Otis Makes French Toast in First Mayoral Poll

French Toast

In the first MyRye.com mayoral poll of the hunting election season, Mayor Steve Otis has made French Toast of his challenger, Doug French.

With the poll results final as of Wednesday evening, Democrat Otis ate his challenger for breakfast with a 16 point margin of victory. The final results of the MyRye.com August mayoral poll are Doug French (Republican, challenger) 37%, Steve Otis (Democrat, incumbent) 53.6% and  undecided 9.4%.

Mayoral Poll Results 08-19-2009

Watch for the upcoming MyRye.com issues poll and city council race poll.

What do you think about the poll results? Leave a comment below.



  1. Is this really a true & fair percentage???
    This poll has very little foundation…NOVEMBER will tell the real results and the only ones that count!!!

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