Sound History and the Bird House, Sunday 4pm

After you check out the Rye Marshlands photo exhibit and reception on Sunday, head over to the Rye Free Reading Room.

Tom Andersen, author and communications director at Westchester Land Trust, will discuss Long Island Sound and the work his organization is doing in the Rye area, at a talk sponsored by the Committee to Save the Bird Homestead at 4 p.m. Sunday, November 29, at the Rye Free Reading Room.

Westchester Land Trust 

Andersen is the author of "This Fine Piece of Water: An Environmental History of Long Island Sound," published by Yale University Press. The topic of his talk is "What Is Long Island Sound For?"

He'll also talk about the land preservation work Westchester Land Trust is involved in, including its role in helping buy and protect the Bird Homestead on Milton Road.

Andersen's talk is free and open to the public.


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