Rye Mayoral Candidates Argue Issues at Debate

At the League of Women Voters mayoral debate tonight, challenger Doug French squared off against sitting Rye Mayor Steve Otis. About 50 residents attended the debate including many city council members, local press and many of the folks you see at the open mic during city council sessions. Its a clubby group…

Doug french and steve otis 10-15-2009 112 

There did not seem to be any real barn burners. Doug French came with a huge chart but the theatrics did not seem to capture the room. After the moderated debate portion, the candidates took submitted questions from eleven residents. Topics ranges from Steve Feeney asking about the Osborn home tax issues to Matt Fahey asking about city debt load to Ted Carroll asking about wetlands to Peter Jovanovich asking about traffic safety to Jim Amico asking about pedestrian safety.

RCTV taped the proceedings and plans to air the debate.


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