Happy Holidays from MyRye.com

Poppy's Christmas 12-24-2010 064 

Happy holidays from all of us at MyRye.com

Over 3,000 of you visit MyRye.com each month–you are what makes MyRye.com. We are grateful for your interest in this ongoing community experiment. We also want to thank so many of you that contribute stories and ideas, especially Pamela Baur and our new history correspondent Suzanne Clary.

And the biggest thanks goes to my wife Lauren Rosen and our three boys for giving me the time–this year we really piled on with the MyRye.com House Project and the MyRye.com web site.

MyRye.com will be taking its annual break until the new year. What would you like to see from MyRye.com in 2011? Leave a comment below.


One Comment

  1. Oh no you didn’t, Jay. It’s December 24 on this post and that’s Santa in that picture.
    “Happy Holidays”?
    How about Merry Christmas?
    You know political correctness has run amok when Stop & Shop is selling HOLIDAY CACTI and Trader Joe’s has these miniature HOLIDAY TREES.
    I wish friends Happy Hanukkah, Happy Chinese New Year and even Happy Bijram, but for God’s sake, tomorrow is Christmas, not “Holiday”.
    Oh, Happy Epiphany to all who celebrate.

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