EAGR? Hear Environmental Views of Candidates , Tonight, 7pm
The Environmental Advocacy Group of Rye (EAGR) is sponsoring an environmental forum for the candidates for Rye City Council and Mayor at the Rye Free Reading Room tonight, Tuesday, October 20th from 7 to 9:00 p.m. The forum is open to the public and light refreshments will be served. The event will be video recorded for Rye City TV.
Each candidate will have the chance to speak at greater length regarding one particular area of concern. “We hope,” said committee member Judy Martin, “that this forum will give all Rye’s voters the opportunity to judge for themselves which candidates will do the best job in making Rye a healthy environment for future generations.”
The moderator for the program will be Simon Delekta, Director of Voter Education and Civic Engagement for the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund. Following the discussion, members of the audience will be able to ask questions and raise any other issues or concerns they might have on environmental matters.
Topics that may be covered during the forum include:
- What measures should City Council members take to encourage or require residents and property owners to reduce storm water runoff and, consequently, flooding?
- What more could we do in our community to improve the Sound Shore water quality?
- How can we reduce traffic and improve air quality in Rye? What measures do the candidates support to make the business district and environs more pedestrian friendly without impairing commerce for local businesses?
- What type of sustainability plan would you propose for the City of Rye’s operations, and what would you propose as timing for implementation of elements of the plan?
- How could we strengthen and enforce codes to protect our trees and wetlands?
- What would you do as a member of the City Council to strengthen our building codes to improve energy efficiency in our homes and commercial buildings?
- How can we reduce our construction and household waste at home and in our general community?
- Should Rye change its codes to improve land use to more effectively conserve open space areas and focus development in a more sustainable direction? If so, how?
- Do the candidates consider the current deer situation in Rye to be a problem? If so, what can we do locally to solve the problem?
EAGR is a non-partisan volunteer group whose mission is to identify Rye’s environmental concerns, provide educational programs, and advocate for solutions – to ensure a healthier and safer community. EAGR received the “green seal award” from the Federated Conservationists of Westchester County in June 2009 for organizational sustainability.
Silence of the Shams – Rye Record – November 2008
(Before City Manager Paul Shew’s fact repression scheme is dragged into the light of day)
When local environmentalist Bob Schubert returned to the City Hall podium Nov. 7 for his latest public ‘beat down’, the boys on the dais made sure that viewers wouldn’t leave disappointed. Bob again laid out a short, straightforward synopsis as to why he needs GOVERNMENT HELP in restoring the “Forest Avenue Swamp” and what specific local code sections control the situation. Bob pointedly reminded the Council members that some of them (specifically the Mayor) had had a personal hand in drafting these same regulations. Then the brickbats flew.
In a scene directly out of the 1950’s McCarthy Hearings, petitioner Schubert was scolded, taunted and dismissed with the kind of oozing contempt only a certain kind of petty bureaucrat run-amuck can deliver. This treatment of Schubert was, in a word, despicable.
(Update footnote – I think the video here shows Andy Ball literally spitting with anger.)
Lurking behind the dramatics here, however, remains a big unanswered question — and one that seemingly defies logic given the watercolor green stripes displayed by almost EVERY CANDIDATE for those select dais chairs during electioneering. Why the silent hesitation by these elected officials to question private interests (a homeowner or two in this case) when so much is at stake?
It’s that silence here that feels so disconcerting — much more than the fireworks touched off to date.
From MyRye this Spring –
Now on the local Rye environmental front it appears that in both the Bob Schubert case and the Hen Island case NO DETAILED INVESTIGATIVE work was done by the Planning Commission or the Conservation Commission Advisory Council.
These boards are staffed by environmentally conscious, independent minded intelligent people. And I’d hazard to say that these people truly trust and admire Mayor Steve Otis whose support put them on these boards. And until recently who could fault them?
Remember this is a Mayor who takes great pains to be identified with environmental issues and participates in multiple environmental events and discussions. In fact, if you had to identify a public pillar of environmental activism in Westchester County then Steve Otis would fit that bill.
But in Shew, Schubert and Hen Island something is very wrong. VERY WRONG. It’s time for those who care to get involved – no matter what the Mayor says.
Mike Hen Island polluter enabler and board member Johnston,
Nice to see you came out of the closet. Maybe you can get a few of your other Hen Island polluters to come out also. Mike can you make it tonight to the environmental forum and explain the sewage pits on Hen Island along the shores of the Sound facing Greenhaven. What do you think of my new “expose the polluter’s and their enablers” video below?
Ray Tartaglione
Ray…………for the umpteenth time, It’s JOHNSON…..not Johnston….I’ll see you tonight….And, when you put THIS in writing: ” Maybe you can get a few of your other Hen Island polluters”, without proof of MY polluting the sound, you open yourself up to one of your favorite tactics, A LAWSUIT….Get Mr. Gaines, your attorney, on the phone…sign him up..Maybe we’ll dance, Mr. Tartaglione……Additionally, I don’t belive you have proof of ANY polluting going on….Did the County of Westchester give Hen Island any violations in this regard?…Perhaps you should follow the City Manager’s advice and bring some bottled water out to the island, like everyone else, and stop using the “bird-feces-infected” water from your roof to brush your teeth….It’s affecting your ability to think rationally…High and Dry in Rye…Michael Clay Johnson
Mike Hen Island polluter enabler and board member, Johnston,
Here is another video with Joe Murphy questioning the Mayor about his failure to address environmental issues on Hen Island appropriately. Of course Joe Murphy was putting the Mayor on the spot before Mayor Otis acquired Joe Murphy’s silence by asking him to run for City council. Watch the Mayor stumble over his words and try to blame Shew when in fact the orders came from Mr. Plunkett’s office.
PS. Wow you are really coming out of the closet with multiple names. What other Blog names did you use here? Yes I did read your last post and I will be waiting by the mailbox for your legal papers. That’s a walk in the park my friend. Let’s see if you are a man of your word Mr. Polluter Enabler.
Dear Ray:
When will Otis come out of the closet with these issues:
What really happened at the Schubert property
Why did Otis and Plunkett conduct their own unauthorized and improper investigation
Hen Island. What did Otis know about the violations not being written for two years? Does anyone believe that Shew would tell Otis for 2 years that inspections were done when in fact they were not?
The Rye PBA’s overwhelming Votes of No Confidence in Connors and Shew.
Beaver Brook which has become Beaver Swamp.
Why Joe Murphy quit the Conservation Commission and then later showed up on Otis’s ticket. Has anyone seen the resignation letter?
The Thruway Property. Why did Otis negotiate the terms behind everyone’s back?
Was there a conflict having Plunkett on the board of the NYS Thruway Authority?
What is Plunkett’s employee status in Rye?
The former CVS building. It was purchased surrounded by secrecy and lies. It has had 3 studies and Otis refuses to release some of the studies paid for with taxpayer money.
Your own potential embarrassment and being exposed for mismanagement are not valid reasons for withholding vital information on a $5,000,000 taxpayer owned building.
Once again Otis doesn’t want to provide the taxpayers with the knowledge we need to make important decisions such as what to do with a $5,000,000 taxpayer owned building.
Since it is election time once again Otis wants to conceal and hide information and documents while campaigning on openness and transparency.
All of this proves to me that Otis is a bigot.
The EAGR meeting states: “Each candidate will have the chance to speak at greater length regarding one particular area of concern. “We hope,” said committee member Judy Martin, “that this forum will give all Rye’s voters the opportunity to judge for themselves which candidates will do the best job in making Rye a healthy environment for future generations.”……Will folks who are NOT Rye voters be allowed to speak????……Folks such as Mr. Tartaglione….High and Dry in Rye
Mike Hen Island polluter enabler and board member, Johnston,
Hen Island pays Rye over 130,000.00 a year in taxes. I would think that allows me to ask questions. Maybe I will ask them why the Hen Island Board of Directors (which you are one of) approved a homeowner to build a $90,000.00 forty foot seawall without permits along the Shoreline. If the Wainwright House needed permits to build their seawall, why didn’t Hen Island?
Mike maybe you can give this one to your attorney also, now that he let your out of the closet to push the agenda from last nights meeting. “I believe this makes you a person that holds little or no regard for the environment or any of our laws that protect it. And I also believe Mayor Otis is not far behind you”
Here is a quote taken from our website about how Hen Island treats the environment penned by Terry Backer Director of the Long Island Soundkeeper. Maybe you should name the Soundkeeper in your lawsuit also.
“Suffice it to say, we have enough information to know that Hen Island sewage has only one place to go, and that’s into the Long Island Sound.”
“There appears to be pollution going into the Sound, and it’s good to see an individual taking on a group because of that.”
— Terry Backer
Executive Director, Soundkeeper
I’m in good health and am ready to take on all polluters no matter how politically connected, but here’s how this bunch of bullies takes on a Rye senior citizen who dares to insist the City of Rye follow its OWN WRITTEN WETLAND LAWS.
Thanks Ray – bullies they are. Now about your unhappy island…
Hopefully the members of EGAR have seen, heard and had enough of this Hen Island dispute by now and will put the following simple questions to every candidate tonight –
If you haven’t been out to Hen Island – why not?
If you haven’t been to Hen Island then when before the election are you going there so that you actually “advocate” from a personally informed perspective?
(The City of Rye does have boats I understand and I’m sure they will make them available like they do with other city property and personnel for election matters)
If as a candidate you haven’t viewed the pictures of conditions on Hen Island on the Heal the Harbor website by the time of TONIGHT’S MEETING….then what in the world are you doing at a meeting like this to begin with?
Carpet bagger..liar..hypocrite..
hurtful ..etc.
Tell us about your extended septic system..was it done illegally or did you lie about it?
This is now a very old question left unanswered…..
Not quite as old as the stupid FLUSH remarks you keep subjecting us to!! Have you any NEW MATERIAL?
Tell me something, Ray……Where is the Soundkeeper now??..Comments were made by him years ago..Before results of the county’s looking into the matter…He apparently now has enough information (clearance from violations from the Westchester County Health Dept.) to leave your campaign High and Dry….Perhaps he, as a TRUE enviornmentalist, knows to vacate an association with an individual who has told the City Council, at their last meeting, “I’m not saying my septic system is good and the others’ are bad..” Perhaps the Soundkeeper is not impressed with your true lack of enviornmental concern….He likely thinks, as any rational person would, this fellow is not sure his system works…this fellow, while talking the talk, does not walk the walk….When did you install your composting toilet, Ray?..Oh, that’s right, you didn’t…Enviornmentalist; my aunt Tilly..Still, High and Dry in Rye….
One small problem, there was no representation from the Democratic Ticket. There excuse according to the people hosting this event said they were not aware of this Date and they ALL had prior committments.
Now I do not doubt that possibly Mayor Otis was not available which would only mean that he would not allow the others to speak without his presence!
They all were notified of this date back in August.
How very convienant for ALL of them to all of a sudden be tied up on the same night.
THIS STUNT was not only a complete slap in the face to their opponents but completely and outlandishly RUDE to the people sponsoring this event!!!
Someone should look into the MIA of the ENTIRE Democratic Party a little further and expose them for what they truly are!!
12 hours has not even passed and already we have 3 DIFFERENT explanations for their absence!!!
If you listened to the explanation that was given last night and then read this, it is very obvious someone is not telling the truth here!!!
They were at a Wine and Cheese press the flesh event hosted by a family in the Preserve – invitations went out last weekend.
Michael Clay Johnson –
I speak with Soundkeeper’s Terry Backer frequently to keep him up to date on what is transpiring with Hen Island. Trust me, his position has not changed. If you would like to check, maybe you should send him an e-mail and ask him.
Write to him here – https://www.soundkeeper.org
What you fail to realize is that this pollution issue is being artificially politically suppressed by Mayor Otis and our island has become a political football instead of be handled on the merits of the pollution and code avoidance. The truth is that Hen Island is a community that has been allowed to avoid the laws of Rye and NYS since your late father was Mayor.
And as I’m sure you can see, Mr. Otis’s Westchester County political “connections” create more problems than they avoid in Rye. Hen Island is a perfect example of this phenomenon. Your mention of the superficial “clearance from violations from the Westchester County Health Dept” is also a part of the problems created by Otis. All anyone with a brain has to do is to look at the pictures on our website.
Just click here – https://www.HEALtheHARBOR.com
Now Mr. Michael Clay Johnson, I understand your dad was one of Rye’s past Mayor’s and I understand from some he was a good one. I guess your use of your dad’s name Michael Clay Johnson is an attempt to reinforce some creditability with the readers here. But I have read the following comment on an earlier post about Hen Island and I regretfully now have to agree – “I believe your dad would be ashamed of you protecting polluters.”
Please honor your father and join me in finishing the cleanup we all know is coming.
Ray……You keeping the Soundkeeper apprised of what’s going on is tantamount to leaving the fox in charge of the chicken coop….If the Soundkeeper is interested in the TRUTH, and I suspect he is, he’ll need to go elsewhere for his information…..His decisions are based on FACT…He knows it. Rye knows it….FACTS do not include information you present…..You were not present at the Wine and Cheese Fest last night…..YUM, YUM…..The Merlot was wonderful….High and Dry in Rye..
Ray/Mimi……..Again ( I really think you should have paid closer attention in school–your ability to retain things is not very good…; we’ve been through this ,me providing the definition of stepfather, before), the definition of stepfather is: “the husband of one’s mother and not one’s natural father”……So, while you are busy calling my familial relationships into question..and, beliving it’s relevent somehow, please get the relationships correct…I understand TRUTH is not something you’re enamored of…So, I’m more than willing to help you here…H. Clay Johnson and Rosemary Johnson adopted me as well as three other children…None of us were born to Rosemary….But, I’m sure, if there are adoptees out there, they’ll agree, familial ties can be quite strong, even if there is no bloodline connection….I have no problem calling H. Clay Johnson my father, which is the correct terminology for our relationship….Please print this and keep it close, as there may be other times you’ll want to refer to Clay Johnson as my stepfather..Or, we could just leave families out of the equation….Michael Clay Johnson
Michael Clay Johnson,
I am not Mimi. As most that frequent this site know. Once again you are just shooting from the hip. My only comment about the family I wanted to bring to light was the fact, just because your dad was a respected citizen in Rye doesn’t allow you the same title. Personally I commend your parents be being part of the adoption process as my dad has also introduced adoption into our family. But I happen to agree families don’t belong in this conversation, even though for some strange reason in earlier post on this site you have accused me of not having one. I always have and will in the future stay on point with the issues and keep the personal attacks out. You see Mr. Johnson I believe when you start to attack the person it is only because you can’t attack the issue.
Jay – I’ve resisted giving this perspective for some time now, but recent activity on the site has compelled me to write. I hope that you give serious consideration to what I have to say here, as I believe I speak for many.
You know, because I’ve said so, that I admire you for spending the time and effort it takes to launch a blog dedicated to sharing stories of and observations about Rye. It has a neighborly editorial voice, and provides interesting odds and ends that visitors have appreciated since its debut.
MY RYE also performs a valuable public service as a kind of virtual village green. And, in the 21st century spirit of interactivity, you allow– and in fact actively encourage– visitor comment . As time has passed, however, your blog has become more and more dominated by three men who are involved in legal disputes with the City. These three hi jack and shut down every thread. In addition to using their names, one or more of them has created multiple identities – forming a kind of toxic Greek chorus. While anonymity is an important tool for ordinary citizens who fear retribution should they voice their opinions publicly, there is always the danger of it being used as a foil for snipers to hide behind as they attempt character assassination. Chief vs commissioner, mimi otis, the van man, mywry, and fire plunkett and shew fall into this category.
I am referring of course to Ted Carroll, Tim Chittenden, and Ray Tartaglione. I hesitate to do so because I anticipate being attacked immediately, but this has gone on too long and Rye has been portrayed unfairly in the local news media as a result of their theatrics and worse. What residents of Rye know and what the local media should investigate is the facts about these men and their personal agendas.
Lets start with Ted Carroll. Mr. Carroll did not want to pay his fair share of taxes on a property he developed. He went to court and lost. He appealed and lost again. So now he produces charts and spread sheets of dubious worth and distributes them under his name, and probably under several aliases as well, in an attempt to make it seem like there is more support for his vicious attacks than there is in reality. But understand, this is all because he did not want to pay his fair share of taxes on a property he developed. Mr. Carroll sued Rye. The City protected Rye taxpayers and won. Prior to this lawsuit Mr Carroll never showed the slightest interest in public life in Rye although he’s lived here every one of his 64 (?)years. Now he’s the champion of the aggrieved, everyone in city hall is his enemy, and he piles on others posts with emphatically snide extra shots to the ribs.
Next there’s Tim Chittenden. Mr Chittenden has been involved in lengthy legal battles with the City and the police department. They too, of course, involve money. Money we, the taxpayers, will have to pay if Mr. Chittenden wins. This kind of dispute is not unique to Rye despite what you may hear about our evil police commissioner. Everyday in America some cop hates his commissioner and some cop is suing for an increased pension. Its the nature of uniformed services. There’s nothing particularly awful happening in Rye. I speak from experience as my husband retired with distinction from the NYPD. Believe me, Rye is relatively sheltered from most of the realities of public labor disputes. And I, for one, like it that way.
Finally there is Ray Tartaglione. Mr. Tartaglione does not live in Rye or vote in Rye. He has a cottage on an Island called Hen Island run by a kind of co-op as far as I understand it. Having lived in a co-op I have some sympathy for Mr. Tartaglione as he is apparently on the outs with the Board and his neighbors over a number of issues. That is the crux of the problem. He says they pollute the Sound, they say he’s disgruntled. Now, I don’t know if he raised those issues when he served on this board, or if he’s just angry now that he was voted off. Where he loses me is how this has become our problem here in Rye when 1) we have limited jurisdiction 2) we have visited the island and issued violations where they were found. Perhaps Mr. Tartaglione wants the island upgraded at our expense. Who knows?
What he fails to realize is that even if his neighbors are the worst people on the planet, very few of us in Rye are sympathetic to the way he’s disrupted our public meetings, hijacked our local blog, tormented at every opportunity the men and women we have elected to represent us and subjected all of us to the visual assault his crass vehicles provide. He used to park down the block in front of Kelly’s. Do Jerry and Martha deserve that? Does Luna?
Messrs. Carroll, Chittenden and Tartaglione have turned every public forum into their own mean spirited and petty spectacle. Many people may read this blog, but few post because the tone has deteriorated as these bullies have taken it over. Council meetings too are avoided by good citizens who wish these men would just shut up and go away, but, being good people, they’re too polite to say so, so they just stay home.
Jay, I’m asking you to moderate this blog , redirect off topic comments, and delete gratuitously vicious multiple posts. Threads of this nature contribute to the coarsening of public discourse, and I believe the majority of the people in Rye find it offensive. Repeat offenders should be warned, then suspended if need be. Again I write this fully expecting to be flamed, but someone has to speak up. I do hope that if others agree with me they will add their voices on this thread.
you have me at a loss!
Are you on the side of right, on the side of wrong, or are you on Mayor Otis’s side???
You would need to go back to the very very beginning of all of our,what you and a few others on here call personal agendas, and ask yourself the question;
Let me help you out here with this one, when someone approaches their City Council with an issue they are greeted with lie after lie after lie, all smoke and mirrors!
If things were handled with respect,dignity,and TRUTH, and most of all just do it right from the very beginning you would not have what you and a few others deem as THEATRICAL!!!
Ray may be responsible for Mr. Floatie but Otis is his creator! Bob Schubert asked where did the water go and where is the wetlands permit? Look where that led us to today. Oh,wait a minute, you didn’t mention Mr.Schubert, why not? After all he is part of the THEATRICS,isn’t he?
I will not comment on Ted’s situation bc I know nothing about it. As a matter of fact how did you come across this info, just curious?
I will also not comment on Tim’s situation bc he is a dear friend and I don’t really think you know enough to comment either.I will say this, if someone files a lawsuit and wins doesn’t that make the law suit justified? Maybe you might want to check the facts and understand why and where the law suit originated!
And as far as our EVIL COMMISSIONER” (your words) goes, how would you grade his performance in respect to the street (Midland Ave.)you live on?
And how about his decision to let the kids risk their lives to cross Milton Rd. with no Crossing Guard where one has been for YEARS AND YEARS???
How could you be concerned with lawyer fees being paid by us,the TaxPayer and not mention Mr.Plunkett?
And how about me, you failed to mention my name. It’s okay I wont take it personal, I think I know you well enough to respect your comments. My wife and I asked for a simple Stop Sign and or a Crosswalk. I think you know the rest of this story, don’t you?
I’m curious, why now, why not a month ago, or two weeks ago, or 13 days from now? Why have you chosen this exact moment to jump up and shout out loud?
All any of us did is ask a question. That is where all of this starts. We sure as hell didn’t ask for this, who would?
School has been opened for two months.
There is no crossing guard at Resurrection in the morning for the RHS & RMS kids.
There is no crossing guard at Milton & Apawamis in the afternoon. I guess Connors, Shew, Culross and Otis think our kids only cross Milton Road in the morning.
There is still generally no cops on the road 7:45 a.m. to about 8:15 a.m. every day of the week. Every day!!!
Kids are still risking their lives crossing Boston Post Road at Sonn Drive for a variety of reasons associated with Otis and others not taking action.
A woman lost her life today on Milton Road in front of the High School. Connors referred to the location as between Pine Lane and Apawamis Avenue. I wonder why?
A week and a half before the election and all of a sudden Otis, Connors, Culross and Shine want to come up with a plan on how to address traffic safety around the schools.
How can anyone believe one word that comes out the mouths of Otis, Culross and Connors after they put our kids in harms way the past three years while ignoring very credible complaints?
Police Chief vs Commissioner,
How dare you hijack this thread with all these VERY TRUTHFUL FACTS?
How inconsiderate of you, have you no respect?
Now all the good people will for sure not come to council meetings!
OMG, I can’t take it anymore,STOP!
And that poor poor man our EVIL Commissioner Connors!
Wonder what they will do when they see me out there doing Crossing Guard Duties? What a media blitz that will make for sure! Hope no one thinks I’m being to selfish hijacking all the media outlets!
What do you think the voters will think of Otis after they learn that I had to do Crossing Guard Duties because he DOESN’T CARE!!
If your looking for me from 7:30am to 8 you know where to find me. And if your looking for me from 2:30pm to 3:15 you know where to find me!
Mrs. Neary,
Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts with us. Just a few comments I would like to make if you don’t mind.
In your writings you would like to have Mr. Sears control the bloggers you don’t agree with. Shame on you for not encouraging freedom of speech. You state we shut down every thread, yet somehow you managed to get your word out and I am happy to respond to it. I believe the readers should hear everyone out and then pick and choose what they prefer to intake. Although you may not agree or understand my cause, I invite your comments and other comments both pro and con.
I use my name and the reason I do is because I can back up anything I write. If you would care to witness my issues please come with me to the Island where “you’re self glorified, look what I have done Mayor Otis” allows continued pollution.
Now about your comment about me living or voting in Rye. My legal address is in White Plains my main residence is in Purchase but when we shop or dine it is usually in Rye because we like to support the local merchants. Hen Island pays over $130.000.00 per year in taxes to the city of Rye. We do not use any part of Rye’s Department of Public Works namely no street cleaning, snow removal, road repair or paving, no street lighting, or police patrols, not one of our children attend any school in Rye with the exception of one family that also lives in Rye and pays taxes on another home in town. The city of Rye does supply us with one garbage truck for three hours two days a year. We have paid those taxes since 1952 when the island was purchased. The only things I have asked the city for is code enforcement and guess what? As you can see they refused. The way I see it we have given Rye a gift of the taxes for over 57 years and no one has ever complained or requested any services until me.
I am not asking Rye to fix the problems I am only asking Rye to write the violations as they would do for any other home or business that did not comply with the laws. It is then up to Hen Island to fix the problems. To answer your question, it has become Rye’s problem simply because Hen Island is located in Rye and the City and the Mayor is responsible to enforce the law. Do you believe Rye should collect 130,000.00 and not provide enforcement? That is taxation without representation.
Now to answer your question about, if I raised the questions when I was president. The answer is yes. Not only did I raise the question, I invited the New York State and the Westchester County Department of Emergency Management, The NYS Forestry Services, The Department of Environmental Conservation, The Westchester County Medical Center Medi-vac unit along with the Local Volunteer Ambulance core, Rye Fire and Marine Police units to multiple meetings on Hen Island. The purpose of the meetings was to determine how we could make Hen Island a safer place to live how to effectively protect residents and our environment due to our lack of accessibility. The results; most of the other Board members were outraged of my actions and fearful that the government agencies would require massive updates to bring Hen Island into compliance with health, safety and environmental codes. Those meeting are all documented. As a result of those meetings I was removed from the Board. That removal sparked my interest of their fears and after extensive investigation on my part and the part of other aligned with me, it was discovered that this community has never been required to meet the health and safety standards required by city, county and State laws. After an inspection of Hen Island in July of 2007, I was told that the island was going to be closed until the sewage and potable water issues were corrected. A few weeks later when I brought these issues to the attention of the Rye City building department in writing I was told that “the City attorney has advised us not to respond to any of your complaints.
I am sorry you feel this is petty Mrs. Neary but as you can see it involves a cover-up involving not only the Mayor but also the city attorney’s office and many more. I am sorry if you feel I am dragging your community down but it is really the Mayor that has chosen this path.
I am also sorry to hear you feel I have little support in Rye maybe one evening you should follow Mr. Floatie and Jack A as they tour Purchase Street. You would be amazed at the support, laughter and encouragement we receive all night long from residents of all ages. I cannot tell you how many people thank me for my efforts, encourage me to keep up the battle and display disbelief for the way in which Mayor Otis and the Council deal with this issue.
Mrs. Neary I think this Blog is simple and just like a radio or TV station if you don’t like it don’t use it. Just because you disagree with our messages does not make you right.
One last point Mrs. N, Jim Amico one of the bloggers you have failed to mention has been blogging on this site also in effort to expose Mayor Otis for his inaction with regard to safe streets for our children and our residents. Unfortunately this afternoon another one of our residents was lost in a horrific accident that I had witnessed a short time after the occurrence. May God bless her soul. This accident occurred on Milton Road in front of the tennis courts of the High School. I wonder if the Mayor will take action now. And I wonder if he will wait till a child get sick from the use of bird feces infected water or the sewage leaking into our waters opposite the Greenhaven Association beach.
Mrs. Neary you may be interested in the below video and thanks for taking the time to listen and read my post even if you don’t agree.
It seems you have gone through great lengths at a very convienant time.
I’m amazed that you took the time to look up Mr.Carroll’s age? Given the fact that you and your husband have only lived here for a very short time how do you know so much about his personal life? Why do you think he has never had an interest in what goes on in Rye? Very far from the truth!
You mentioned that your husband was a NYPD Member, NOT YOU! Maybe you should ask him to reach out to some of his contacts and look up Commissioner Connors background as carefully as you have Mr.Carroll’s?
He can then report to you as you report to Mayor Otis.
Mr.Amico mentioned you live on Midland Ave. I have not seen any support from you for him or the childrens safety. WHY NOT?
What is your opinion on the sign and the reason for the sign in Mr.Amico’s yard?
Why are you under the assumption that all those annoymous bloggers are the same persons? Did you and Mayor Otis ever stop to think more and more people see through him like a piece of swiss cheese??
Do not recall seeing you at any Council Meetings, what is the reason for this? Are you not interested in what goes on in Rye or are you one of those good people you speak of that are scared to go?
When did Mayor Otis come up with this idea to make you his personal PLANT???
Did Mayor Otis E-mail your last post to display on MYRYE or did he hand it to you personally as you were consulting for him in your political consulting firm?
Charmian did you really see the Loch Ness monster from your table at X2O?
Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)
Please don’t squeeze Charmin !!! I need her.
Mrs. Neary,
I was very interested to read about how your claims of sexual abuse were dismissed. Reading your accusations it was clear to me how you could understand my frustration when Mayor Otis tries to dismiss my accusation and proof due to his political position.
Charmian and Steve – don’t go all quiet on me now. Let’s have some more SLIME!
To get you going, try feeding these data points into your browser, add a dash of innuendo, a pinch of lies and send me some more delicious personal attack goo –
“Mr. Carroll never showed the slightest interest in public life in Rye although he’s lived here every one of his 64 (?) years.”
Born 1956, United Hospital. Graduated Milton School, 1968 – Principal Peter Rogers deemed me “most likely to do 30+ years in Attica.” Graduated Rye High School, 1974 – Co-Captain, Track Team, set school 100 yd dash record at NYS sprint finals in Albany (your favorite town). Graduated Georgetown University, 1978 – BSBA. First job out was with Price Waterhouse – once sent on “volunteer” assignment to help the Committee to Reelect Jimmy Carter. Now THAT was a depressing place. WNET-TV 1980-1983, production controller The MacNeil Lehrer Report – The MacNeil Lehrer Newshour and others. Learned to spell “far right wing conspiracy.” 1984 – thru today, founded and managed multiple media focused private investment funds – just Google ‘ted carroll private equity’ and some recent stuff will appear. You’ll like the polling company. See my recent quote in the WSJ concerning placement agents – all the result of Albany shenanigans and my soon to be disgraced pathetic competitor Steven Rattner.
BTW – what is YOUR definition of “a public life in Rye?” I’m pretty well known and see lots of Rye High alum all over town. BTW here’s some news – they are really tired of you and will be voting for Mr. French and his ticket.
“Now he’s the champion of the aggrieved”
That I am but only if asked and only if I believe laws have been broken. You DID find the Gates Wetland permit, right? And your last visit to Hen Island was, when? And a stop sign at Midland and Palisade is going in, what, tomorrow? And that 80 percent NC vote by the PBA was, what, rigged?
“everyone in city hall is his enemy”
On the contrary, I get a warm reception by city staff throughout the city including city hall. You see I’m from here and I treat local people with genuine warmth and respect.
“and he piles on others posts with emphatically snide extra shots to the ribs”
The truth hurts. Now let’s see some more of your lies.
Are we really blaming the Police Commissioner for yesterdays’ accident?
Wow…talk about can’t catch break.
I don’t mind you bashing him when you have reason to, but a 87 y/o female drives into he back of a parked truck and its RPD’s fault?
C’mon people — gain some credibility and TRY and be impartial.
To Average Citizen:
Regardless of where the fault lies in this horrific tragedy, the non response from Connors, Shew, Culross and Otis to numerous valid citizen’s complaints concerning our children’s safety, in my opinion is gross misconduct, malfeasance and misfeasance.
To Bob Zahm:
Thank you for your resolve in bringing these dangerous conditions to this unresponsive City of Rye management and City Council. I can see you share in our frustration in trying to get them to take action.
It has not been easy. If Otis gets in he will shut us out again for 4 more years.
I think you would make an excellent member of the City Council and hope you will run in 2011.
Avg. Citizen,
I don’t believe any of us are blaming the RPD or Connors solely.
As I have always said and will continue to say; Police, in every municipality play a big part in PUBLIC SAFETY, Rye is no Exception. So when you have a failing system, AND WE DO, the Police are as much of the problem as they are the solution!
As in sports, or big companies, when the team fails, where do you start when trying to correct the problem?
When I follow a story, tragedy,election,etc,etc, what ever I take part in I let the facts lead me. I don’t play favorites or any thing that resembles taking favorites. So if it seems someone is being partial it could just be they are following the facts.
Just my opinion.
Hypeathetically speaking,
If someone is doing 80mph down Midland Ave. and crashes causing harm to others, or if someone else is hurt @ Palisade Rd./Midland, or some poor kid is hit by a car walking thru the crosswalk after school @ Milton/Apawamis, etc. and all these areas have been pointed out to our leaders for months and years wouldn’t you POINT @ the leaders???
Miss Rae Presentation,
Since you obviously didn’t bother to come to the debate I’ll tell you what the debate sponsor decided about all citizen questions.
NO questions were taken from the public – ALL questions asked were scripted by the sponsors.
And the sponsors (mostly traditional democrats) were blindsided by the late hour stiffing by the democratic ticket. It was an extremely awkward position to be forced into but the republicans handled the situation with dignity and restrained for any partisan commentary. Very classy.
The next day, word leaked that the democratic slate had gathered that night instead to prep for the next day’s Journal News Editorial face-off with their republican opponents. This strategy was working well that day over in White Plains until the Mayor gave a ludicrous explanation of how Rye taxpayers will be HELD HARMLESS from the multi million dollar losses on the CVS building and got a swift and detailed education of the hard cold facts of a commercial real estate timing blunder by Peter Jovanovich.
Peter had the contract directly in hand and pertinent pages marked for easy reference and corrected the Mayor on a string of point’s right in front of the Journal News Editorial board. One can only imagine what the board thought of this show of facts vs. fiction.
So was it worth it for the democratic slate to bag the environment in Rye and go to cram school on municipal management? That will be for the voters to decide. But rest assured, not citizen who attended the EGAR debate got any chance at all to ask any question. Here’s a post I did the following day, and it still rings true.
“To anyone who made the effort last night to attend this important Rye environmental debate, the total absence of anyone from the Otis ticket was both stunning and offensive.
What could they possibly be thinking given the multiple environmental “controversies” that have arisen under Mayor Steve Otis’s administration?
Rye taxpayer money was spent to field a full media crew from Rye TV – and all they had to record concerning the positions of the incumbents was – 4 empty chairs.
As another writer termed it – this was like a slap to the face of the voters.”
Spare me the BS. How about answering this question. Do you have any relationship with the Bonanno and Genovese crime family?
Very Classy, nice post. Your mother must be proud!
Why don’t you put your name along side your filth?
I thought you didn’t appreciate bloggers who hijack?
I see your name up there on several threads and all have the same posts.
What, you don’t find MissRae’s posts offensive, VICIOUS and abusive?
Why are you not attacking this person?
NO COMMENT,mmmmmmm?
Is it because he is on your side, or should I say Otis’s?
And for the record MissRae you mumbling idiot, Ted’s fact are not BS they are 100% true, I was there! And if you are so interested in the truth go look it up!
Charmian, The only real thing I see Jay Sears supporting on his blog are cowards like MissRae who right filth.
Wasn’t you that said NO CURSING? Isn’t that YOUR POLICY? What are you waiting for to YANK that jerks post?
It goes way beyond cursing, and is definitely, as Charmian would point out, OFFENSIVE, VICIOUS, and ABUSIVE!!!
Mrs. Neary,
I didn’t see a large group of support behind you as you requested in your post, not even one of the Hen Island polluters backed you. Nor even the Mayor which I believe was your ghost writer for your first post. The only one hijacking this blog is you with the double posts on three threads. Since I believe Mayor Otis penned your first response, why don’t you take the time as the rest of us do, to write your own? I could be wrong but maybe you missed my answer to Mayor Otis writings so I will post it again only I will not post it on three threads as you did. You better look in the mirror hijacker.
Mrs. Neary,
Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts with us. Just a few comments I would like to make if you don’t mind.
In your writings you would like to have Mr. Sears control the bloggers you don’t agree with. Shame on you for not encouraging freedom of speech. You state we shut down every thread, yet somehow you managed to get your word out and I am happy to respond to it. I believe the readers should hear everyone out and then pick and choose what they prefer to intake. Although you may not agree or understand my cause, I invite your comments and other comments both pro and con.
I use my name and the reason I do is because I can back up anything I write. If you would care to witness my issues please come with me to the Island where “you’re self glorified, look what I have done Mayor Otis” allows continued pollution.
Now about your comment about me living or voting in Rye. My legal address is in White Plains my main residence is in Purchase but when we shop or dine it is usually in Rye because we like to support the local merchants. Hen Island pays over $130.000.00 per year in taxes to the city of Rye. We do not use any part of Rye’s Department of Public Works namely no street cleaning, snow removal, road repair or paving, no street lighting, or police patrols, not one of our children attend any school in Rye with the exception of one family that also lives in Rye and pays taxes on another home in town. The city of Rye does supply us with one garbage truck for three hours two days a year. We have paid those taxes since 1952 when the island was purchased. The only things I have asked the city for is code enforcement and guess what? As you can see they refused. The way I see it we have given Rye a gift of the taxes for over 57 years and no one has ever complained or requested any services until me.
I am not asking Rye to fix the problems I am only asking Rye to write the violations as they would do for any other home or business that did not comply with the laws. It is then up to Hen Island to fix the problems. To answer your question, it has become Rye’s problem simply because Hen Island is located in Rye and the City and the Mayor is responsible to enforce the law. Do you believe Rye should collect 130,000.00 and not provide enforcement? That is taxation without representation.
Now to answer your question about, if I raised the questions when I was president. The answer is yes. Not only did I raise the question, I invited the New York State and the Westchester County Department of Emergency Management, The NYS Forestry Services, The Department of Environmental Conservation, The Westchester County Medical Center Medi-vac unit along with the Local Volunteer Ambulance core, Rye Fire and Marine Police units to multiple meetings on Hen Island. The purpose of the meetings was to determine how we could make Hen Island a safer place to live how to effectively protect residents and our environment due to our lack of accessibility. The results; most of the other Board members were outraged of my actions and fearful that the government agencies would require massive updates to bring Hen Island into compliance with health, safety and environmental codes. Those meeting are all documented. As a result of those meetings I was removed from the Board. That removal sparked my interest of their fears and after extensive investigation on my part and the part of other aligned with me, it was discovered that this community has never been required to meet the health and safety standards required by city, county and State laws. After an inspection of Hen Island in July of 2007, I was told that the island was going to be closed until the sewage and potable water issues were corrected. A few weeks later when I brought these issues to the attention of the Rye City building department in writing I was told that “the City attorney has advised us not to respond to any of your complaints.
I am sorry you feel this is petty Mrs. Neary but as you can see it involves a cover-up involving not only the Mayor but also the city attorney’s office and many more. I am sorry if you feel I am dragging your community down but it is really the Mayor that has chosen this path.
I am also sorry to hear you feel I have little support in Rye maybe one evening you should follow Mr. Floatie and Jack A as they tour Purchase Street. You would be amazed at the support, laughter and encouragement we receive all night long from residents of all ages. I cannot tell you how many people thank me for my efforts, encourage me to keep up the battle and display disbelief for the way in which Mayor Otis and the Council deal with this issue.
Mrs. Neary I think this Blog is simple and just like a radio or TV station if you don’t like it don’t use it. Just because you disagree with our messages does not make you right.
One last point Mrs. N, Jim Amico one of the bloggers you have failed to mention has been blogging on this site also in effort to expose Mayor Otis for his inaction with regard to Safe Streets for our children and our residents. Unfortunately this afternoon another one of our residents was lost in a horrific accident that I had witnessed a short time after the occurrence. May God bless her soul. This accident occurred on Milton Road in front of the tennis courts of the High School. I wonder if the Mayor will take action now. And I wonder if he will wait till a child get sick from the use of bird feces infected water or the sewage leaking into our waters opposite the Greenhaven Association beach.
Mrs. Neary you may be interested in the below video and thanks for taking the time to listen and read my post even if you don’t agree.
The Otis – Plunkett Chronicles
Starting tomorrow morning blog readers here will be treated to a weeklong series of short daily posts illuminating the background and relationships of Rye City Attorney Kevin Plunkett, his brother William (Bill) Plunkett, Bill’s former law partner Governor George Pataki and our very own Steve Otis – watchdog of Rye’s public treasury.
All posts will include links to public newspaper stories and other publicly available information allowing readers to make more informed decisions about the possible reason for the explosion of litigation and legal fees paid by the City of Rye over the past 6 years.
We will strive to stick strictly with public facts and hope this limited run series will provide enough sunlight on these interrelationships for interested readers to individually “connect the dots.”
Thanks to all MyRye readers who yesterday forwarded your own “stories” and leads to enrich the series. We will try hard to get them in but remind all that public information is the primary criteria and we will strive to avoid invective as we feel the facts are “out there” and will essentially speak for themselves.
Happy Sunday. It’s Halloween Window Painting Day in Rye so please Drive Safely!!!
Whenever I find a thread with Mr. Carroll or Mr Tartaglione or Mr Chittenden ( or any of their various “sock puppets” such as “democrats for french” ) posting their ugly and now quite predictable rumors and lies, I do intend to repeat my post regarding their thuggish tactics, their litigious histories and their ruining this blog.
I notice when I post on multiple threads, my additional posts are often removed, so some moderation is taking place. As to hijacking, it appears that you don’t understand the term. Hijacking refers to changing the topic of a thread. When I post regarding Carroll, Chittenden and Tartaglione being abusive, on a thread in which they are in fact being abusive, I am not changing the topic of the thread.
Your responses to me, bordering on insane, merely prove my point. Multiple references to rape and sexual abuse…nice…
What I find more telling is your belief that my post must have been ghost written by the Mayor. That was after Mr. Carroll expressed his belief that my name was merely a pseudonym for the Mayor. Both beliefs, of course, are silly. Many people other than the Mayor find your behavior offensive, which is why, as I’ve said, they don’t post on MyRye.
If this blog were moderated, and became more civilized, you’d see a wider variety of opinions. As it is it’s become only a forum for your paranoid and angry rants.
Mr.Carroll, you really need to quit spreading rumors that originate with you. It’s always “word on the street”, “word leaked out” “documents I’ve attached reveal”.
Rye is not the place for this scurrilous kind of negative campaigning. You and all your sock puppets detract from the value of this blog.
I’ll post my letter to Jay Sears again – requesting that he rein in the uglier aspects of the comments section.
Jay – I’ve resisted giving this perspective for some time now, but recent activity on the site has compelled me to write. I hope that you give serious consideration to what I have to say here, as I believe I speak for many.
You know, because I’ve said so, that I admire you for spending the time and effort it takes to launch a blog dedicated to sharing stories of and observations about Rye. It has a neighborly editorial voice, and provides interesting odds and ends that visitors have appreciated since its debut.
MY RYE also performs a valuable public service as a kind of virtual village green. And, in the 21st century spirit of interactivity, you allow– and in fact actively encourage– visitor comment . As time has passed, however, your blog has become more and more dominated by three men who are involved in legal disputes with the City. These three hi jack and shut down every thread. In addition to using their names, one or more of them has created multiple identities – forming a kind of toxic Greek chorus. While anonymity is an important tool for ordinary citizens who fear retribution should they voice their opinions publicly, there is always the danger of it being used as a foil for snipers to hide behind as they attempt character assassination. Chief vs commissioner, mimi otis, the van man, mywry, and fire plunkett and shew fall into this category.
I am referring of course to Ted Carroll, Tim Chittenden, and Ray Tartaglione. I hesitate to do so because I anticipate being attacked immediately, but this has gone on too long and Rye has been portrayed unfairly in the local news media as a result of their theatrics and worse. What residents of Rye know and what the local media should investigate is the facts about these men and their personal agendas.
Lets start with Ted Carroll. Mr. Carroll did not want to pay his fair share of taxes on a property he developed. He went to court and lost. He appealed and lost again. So now he produces charts and spread sheets of dubious worth and distributes them under his name, and probably under several aliases as well, in an attempt to make it seem like there is more support for his vicious attacks than there is in reality. But understand, this is all because he did not want to pay his fair share of taxes on a property he developed. Mr. Carroll sued Rye. The City protected Rye taxpayers and won. Prior to this lawsuit Mr Carroll never showed the slightest interest in public life in Rye although he’s lived here every one of his 64 (?)years. Now he’s the champion of the aggrieved, everyone in city hall is his enemy, and he piles on others posts with emphatically snide extra shots to the ribs.
Next there’s Tim Chittenden. Mr Chittenden has been involved in lengthy legal battles with the City and the police department. They too, of course, involve money. Money we, the taxpayers, will have to pay if Mr. Chittenden wins. This kind of dispute is not unique to Rye despite what you may hear about our evil police commissioner. Everyday in America some cop hates his commissioner and some cop is suing for an increased pension. Its the nature of uniformed services. There’s nothing particularly awful happening in Rye. I speak from experience as my husband retired with distinction from the NYPD. Believe me, Rye is relatively sheltered from most of the realities of public labor disputes. And I, for one, like it that way.
Finally there is Ray Tartaglione. Mr. Tartaglione does not live in Rye or vote in Rye. He has a cottage on an Island called Hen Island run by a kind of co-op as far as I understand it. Having lived in a co-op I have some sympathy for Mr. Tartaglione as he is apparently on the outs with the Board and his neighbors over a number of issues. That is the crux of the problem. He says they pollute the Sound, they say he’s disgruntled. Now, I don’t know if he raised those issues when he served on this board, or if he’s just angry now that he was voted off. Where he loses me is how this has become our problem here in Rye when 1) we have limited jurisdiction 2) we have visited the island and issued violations where they were found. Perhaps Mr. Tartaglione wants the island upgraded at our expense. Who knows?
What he fails to realize is that even if his neighbors are the worst people on the planet, very few of us in Rye are sympathetic to the way he’s disrupted our public meetings, hijacked our local blog, tormented at every opportunity the men and women we have elected to represent us and subjected all of us to the visual assault his crass vehicles provide. He used to park down the block in front of Kelly’s. Do Jerry and Martha deserve that? Does Luna?
Messrs. Carroll, Chittenden and Tartaglione have turned every public forum into their own mean spirited and petty spectacle. Many people may read this blog, but few post because the tone has deteriorated as these bullies have taken it over. Council meetings too are avoided by good citizens who wish these men would just shut up and go away, but, being good people, they’re too polite to say so, so they just stay home.
Jay, I’m asking you to moderate this blog , redirect off topic comments, and delete gratuitously vicious multiple posts. Threads of this nature contribute to the coarsening of public discourse, and I believe the majority of the people in Rye find it offensive. Repeat offenders should be warned, then suspended if need be. Again I write this fully expecting to be flamed, but someone has to speak up. I do hope that if others agree with me they will add their voices on this thread.
The lantern of Diogenes shines on the face of charmian.
Thank you.
Hey Tim, did you see this???
Charmian Neary,
Repeat, repeat, repeat. Is there nothing new to say? Has ‘his honor’ not fed you since the first salacious salvo?
As I told the recipients of last weeks 2008 Rye City Council Voting Analysis (you were not one but of course Mr. Otis was) “if someone would like to dispute these findings then it would be helpful that they do, I think, a similarly detailed layout with footnotes in order to allow a comparison. This would be preferable to them just issuing more gratuitous political fibrillating about “independence” on the current Rye City Council.”
I guess “someone” gave you a copy and omitted the above request? Or is this all you care to do in response to a very detailed Excel spreadsheet showing between a 98 and a 99 percent correlated voting pattern among these supposed “independent thinkers?”
As an examination of the schedule will indicate, the only time the majority swung in opposition to a proposal was in the case – you could have guessed it – TERM LIMITS. Mr. Sack proposed and “The Gang of Steve” disposed.
The schedule was not prepared by me although I wish I had. The schedule was prepared by the diligent efforts of Rye Senior Citizens – taxpayers all – who spent many hours gathering the data and watching the video recordings of the meetings of the Rye City Council following the issues and the votes.
Do you have a team engaged in doing an alternative analysis? If so please provide it soon. The voters want truth. No one wants to think of you as a mere “sock puppet” for the insertion here of “ugly and now quite predictable rumors and lies.”
Could you critique this song. I believe if the audio engineers incorporated Phil Spectors “wall of sound” it would have created a dense, layered, and reverberant sound in the background. What do you think?
Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)
Mr. Carroll,
It is interesting that you of all people make reference to SLIME. You ask in this latest post “has ‘his honor’ not fed you since the first salacious salvo?”
If your relentless attacks on the people who comprise the government here in Rye were not offensive enough on their own, which of course they are, I might take issue with the fact that you seem to believe that I am incapable of writing on my own. Anyone who knows me knows otherwise.
You then mistakenly suggest, below, that I did not receive your latest e mail rant myself, but had it forwarded to me by the Mayor.
You say “As I told the recipients of last weeks 2008 Rye City Council Voting Analysis (you were not one but of course Mr. Otis was)…”
On the contrary, Sherlock, you send all your scurrilous e mail to me. See your e mail list below.
From: tedc@nosonlawenpartners.com
To: timothychittenden@mac.com, amico777@msn.com
CC: shinee@ryeschools.lhric.org, rfalk@ryepd.ryeny.gov, wconnors@ryepd.ryeny.gov, steveotisrye@aol.com, mayor@ryeny.gov, fculross@ryeny.gov, aweld@optonline.net, ball19@hotmail.com, board@ryeschools.lhric.org, bdempsey@trcsolutions.com, charmian6@aol.com, dhfrenchrye@aol.com, emilitana@ryeny.gov, compagn1@mac.com, compagn1@aol.com, hobart67@yahoo.com, jsack@sacklawfirm.com, housemaven@aol.com, lmslack@optonline.net, mscunn@optonline.net, parkersinrye@aol.com, paulag6575@aol.com, ray@rjtauto.com, recreation@ryeny.gov, spickup@ryeny.gov, slkoenig@optonline.net, skconcepts@hotmail.com, tjuva@lohud.com
Sent: 10/20/2009 11:37:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: RE: Midland ave safety
Finally, you state that you are, once again, not the source of the document you attached to your e mail.
You say “The schedule was not prepared by me although I wish I had. The schedule was prepared by the diligent efforts of Rye Senior Citizens …”
Whether it was “prepared by you” or not, it certainly came from your computer, as do many of your supposedly leaked documents. You leave identifying marks which anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of computers can detect. A virtual trail of slime, sort of.
Regardless, Mr. Carroll, your law suits are public record. Anyone can read them by Googling Ted Carroll – or start at the following link.
Because you are maligning the government of the city in which my husband and I choose to live, as well as the men and women who, in many instances, volunteer to serve this city, you should answer for your behavior publicly.
You have a dispute with the City, to which you are entitled, but your criticism of the Citys’ expenditures on legal fees is hypocritical under the circumstances. The voting public should know that and consider the source of your innuendo, rumors and ‘data’.
Dear Ms. Neary:…..
BRAVO….. BRAVO !! I await further submissions by you. Reading what you write is a pleasure, not only for the content…but, also for the style, passion and pure regard for the English language…You do Rye proud….Michael Clay Johnson