Sun Shinning on the House: Solar Electric Panels

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The sun is shinning on the House. And we are going to turn that sun into electricity.

Installation started this week on a 5.40 kW (DC) grid-tied photovoltaic (solar) electric system. Panels on the roof generate electricity from the sun. Wiring from the roof is then piped down to an inverter in the garage that provides consumable power for both the electrical system for the House and the Con Ed grid. The system should provide as much as 90% of our electricity based on our pre-renovation usage (our home will be larger post-renovation but will sport other energy efficient features, so we'll see where we land up).

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(PHOTO: An array of 24 Sun Power solar panels will adorn the roof of the House.)

A "net metering" law requires Con Ed to buy back any excess power generated by the system – for instance on a sunny day when we might not be consuming a lot of power or might be away. We can't wait to see our Con Ed meter spin backwards…

We chose Alteris Renewables of Wilton, Connecticut for our solar installation. They are the leading solar installer in the Northeast and handle residential, school and commercial solar and wind systems.

We'll provide more details on our solar installation including what state and federal incentives are available and also tell you about the House geothermal heating and cooling system soon.


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