Toilets, Bidets and Rye Rec Lower Camp: You Can’t Make This Up

Most emails you can get from city government are, well, just boring. Some are important, but they are never filled with humor or high literary work.

Unless you have been getting the mostly daily Rye City emails from Dennis Hurlie, the director of the Rye Rec Lower Camp. Reporting on the events of the current or upcoming day, they are so funny and crafty Dennis has an open public invitation from to publish every single one next summer here on

When camp ends this Friday we are going to be in a funny drought. Witness yesterday's two -government- emails:

—– Forwarded Message —-
From: Dennis <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, August 11, 2010 4:41:06 PM
Subject: toilet

This is not a joke…does anyone have a toilet they are not using…I don't mean presently but a toilet–new or old–that may be sitting in your basement or garage…I would like it for a carnival game…let me know–I could pick it up tonight

NEXT EMAIL (62 minutes later):

—– Forwarded Message —-
From: Dennis <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, August 11, 2010 5:43:53 PM
Subject: YEAH!!

In what other camp could the director put out a call for a toilet and get 15 responses in 15 minutes…That's why you guys are the best…I actually have a few options and who is going to benefit?–the campers once again….Now if any of you know where I can score a bidet, this carnival is really gonna be first rate.


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