Schubert Sues Rye City in Federal Court for $5 Million

UPDATE: here is a copy of the Schubert action as filed with the court.

Bob and Rita Schubert have filed a $5 million lawsuit against Rye City claiming civil rights violations. The Schubert pond debacle has been widely reported by and other media.

According to Theresa Juva at "The federal lawsuit accuses city officials of attempting to cover up their mistake in not requiring a wetlands permit and of depriving Schubert of his constitutional rights to property, privacy and speech. The lawsuit also claims that the abuse of his rights "intentionally and deliberately inflicted emotional distress," and caused "feelings of betrayal" and "shock and emotional scarring.""

The suit names the City of Rye, City Council of the City of Rye, Andrew C. Ball, Mack Cunningham, Paula Gamache, Catherine Parker, George S. Pratt, Joe Sack, George J. Mottarella, Steven Otis and Paul Shew as defendants.

The suit was filed yesterday in New York Southern District Court under Judge Kenneth M. Karas.

What do you think of this lawsuit? Leave a comment below.


One Comment

  1. After exhausting every avenue and every discussion in every possible way, I feel the Schuberts are seeking fairness and a sense of justice from the flim-flammery of those who presided over this discussion. I do hope they win their argument; it’s a good one.

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