Dogs, Budget Smackdown, New Lawyer—Items on the Agenda for City Council Meeting Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Heather      Pattersoncityhall

(PICTURE: Rye City Hall by local artist Heather Patterson)

The city council's agenda for its meeting on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 is out. See you at 8:00pm in the Council Room at Rye City Hall or on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We'll also see you on the Internet (next day) at Office Hours of the Mayor on December 15th will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor’s Conference Room.

Let's check the batting order and highlights from the 21 agenda items.

  • Open Mic. Residents may be heard who have matters to discuss that do not appear on the agenda. Always a crowd pleaser…
  • Rye Going to the Dogs. City is taking over dog licensing. Continuation of Public Hearing to repeal Chapter 76 “Dogs” and replace it with a new Chapter 76 “Dogs”, now that the State has relinquished enforcement to the City.
  • More Expensive Tickets. Continuation of Public Hearing to amend Local Law Chapter 167, Section 48C, Removal of snow and ice by City; cost; penalties, and Local Law Chapter 191, Vehicles and Traffic, Section 191-32 through 191-35, Penalties for parking offenses, to modify selected parking ticket fines.
  • Budget Smack-down. Continuation of Public hearing on the proposed 2011 Budget.
  • Budget Vote. Resolution to adopt the 2011 Budget and establish the 2011 tax levy and 2011 tax rate. Roll Call. And Resolution to adopt a Budget Amendment of a 1.19% reduction of the adopted increase of the tax rate of 2.16%, which would result in a tax rate increase of 0.97%. Roll Call.
  • Bullet Proof. Acceptance of Grant Award from the U.S. Department of Justice in the amount of $11,750 for armored vests for the Police Department.
  • Shhhh! Deal in the Works. Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Rye Free Reading Room to furnish library services for 2011. Roll Call.
  • Rye Lawyers Up. Resolution appointing a Corporation Counsel effective January 1, 2011, establishing the terms and conditions of employment, and authorizing the Mayor to sign an employment agreement.

The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, January 12, 2011.



  1. “Rye Lawyers Up. Resolution appointing a Corporation Counsel effective January 1, 2011, establishing the terms and conditions of employment, and authorizing the Mayor to sign an employment agreement.”

    Maybe they’ll be short sighted enough to maintain status quo. It’s all so hush hush so my guess is – the fix IS IN! And if so oh boy – wait till we deliver “the bomb.”

    Just imagine – could this possibly be the shadow of the Ghost of Rye’s Christmas Future?

    “Before FBI investigators sought documents involving law firms that were well-connected with now-former Sen. Vincent Leibell and the Putnam County Law Department, county Legislator Tony Hay had already pored over many of them. As the longtime chairman of the county Legislature’s Audit Committee, the Southeast Republican repeatedly scrutinized and loudly questioned the rising tab for legal work performed by attorneys who weren’t employed by Putnam.”

    Here’s the rest – courtesy of The Journal News:

  2. tedc
    Of course Kristen Wilson is going to be anointed by French. She apparently has the motivation to protect herself, her mentor Kevin Plunkett and her previous bosses Steve Otis and Paul Shew. Why not do it with taxpayers money.
    Maybe the feds will look at all the money paid to Plunkett by Rye, Dobbs Ferry, Mamaroneck, Irvington and other places. Maybe they can look into if the legal advice he was providing was self serving, improper or a conflict of interest which led to even more legal fees for Plunkett.
    BTW why is French spending tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to fight the lawful subpoenas of two City of Rye employees in a case where the City of Rye isn’t a party to the lawsuit?
    When French ran on the platform of change I don’t think anyone believed it was a change for the worse.

  3. There you go “really!?!” – And from what I know, the FBI already reads this blog and many others like it throughout Westchester. Anyplace that starts treating FOIL’s like summer flies now gets their attention.

    And just so our reader/taxpayers know what happened recently in the Schubert/Rye City/Gate’s fiasco – after The Rye Record turned up Rye City’s jury trial loss in White Plains of “The Bassett Case,” a local resident fired off an email to the administration (copying the media) asking in effect why this matter appeared apparently nowhere on the current regular litigation updates to the Rye City Council and what were the costs associated with this case and its loss. This got us on Team Schubert thinking there may be more in this area than has been disclosed to the public or discussed in the public “litigation updates.”

    And there is.

    On November 24th, the Honorable Joan B. Lefkowitz, Justice of the State Supreme Court, issued an order denying the City of Rye’s motion for a Protective Order to preclude the deposition testimony of Rye City Building Inspector Tamburro and Rye City Engineer, Mottarella. On December 1, 2010, the City filed a Notice of Appeal with the Appellate Division regarding the above referenced decision which allows an automatic Stay of Enforcement to delay these simple depositions.

    Questions: Why was all this activity not disclosed in the public council session on December 1st? And why (bigger question) is the City’s Corporate Counsel so intent on delaying the depositions of these two senior City Officials?

    And lest it be lost to readers who believe the City is acting in good faith and/or expeditiously in resolving the issues surrounding Schubert’s Pond – the delay created by simply filing this so called Notice of Appeal is generally good for 10 to 12 full months. And this in a case that’s been before the city council since 2006 and helped secure the election victory for our new council majority.

    They also are aware that Bob’s health has declined recently and that he was hospitalized and then in rehabilitation for several weeks. And they are aware that the Appellate Division is where Judge Dickerson resides. A judge appointed personally to that very court by Mr. Kevin Plunkett – who is, according to documents produced under subpoena, very much an “involved person’ in this whole disgraceful travesty.

    Change you can believe in?

  4. “And they are aware that the Appellate Division is where Judge Dickerson resides. A judge appointed personally to that very court by Mr. Kevin Plunkett – who is, according to documents produced under subpoena, very much an “involved person’ in this whole disgraceful travesty.”

    See Mr. Plunkett here –

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