Congresswoman Lowey Goes Coyote Hunting

I'm from the federal government and I'm here to help you.

Rye's Congresswoman Nita Lowey is fighting the coyote wars all the way from her bunker in Washington, DC. Lowey, usually sounding off on an international issue, financial reform or other lofty issue, also remembers she needs to kiss babies and – sometimes – shoot coyotes (with a letter).

Nina Lowey News List w Coyote

Calling the coyote attacks a threat to families and children (she forgot "and the American way of life…), Lowey penned this letter:

July 1, 2010

Martin Lowney

State Director
New York Wildlife Services
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1930 Route 9

Castleton, NY 12033-9653

Dear Mr. Lowney:

As you are aware, in the last week two children in Westchester County have been attacked by coyotes.  I am very concerned about this threat to families and children.

I urge the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to provide any assistance the City of Rye, NY, is requesting in removing the coyotes and protecting our community.  The City of Rye has sought help from Westchester County and neighboring municipality law enforcement, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and professional trappers.  Assistance from wildlife experts from the USDA would help ensure the safety of our residents.

I appreciate your attention to this urgent matter.


Nita M. Lowey 



  1. Nice to see that our congresswoman is aware that there’s a coyote issue in Rye. Would be even better if she tried to do something about the federal government spending and taxing problem.

  2. Bob that’s almost the same wording she used in her letters to former Mayor Otis telling him to obey the laws and resolve the Schubert wetland destruction matter. And where did that get anyone? After the third such letter and Schubert’s visit to Nita’s White Plains office the Rye City manager tried to have Schubert taken to a psych ward. Nita and her close pal Nancy have no credibility left at all.

  3. Yes, Jim, I recognize the wording. I’ve gotten similar template / form letter responses to exchanges with our congresswoman – actually, probably her staff. It’s been so bad that the responses appear to be written as though my letters weren’t even read. So, if we we’re doing facebook right now, I’d “unfriend” our congresswoman. She’s not really doing Rye much good and is hurting us with the tax and spend mindset.

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