Rye Mayor Says He Loves MyRye.com

Doug French at 350 Clam Bake 006-2 with quote 

(PHOTO: Rye Mayor Doug French at his 350th birthday last Saturday.)

Last Friday MyRye.com told you were were not invited to the first taping of Rye Press Room, a new show on Rye TV where Mayor Doug French goes head to head with the rabid and biting journos and commentators that cover our fair city.

We wondered if we were cut out, cast the cold shoulder, put in information solitary (which will never happen because of you, the MyRye.com reader…).

Rye's Mayor Doug French says it just ain't so… and further, he is promising to sharpen his pencil and dash off some commentary for MyRye.com readers. What topic would you like the Mayor to address first? Leave a comment with your suggestions.

"Fri, June 25, 2010 3:07:34 PM

The Mayor Loves MyRye.com Too!

Douglas French

To:    Jay Sears 

Hi Jay:  I just saw your posting on MyRye.com and have to say when I showed up for the show, I was surprised you weren't there — thought it was something I said.  Please reach out to the producers of the show directly as I am sure like other news panels it is run on a rotational basis.  But having said that, your site continues to provide a valuable service to Rye and is key to having an informed and engaged public — which is something I have worked very hard to do in terms of increasing the level of communication and information to the public.  Along those lines, you and I have talked about a Mayor's blog.  Although I cannot commit the time to do a regular blog, I can commit to sending out regular postings or City updates to be run as you see fit.  Be glad to discuss further.  Best, Doug

Douglas French
Mayor — City of Rye"


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