Latimer Previews August 7th “Cup of Joe with George and Judy”

County Legislator Judy Myers and State Assemblyman George Latimer will be holding one of their hallmark "Cup of Joe with George and Judy" round tables at Ruby's Oyster Bar (45 Purchase Street) from 10:30am to 12 noon on Saturday, August 7th.

Any resident can stop by for a cup of coffee and conversation on state and county issues. The government duo have been holding their coffees since 2005. asked Latimer what he expected the hot button issues would be hashed out over Saturday morning java and here is what he told us:

State issues of current interest include:

  • The status of the MTA for Rye's commuter rail population: will rates
    rise? Any service improvements ahead?
  • State aid to education – what does it mean for Rye and Rye Neck school
  • What are the pending changes to the SUNY system, affecting Rye students
    in college or heading to college at one of the many SUNY campuses
  • What impacts will Rye taxpayers feel from the 2010-11 budget?

On the County level:

  • What's the latest on Playland and its future?
  • Updated status on Bus Route #76 serving Milton Point and Forest Avenue?
  • County parks update: Read Sanctuary, Marshlands, the Jay Parcel?
  • What of the coming County budget and tax impacts?

For more information, contact Legislator Myers at 995-2802 or Assemblyman Latimer at 777-3832.

If you want to share any thoughts regarding these issues, leave a comment below.


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