NASA Astronaut Nicholas Patrick Lands in Rye

RYE RESIDENT Nicholas Patrick on space walk w earth behind427671main_s130e009564_hires 

If you grow up in Rye, you can become an astronaut.

It's true.

NASA Patrick Midland School 6th Grade 

(PHOTO: Patrick, in the middle row, second from the left, as a 6th grader at Midland.)

NASA Astronaut Nicholas Patrick, who considers Rye a home town, began a two day visit to our city. Patrick lived in Rye as a child, attending Osborn Elementary for first grade (1970-71) and second grade (1971-72) and then Midland School for 6th grade (1975-76). Patrick went on to become a NASA astronaut, class of 1998.

NASA Patrick NASA Class of 1998 

Patrick made appearances at Milton and the Rye Free Reading Room Wednesday night and will visit Midland and Osborn today. See's photo album of Patrick's visit to the Rye library.

At the Rye Free Reading Room it was standing room only as Patrick recounted his trip from Rye to outer space. He commanded to full attention of the room for over an hour and took numerous questions from the engaged audience of children and adults. He spoke about the importance of math, science and engineering and the deep and special appreciation one gains of earth and its fragile environment when looking down upon it from space. Mayor Doug French introduced Patrick at the event.

When asked toward the end of the program what he liked best about being in space, Patrick said "the view… it's just magical."


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