Latimer: I’ll Take Bacon, On Rye

You have to like an elected official that calls it likes he sees it.

Rye's Assemblyman George Latimer sent this email "Some people may call it "pork", others may call it "bringing home the bacon". Either way, Assemblyman George Latimer of Rye has announced the state's approval of grants for a few Rye organizations:…"

Latimer's bacon briefcase  

Latimer went on report he scored State cash for:

$10,000 – Rye Fire Department: Fire service equipment
$5,500 – Rye Nature Center: Nature playground
$10,000 – Rye Pre-School Consortium: Nursery scholarships for needy resident children

Earlier this year, Latimer secured a grant of $125,000 in capital funds to assist in the saving of the Bird Homestead on Milton Road.

Mmmm, bacon…


One Comment

  1. If Mr. Latimer believes this paltry return on the enormous pile of dollars stripped from the taxpayers of Rye this year by the certifiable lunatics running Albany is worthy of a press release then I’m afraid his judgment is becoming impaired.

    Wake up George – we respect you but don’t try to defend this current confiscatory malfeasance racket. Call for reform, call for change, call for a shower and get in front of the mudslide that 2010 will bring. And don’t – PLEASE – don’t lecture us on saving more schools, puppies or flowers while the 3 men in a room bleed hard working resident taxpayers dry. That’s a dead end to reelection.

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