Midland School Principal Addresses Accident

In an email message to parents on Friday, Midland School Principal Angela E. Grille addressed Thursday's accident on Midland when a fourth grader was struck by a car on Midland Avenue. The school held an assembly to discuss the issue with 3rd, 4th and 5th graders.

Part of the school's playground is named "Jarrid's Corner" in memory of Jarrid Amico, the young boy who was killed in a traffic accident on Midland Avenue in 2006.

Grille's email:

"An Important Message from Dr. Grille

Dear Parents,

As you may have heard, Christofer Moreira, a student in Mrs. Rosado's fourth grade class was struck by a car on Midland Avenue after school on Thursday, January 7, 2010. Mr. and Mrs. Moreira report that Christofer has bruises and a concussion so he has to be watched closely for the next couple of days but fortunately there are no broken bones and no apparent internal injuries. 

Children may be confused or frightened by things they hear and will look to adults for information and guidance on how to react.  Parents and school personnel can help children cope first and foremost by establishing a sense of safety and security.  As could be expected, there are already many versions of the accident.  Below is Commissioner Conner's press release that provides specific details about the accident.


Commissioner Conner, Rye City Police Department

At approximately 3:07 P.M. on Thursday, January 7, 2010, a ten year old boy was struck by a vehicle at the intersection of Midland Avenue and Palisades Road. Initial reports indicate that the boy crossed Midland Avenue westbound in the path of a Lexus SUV being driven southbound by a sixty-five year old woman. The driver indicated that she swerved and braked but was unable to avoid the collision.

The boy was transported by EMS in stable condition, conscious and alert, to Westchester Medical Center.

There are no indications that excessive speed was a factor in the accident, and no charges are expected to be filed against the driver.

This morning we assembled the students in grades 3, 4, and 5, who tend to be the students that walk to and from school independently.  Many of these students remember the tragic accident 3 years ago when Jarrid Amico, a fourth grade student at Midland School, was struck by a vehicle and died as a result of his injuries.  Fortunately, Christofer's accident did not have the same tragic results.  I felt that it was important to take this opportunity to remind the students that they must always be vigilant in the traffic circle and when crossing the street.  At the assembly, students had an opportunity to share their thoughts and ask questions.  After the assembly, teachers followed up in the classroom, where children often are more comfortable asking individual questions.

Students in the lower grades did not participate in the discussion because they are generally picked up and dropped off.  However, I feel that a conversation about pedestrian safety is still important for parents to have with their children at home.

In addition, I would like to remind parents, as drivers, to use caution at all times when driving to and from school.  Remember that children can often be impulsive and may run into the street unexpectedly.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to this incident or the discussion I had with the students.


Angela E. Grille"


One Comment

  1. Nice letter,
    We received the entire email from Dr.Grille.

    It seems your post is misleading, can’t tell where Commissioner Connors statement ends and Dr.Grille’s begins?
    You say the release is from Connors but at the end it is signed Dr.Grille?

    I expect Connors to get the facts wrong because he never cared or gave the incident one ounce of attention but for the Principal of the very School where Jarrid was a student to not know he was a “FIFTH GRADER” and state the accident was 3 years ago when it is just 3 months from being 4 years is INEXCUSABLE!


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