Free Snow Cones, Piano for Sale at RAC’s Festival @ 51 Sunday

The Rye Arts Center (RAC) is holding its Festival @ 51 this Sunday, September 13th from 12 to 5pm. It's a free hands-on day of art, music, theater, and dance. 

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(PHOTO: Purchase this piano for $400 on Sunday and the money goes to The Rye Arts Center.) There is an arts and crafts fair (with work of thirty-five regional artists) and  you can purchase donated art supplies, musical instruments (including the piano just above), and books. There will also be jazz, rock, and classical music concerts and workshops conducted by Rye Arts Center teachers. And stop by the Gallery for a silent auction of more than forty paintings by artists who will participate in Painters on Location on Saturday, September 26.

Free cotton candy and snow cones for all.

Rye Arts Center, 51 Milton Road, Phone 967-0700.


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