Lolita: Deafening Disappointment at Mexican Hot Spot

RyeGarnetFootballHelmet-2-MyRye Rating*: 2 Garnets

It's not easy to coordinate a night out with a group a friends, so we were pretty excited when eight of us planned a night out at Lolita, a Mexican hot spot in nearby Greenwich. Plenty of others have raved about how cool the place is, how good the food is and how thirst quenching the 100 types of tequila are.

Menu 04-25-2010 004 

Westchester Magazine said Lolita "boasts a sophisticated take on South of the Border." The Port Chester Westmore News said the restaurant is "a fun place with a lot of energy built upon a solid foundation of first-class Mexican food." says Lolita is a deafening disappointment.

We are all for some good music on a Saturday night. But when the good music is so unbelievably loud you cannot hear your wife who is sitting right next to you (yelling in your ear) much less a friend across the table, that's just obnoxious. And when we asked the waitress (when after much effort we finally signaled her over to our table) if she could ask the powers that be to lower the volume, her facial and verbal response was somewhere between disinterest and disgust.

Food in the dark 04-25-2010 010 

(PHOTO: My dinner in the dark.)

Adding to the pounding-ly loud music, the room was so dark you could hardly read the menu or see your food. That's too bad because the food was actually very good. But eating good food under duress is not fun. Especially when the evening is not inexpensive – dinner for two was $135.

If you are attracted to the tragically hip, you may still have to take the trip to Lolita. Buyer beware. And bring your ear plugs, a flashlight and your platinum card.

Lolita, 230 Mill Street, Greenwich (Byram), 203-813-3555.

* Ratings:
5 Garnets: Excellent. A must for any reader.
4 Garnets: Very Good. A solid performer.
3 Garnets: Good. But you can do better.
2 Garnets: Major Deficiencies. Tell the other couple you’d like to go somewhere else.
1 Garnet: Run for the hills.
Think we are off base? Post a comment and tell us what you think.



  1. I couldn’t agree more! Too dark on the main floor, too hip for itself, too loud between convo and music. Unfortunately the food, which is decent, not great, is a lost idea and you can just drink so much tequila and drive yourself home! Wonder what it is like for lunch????

  2. I agree as well. Definitely too cool for school. Food is solid though, as are the margaritas — albeit very expensive. It’s probably better if you can nab an outdoor seat when it’s nice out. They play old Spanish movies on the building wall with a projector.

    I’ll have to try the other place you recently recommended. Seems much more authentic, which is what I prefer.

    For great pupusas in PC, check out Rinconcito Migueleño on Westchester Ave not far up the main intersection near the movie theater. No frills and very authentic latin food. You might want to brush up on your spanish a bit before venturing there though. But for 6.50 you get two pupusas, a heaping portion of yellow rice, refriend beans and two DELICIOUS plaintains.

  3. I prefer the new Tiki bar at the beach- next to Playland. The waiters are khaki clad and adorable and the frozen drinks are like Cancun Spring Break 1986 w/out the noise and the crowds.
    I love loud music driving in my car or at Jones Beach but in a bar or restaurant – hate it – always have.
    Its not an age thing either.People go to bars to talk to other people. If you can’t hear, what’s the point?

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