Outgoing Mayor Steve Otis: Parting Words

After 12 years of service to our city of Rye, New York, outgoing Rye Mayor Steve Otis had the following parting words during his last city council meeting on December 16th.

Steve Otis head shot 2 

Comments prepared for the last City Council meeting, December 16, 2009, Mayor Otis.
Tonight is my last meeting after twelve years as Mayor. If there is one sentiment I would like to pass along, it is thanks and appreciation to many people, especially the people of the City of Rye.
I want to start with the people who work for the City of Rye: the police department, fire department, City Hall, public works, recreation, all of the City employees.
We are very lucky that we have a City staff whose standard is to strive for excellence, for dedication, for professionalism.
The people who work for the City care very much about trying to do a good job for the residents and meet the demands that any community asks of their local government. We are blessed with great people and great department heads. Frank Culross, it has been an honor to work with you and benefit from your leadership.
On behalf of all the people who have served on the Council over the past twelve years, on behalf of all of the people of the City of Rye, I thank the people who work for the City of Rye.  They deserve our appreciation. It has been an honor to work with them.
I also thank the people who volunteer for the City on the boards and commissions, over 125 tremendous individuals. Not only is significant time put in, but also free help for the City and free help for all the taxpayers because these volunteers often provide services that other communities provide through staff: such as our Rye Senior Advocacy Committee, our Conservation Commission and our Traffic and Transportation Committee. These volunteers are saving the taxpayers money and providing service to the community.
Thank you to all the not-for-profits, all of the volunteers, the people who work in the schools, and everyone who works together to serve Rye. Rye is a very special because of our rich community fabric and all of the cooperation that brings.
Of most importance, I want to thank my wife Martha who has generously supported my efforts and the time I have put in.  Martha has been a tremendous servant to Rye for  making it possible for me to serve for twelve years.
Lastly I would like to thank the Citizens of Rye. I have had so much fun doing this for twelve years. In case you can’t tell, I enjoy it.
I enjoy it because I wanted to get things done for the community. I look back on the twelve years, the rebuilding of Whitby Castle, the rebuilding of two firehouses, parkland acquisitions, new athletic fields, the Rye Senior Advocacy Committee, the Traffic and Transportation Committee, many good safety improvements, creative ideas and countless other improvements. Helping bring in outside funds has brought me great satisfaction.
In Rye we are always trying to find ways to help this City do better because this is a great community that can always do better.
I have enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you to the people of Rye for twelve years of  allowing me to do this job. I loved doing it.  I owe you a great debt.
I love this town and I want this town to continue to do great things in the future. I care what happens to Rye. I think that has shown over the years and I care going forward. Thank you very much.


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