Rye PBA Charging Cop Chittenden Took $179K

The Rye PBA is charging former Rye cop Tim Chittenden took $179,000 from its bank account while serving as its treasurer. Chittenden has been a vocal critic of Rye City, Police Commissioner William Connors and former Rye Mayor Steve Otis. Chittenden began to run for Rye City Council last year but eventually dropped out.

Theresa Juva over at LoHud has the story, which says in part:

"The Rye Police Association is charging that the former president and treasurer spent $179,000 from the association without authorization over six years and failed to repay it after confronted.

Police Officer Timothy Chittenden, who retired in December, withdrew $55,151.57 from ATMs or checks written to himself, wrote checks to lawyers totaling $57,459.56 and issued checks to purchase dollar drafts worth $11,475.03, a lawsuit filed last week in Westchester County Court alleges. He also wrote checks to a storage company for $4,750.64, the lawsuit claims. The rest of the total includes transactions still in question.

The police union's current president, Franco Compagnone, claims in the lawsuit that he happened to open a bank statement in November that showed the association's balance was significantly less than Chittenden had reported. Chittenden, the association's president for 13 years before being appointed treasurer in 2007, was the sole keeper of the group's checkbook and bank records…"



  1. If I were the current president of the Rye PBA, I would turn the evidence over to the DA for investigation and prosecution. Why would I spend PBA funds to bring a civil action against a friend and ex co worker that I use to break bread with. I would let the DA do my dirty work and it would not cost me a penny. If convicted Tim would have to make restitution as part of his conviction.

    It’s my guess that the DA already looked at this and refused to bring criminal charges because the evidence was weak at best. Tim has exposed much wrong doing throughout the City of Rye in the past few years and in the process has a long string of officials and city employees looking over their shoulders. As a result of Tim’s reports Rye will one day be in a better place. Tim is a person that has put his career and his reputation on the line to protect his fellow membership. There is more to this than what meets the eye and I am sure the truth will eventually come out.

    One more thing; who ever gets fired for coming late to work once? It appears to me he is being set up once again. Tim my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Be strong, and stay focused. You have many supporters behind you.

  2. Tim has been a disgruntled employee for his whole life. He has embarrassed the city of Rye countless times with his meaningless foil requests. He has cost the city of Rye thousands of dollars in legal fees and every law suit he has brought on – he has lost. It is a very troublesome story in many ways but the truth is that most people that work for the city of Rye I am sure are celebrating that he finally got caught. As for your thinking that Rye will one day be a better place – I agree. It will be the day he winds up in prison.

  3. I’m sure the PBA would rather a) get their money back, and b) have this whole mess disappear.

    By going straight to the DA, if Tim is arrested, do you have any idea what Lovitt would charge? Do you realize that would make restitution that much more difficult.

    But remember, all we have heard are the allegations. Let’s not fly off the handle like we do with a lot of the issues debated here.

    Here’s hoping Tim is guilty of just being a poor bookkeepper.

  4. I found it funny how for years Timmy has been trying to right the ship as all along Former Mayor, Steve Otis & The city Manager’s Office ignored his claims and the 80% Vote of No Confidence brought against Commissioner Connors from his fellow officers.
    Now the same fellow officers are not only trying to throw the man under the bus they are driving it???

    How many of us have witnessed our Cops running the Red Light at Library Lane when traveling South on BPR???

    Who is investigating Connors hitting the kid on Monday? What is Mayor French and Frank Culross doing about this? There needs to be a independent investigation!
    Can we trust that the County will not be bias here? It doesn’t matter where your a cop, once you put that tin on your chest you become part of that infamous BLUE WALL!!!

    Doesn’t anyone pay attention to Lt.Verille’s comments? Right from the start he stated “the kids darted into the road”.
    Really Lt.? So where were you when this accident took place, walking out of Lesters? Did a Witness state “the kids darted into the road”. Why do you repeatedly say “the kids darted into the road”???
    Did the boys tell you they “darted into the road?

    Why were you trying to convince the kid responsible for probably saving his friends life that they did something wrong?



  5. Honest Citizen –

    Those so called “meaningless FOIL requests” have turned up multiple instances of apparent municipal mismanagement – or worse. The last FOIL request I personally did resulted in me being handed what appeared to outright deceptions. I effectively called former Rye City Manager O. Paul Shew on this at a council meeting and he gave a disingenuous answer for all to see.

    Sunlight is indeed the best disinfectant. Let it shine.

  6. We see it all the time on drama TV Shows that involve Police Departments but is it reality where it is policy “prohibiting officers to have personal relationships with their fellow officers”???
    Does anyone know if we have this policy in place at our Police Department and if so what is the penalty if you are exposed???

  7. Definitely not allowed if one supervises the other. Keep in mind that the officers are represented by a quasi-union, so I can see the PBA supporting the officers if they feel no conflict exists.

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