime family health insurance coverage, even though he has only worked in New York State since being hired by the village on July 24, 1997.
    To qualify for retirement benefits in New York, an individual is normally required to work a minimum of 10 years but the former Village Board opted to credit Shew, 55, for his past employment in three other states, including his last job in Connecticut.
    Shew was encircled by controversy and criticism at his previous post in Barnstable County, Massachusetts. He served as County Administrator for only one year, forced out of his job after signing a five-year contract, according to a Cape Cod newspaper.
    In 1996, Mary LeClair, then a county treasurer, wrote two critical letters of Shew’s job performance. LeClair, now a County Commissioner, said Shew was an unpopular figure and didn’t adjust to the job description.
    “I think he was in over his head with us,” LeClair commented when reached by telephone Monday. “He wasn’t capable of doing the job because he didn’t understand the job.”
    She said the small county needed an administrator who was eager to handle much of the daily workload, but Shew was intent on delegating responsibilities to his staff.
    “He wasn’t a hands-on guy, and you can’t be like that here,” LeClair said.
    An attempt to reach Shew yesterday (Tuesday) to respond to the criticism was unsuccessful. The village office said he had left for a vacation.
    A reporter for the Cape Cod Times, Susan Milton, who has covered Barnstable County, recalled Shew was plagued by controversy during his brief tenure as county administrator.
    “What happened in the past doesn’t mean a hill of beans to me,” Perillo remarked.
    There were reports that Shew would claim he was driving somewhere related to county business, but would head home instead and file for travel expenses. He would also credit himself for a job performed by someone else, Milton relayed.
    “People weren’t happy with him here,” Milton recalled. “He’s bounced around the map a lot.”
    Shew’s experience in so many different municipalities, however, is what Rye Mayor Steve Otis and the City Council was impressed by when interviewing candidates for the slot.
    “I’m very excited Paul Shew is coming to Rye,” said Otis, noting the job was filled with the assistance of the Bennett Association, a search firm. “I have no comments on what went on in Ossining. The big issues here are much like issues in other communities; traffic safety, maintaining infrastructure, etc.”
    Rye’s former City Manager Frank Culross has been warming the seat on an interim basis since Novak resigned.
    A press release delivered from Ossining’s village office noted roughly $21 million in public money has been invested in the community over the past six years and a 2002 audit revealed the village to be on strong financial footing.
    Shew credited former Village Manager Gennaro Faiella for leaving Ossining in good order when he came aboard.
    Shew said he was excited to help Rye tackle its environmental issues related to the sound and get started with a government he has “good chemistry (with).”
    As for criticism, Shew said it is a reality public employees must deal with in a dignified manner.
    “It’s never easy, but it is a part of what occurs,” Shew concluded.

  36. Here is a clip of the Mayor admitting that Shew lied to the council about the findings on Hen Island. In it you will see Joe Murphy challenging the mayor about the previous inspections on Hen Island. What went wrong with the first inspection? “Why have another review of this, if the matter was resolved?”

    So now to quite Joe Murphy up, Otis asks him to be his running mate. I guess Joe will no longer be asking those types of embarrassing questions, seeing as he and Otis are now running mates.


    Thanks for the support Joe (while it lasted).


    “SAY NO TO OTIS”!!!!!!!!

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