Rye Off the Record: Snacks, Birds, Amico and Plunkett

Metro North is about to ink a vending machine contract that is estimated to be worth $3 million over 10 years, according to LoHud.com. Seventy four candy and soda machines will be installed at Metro North stations, including four vending machines at the Rye train station. That's a lot of candy (attention dentists, buy an outdoor ad at the train station).

Jim Amico of Midland Avenue has launched a web site dedicated to pedestrian safety called stopforjarrid.org. The site is dedicated to his son Jarrid, who lost his life in a traffic accident on Midland Avenue in 2006.

Rye is a popular destination for birders with the two favorite spots being the Marshlands Conservancy and the Edith Read Sanctuary. A birder named Corbett recounted a trip to Edith Read this past Saturday on a blog recording sightingsof wintering ducks, such as canvasbacks and scaup, bufflehead, DC cormorants, mallards, American widgeon, Canada x snow goose hybrid, a red-tailed hawk and purple sandpipers.

Rye corporation counsel Kevin Plunkettwill take a new day job as of January 1st, going to work for new county executive Rob Astorino. Plunkett has served Rye since August 2002 and told MyRye.com "It has been a privilege to serve these over seven years as corporation counsel." Typically Rye's mayor chooses the corporation counsel. It is likely Plunkett's firm would continue with any ongoing litigation it is handling for the city. During the recent election season, Mayor-elect Doug French called for a litigation and case management committee to oversee the city's legal department.


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